Never the girlfriend :'(



  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    The only advice I can give (and Im no expert!) is to try and go with the flow and not over cook things........ enjoy life and whats meant to be will finds its way to you.

    Obviously the above is easier said than done.

    Chin up.............. you will be surprised what will eventually unfold when you least expect it. As my gran used to say, 'a watched pot never boils'! :)
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    You are gorgeous, there is no doubting that. I'm guilty of the same behaviour at some pint or another as we all prob are. I have been on your end of the stick as well for some time. I have been trying to find that special someone for a while. I'm 28 and thought I had found that person on 2 occasions in 2011. It's been really hard at times, but you just pick yourself up and get on with it. That's all you can do when it goes to ah&t.

    In the end all the anguish and pain will seem a million miles away when you find that person and it all falls into place. You'll wonder why you ever worried :)

    Ps if you happened to be on the sunshine coast I would show you how a boyfriend really is :p
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    "Do guys really just hang around until they get what they want and then toss you aside like trash and move on to the next girl (who is generally a lot easier to get into bed than myself)? Even if "what they want" lasts for a few months... ?"

    That statement you made is not true, guy's don't just hang around til they get what they want. I have been dating the same guy for 7 years this October, got engaged this past October and plan to marry in August 2013. He didn't rush me into anything, it was like meeting my best friend, and it was amazing being able to find your best friend and be in love. You just have to be patient and find the right guy. Just because one bad guy let's you down doesn't mean they are all the same way. There are some good ones out there, you either have to go find them or let them find you :)

    Edit: I figured I would mention that I am 22, and we started dating when I was 15 and he was 16. He is now 23, and I am 22 (I'll be 23 in 17 days! :))
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    theoneandonlybrookie Posts: 341 Member
    I'm sorry you're hurting. I went through this often when I was still out on the market. My worst story: I finally trusted a guy enough to move in with him and he started cheating with one of our mutual friends almost immediately. One day I came home to find all of my stuff in garbage bags and he told me to get out so she could move in. That one hurt!

    But take heart - there are many GREAT guys out there. Don't fear! Most of us had to go through a few jerks to finally get someone who was ready to love selflessly. You will find one because it sounds like you have a healthy attitude toward relationships and sex. Keep taking it as slowly as you want. You will find a guy who wants you enough to respect that.

    It could be the type of guy. I always went for super flirty, aggressive men and all of them ended up effing me over. I have found that often the faithful, loving men are not the ones who come on strong or aggressively. (That's not always true but it often is.) They're the ones who are patient and respectful, and I think often get cast too quickly into the friend zone by women.

    Take care!
  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
    You are gorgeous, there is no doubting that. I'm guilty of the same behaviour at some pint or another as we all prob are. I have been on your end of the stick as well for some time. I have been trying to find that special someone for a while. I'm 28 and thought I had found that person on 2 occasions in 2011. It's been really hard at times, but you just pick yourself up and get on with it. That's all you can do when it goes to ah&t.

    In the end all the anguish and pain will seem a million miles away when you find that person and it all falls into place. You'll wonder why you ever worried :)

    Ps if you happened to be on the sunshine coast I would show you how a boyfriend really is :p
    ^^^^ I reckon this guy knows how to treat a lady (not being sarcastic) :)
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    Maybe you are trying too hard, and worrying about it too much? Perhaps if you just relax, stop thinking about long term relationships, and just do what is fun for you...maybe...just will find you when you least expect it. I hope that you find what you are looking for.... :-)
  • lysa4
    lysa4 Posts: 31 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I too am back into the dating scene and it is absolutely HORRIBLE. Everyone keeps telling me that you'll find the one when you arent looking for him, dont look so hard, etc etc.......

    I agree with some of the previous posters, take a deep breath, one day at a time and BE YOURSELF....anyone worth having will take you as you are.

  • luvJOJO
    luvJOJO Posts: 1,881 Member

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    There's more to being girlfriend material than holding out on physical contact.

    Been with my boyfriend for seven years and we slept together the second time we met.

    There are so many factors that go into attraction and relationships that it's not a simple answer. I don't know enough about you to tell what the problem is, but it could very well just be you're attracting the wrong guys for some reason.
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    I feel similar, except I feel like I can't even get to the stage where anyone is even interested in me, or attracted to me. :( So, I definitely don't think I'll be called "girlfriend" any time soon.

    I'm in the same boat with you :frown: And because of that haven't even wasted my time by having crush on anyone. No point.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    If you're "dating" someone it doesn't mean you can't date someone else....that's why it's called dating. Also, you're probably meeting all these guys in places where these type of guys hang out. You wanna meet someone who is in a place where they want to be and not where they are looking for girls to sleep with. Trust me there are many guys out there wanting to meet the right girl too.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    First things first: Stop assuming that every guy you go on a date with is boyfriend material (for you). In reality, VERY few of them are going to be the kind of man with whom you could have a healthy, happy relationship. If you try to fit every guy who asks you out into that mold, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

    Secondly, if you want to be in a relationship and not forever be some guy's "Plan B" (i.e. the girl he calls only when his other plans fall through), you have to make a clear distinction between "dating" and "hanging out." If he makes plans with you in advance, picks you up, takes you out, pays for dinner, etc., he's dating you. If he calls you at the last minute, asks you to meet him somewhere, expects you to pay, etc., he is just hanging out with you, and he will never call you his girlfriend. You're just someone he'll spend time with once a month when he has nothing better to do.

    But you have to do your part, too. You are not a teenager; you're a grown woman, so this "I can't kiss a guy till at least the third date" stuff has to stop. Let me be clear that you do not owe a man a kiss just because he took you to dinner. I completely understand not wanting to kiss someone you just met, even if you are attracted to him. If it doesn't come naturally, don't force it. But if it doesn't come naturally by the end of the second date, that should be your clue to move on. No self-respecting man is going to happily skip along through the dating process with a woman who won't even kiss him, and if you aren't DYING to kiss him pretty soon after meeting him, then he isn't the one for you. So it's not always that he is putting you in the friend zone; it's usually that you're not really into him, but you're trying to force a relationship to happen because you don't want to be alone.

    Also, the "men are intimidated by me because I'm successful and independent" thing is crap. Grown men are not intimidated by women who have ambition and a solid work ethic. They're just not particularly attracted to women who brag about their success, have made their jobs the center of their universe, and take pleasure in showing men that they aren't needed for anything but occasional sperm donation. Men look at women like that the same way women look at men who walk around with "I'm in love with my Maserati. I just want you for sex" tattooed on their foreheads.
  • theleftie
    theleftie Posts: 366
    Try having fun with them. What you've described sounds like it involves too much thinking.

    This... And, you are a knockout. Many men woukd count themselves lucky to be able to kiss those lips. Hang in, single is tough - give yourself a break!
  • Cmh1211
    Cmh1211 Posts: 104
    i dont think there is a such thing as right or wrong guy... i think there is the right or wrong guy for u. ur anticipating being in a long term relationship when u should be looking at it from a different perspective. ur single now! like right now! have fun, be urself. do NOT by any means try to figure this out. there is nothing wrong with u that isnt wrong with every other girl out there. ur too preoccupied with trying to find the "right one" to realize that ur letting what u have right now blow by u. Relationships arent easy. im sure