Any other disabled dieters here?

Hi! I'm Morgan. I'm a 52 year old mobility impaired woman living alone in Indianapolis. Divorced twice, two kids by my first marriage who are grown, three cats, and I attend church at Unity of Indianapolis. I was wondering if there were any other people here with a mobility impairment who are working to lose weight?


  • sabermax
    sabermax Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Morgan. My name is Julie. I am not phycially disabled, but mentally disabled. I am on Disabilty. I cannot work. I have type 2 diabetes and 95 lbs to lose. If you like you can add me as a friend. Its tough to have any type of disability, but i know that you have it tougher than I do. So I will send a friend requestt!!! Feel free to read my profile!!!!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    My boyfriend is. He's actually just here to track calories, and he may not be on often, but if you want to friend him, his username is ReclusivePariah.
  • AvonLucyR
    AvonLucyR Posts: 124 Member
    I have to walk with 2 canes or a walker and can only do it for 10 minutes tops. It's harder to lose when you can't get around well. I am planning to join a pool to get more aerobic exercise. We can still keep the calories down and do our best to increase movement. The doctors don't think my foot will get any's been 3 1/2 years. Feel free to add me. We can work on this together. :bigsmile:
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    My husband uses forearm crutches to walk... I haven't managed to get him set up on here yet (a mother/wife/secretary's work is never done LOL) but I am working on it! May I add you to my friends list so that I can find you again when his profile is set up?

    I hope you say yes! Have a blessed rest of your day! =D
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi Morgan, I have scoliosis, arthritis and spine troubles. Also have had a knee replaced 8 years ago. It makes it difficult some days to do what I want as far as exercise, but I force myself. I have learned that if I do nothing, I get really stiff. When I started out last year I could hardly walk to the end of my block, which is just 4 houses! Now I am walking a mile a day. Please feel free to add me as your friend and we can encourage each other. Take care and good luck.
  • momlina
    momlina Posts: 22 Member
    I am 50 years old, married, with 2 grown daughters, two dogs, and a cat. I have lupus and the pain and fatigue hampers my ability to exercise. I'll be fine one day and then my knee, hip, or foot will begin to hurt too much and I'm back on the couch recuperating. It's very frustrating. Before I was diagnosed, I was an active extremely too thin person. But pain, meds, and depression ended that. I'd love to hear a story about a person with disabilities or physical limitations that lost all the weight!
  • msslimann
    msslimann Posts: 122
    I have a problem with my knees. I have arthritis and they are permanently bent where I can't straighten my legs.I can't walk far at all and have problems standing. I have to sit down to do dishes. I also have to use the electric scooters to go grocery shopping. I am 73 and have over a 100 pounds to lose. I would gladly be your friend so feel free to add me and / or send me messages if you want to talk.
  • I have brachial plexus( Erbs Paulsey) in my left arm. I can't do push ups, pull ups, caterpillars, mountain climbers or any of the other crazy arm exercises so I just improvise as much as I can.
  • Hi Morgan, I am a 37yr old Mom/wife with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, as well as OsteoArthritis. I have had 16 orthopedic operations in the past 21 years including total hip and knee replacements. With each operation I gain a little weight and lose a little more strength and mobility. My bones fracture easily and I live on narcotics and many medications to control my disease and deal with the discomfort. I have been very indulgent when it comes to eating badly, justifying it to myself as a small pleasure I deserve. The truth is I have made a mess out of the body God gave me and could be healthier if I gave it any effort. So this is my first official day and my first attempt at dieting. My husband lost over 40lbs in the last year by running on our treadmill. Running isn't an option for me but walking is. We live in Winnipeg, Manitoba and while we do get plenty of snow and cold it has been a mild winter and spring is just about to get sprung! We have a 12yr old son and 4, four-footed furry friends under this roof. My left elbow is basically broken and has been for 9yrs so I'm limited on excersice options. I have a stationary recumbant bike and have built my time up to 17minutes or 2.5miles.I have watched a cousin have her fat melt away by using this site and simply being aware of what she consumed so I have high hopes to lose this roll of flubber I've been collecting. I'm so glad you aasked this question and am pleased to see the variety of 'differently ables' folks taking this journey.
  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm 20 (21 March 22nd). I had cancer when I was 11. A bone tumor in my right knee spread up to my femur. I had to get a knee replacement and the surgeon had to do a limb salvage surgery on my femur. So, I have a rod inside my leg for my right femur. With the chemo and also my legs not being a perfect length and the pain, I have developed back pains and sometimes it's really hard to get around. I manage to go walking and swim in the summer. I also run in place. I got a Wii from my momma for my birthday (and my Fiance's. It's a gift for the both of us). So, I will be doing some fitness activity on that. One piece of advice I can give is that we are different. We know our limits and although ppl say go until you feel the pain and don't stop. for us we need to stop or we could be laid up in bed for days and what good would that do us. Also, one more thing. Even though you may feel like you're not doing much, at least you are getting up off the couch and pushing through the pain and pushing yourself to be healthier. Every little bit of movement helps. Even if it's going and getting your mail instead of getting it on your way home and coming up the drive way. Even if it's just cleaning the house more often, or parking a little farther away at a store. I am tempted to use my hang tag sometimes even when I am sore, but I try to still not use it and park a few spots down. Hey, anything helps. Walk down a couple more aisles at the grocery store, go window shopping. Get up and get the blood flowing and get the heart rate up some. From certain chemotherapy I had, I'm not supposed to get my heart rate up that high b/c I am at a higher risk of heart failure (such a great think to hear a couple years ago at the age of 18), but I'm not letting this stop me! I will persevere. You can do it too!

    Add me if you like. I try to keep people motivated and I give advice especially if I see your diary slipping after a couple days. I'm not harsh, I just give you a heads up on stuff :) Hey, I need advice too! So, feel free to add me

  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 194 Member
    I am 50 years old, married, with 2 grown daughters, two dogs, and a cat. I have lupus and the pain and fatigue hampers my ability to exercise. I'll be fine one day and then my knee, hip, or foot will begin to hurt too much and I'm back on the couch recuperating. It's very frustrating. Before I was diagnosed, I was an active extremely too thin person. But pain, meds, and depression ended that. I'd love to hear a story about a person with disabilities or physical limitations that lost all the weight!

    I will be one of those stories one day!!!
  • georgedarling
    georgedarling Posts: 30 Member
    I am 47 and have had stage two Lyme disease for more than twenty years. My joints are shot, I have tendinitis, and heart damage. I also suffer on and off from overwhelming fatigue. I am mostly here tracking calories.

    I would love to read stories about disabled dieters succeeding! I'll be cheering for you!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I'm 39, married and mother of two girls (18 & 21). I have psoriatic arthritis and am currently in the middle of a flare in my sacroilliac joints and hips leaving me unable to walk or stand for longer than a few minutes. Exercise has come to a stand still for the last few weeks, so it's just calorie counting until i get my meds switched around by the rhuematologist. Still losing though!!! It's definately possible... i've lost 51lbs in a little over 4 months. Feel free to add me =)
  • JoHo57
    JoHo57 Posts: 31
    I have rheumatoid arthrtis (RA), making difficult to exercise. I am having a great week right now, but if this goes as it usually does, the crash is due in the next 48 hours.
    I can walk, and do stretches, even go up and down stairs...slowly, but it gets done. I am losing weight, so I guess that is pretty good!
  • Kiris2
    Kiris2 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi, and yes, there are others, too. I have a mobility problem, and would be glad to friend you if you want.
  • LemonDiva
    LemonDiva Posts: 61
    oo oo oo me... me... I'll gladly, proudly raise my hand to stand with this body of fabulously brave persons who are every one differently abled and showing the others how to do it ! Good on you each and everyone...

    I am dealing with the late effects of Polio or Post Polio Syndrome... cannot stand or walk for long, central nervous system moth eaten... can no longer dance, run or slog it out at the gym etc... very limited in mobility, brain fog and fatigue try to beat me down often enough... but i figure If I smile or laugh in a day i'm winning!!! and slowly very slowly i am losing weight...
  • StatHaldol
    StatHaldol Posts: 414 Member
    I'm 56 and I have a bad knee from an old football injury. It limits the amount and duration of exercise I can endure. My endurance has increased since I've been here because I've lost weight and I've gotten stronger. I work out with light weights (my arms), and this has helped tremendously also.

    Feel free to add me! We can do it!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    Just remember, you define your limitations.

  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I have a very rare genetic bone disease called Congenital Multiple Osteochondromatosis or Multiple Hereditary Exostoses. It causes bone and cartilage tumors on every joint in my body and I've had multiple major orthopedic surgeries since I was 3 years old.
  • Jgen62
    Jgen62 Posts: 66
    I have JRA Arthritis and Osteo and fibromyalgia. I bike and walk. I can do any exercise that doesn't involve weight on my wrists. I do as much as I can until I can't And then it's couch time to recuperate. My eating habits got the best of me and now I am here to get back on track. Lots of luck on ur journey, every day is a new day to begin again! Woo hoo!! (lol)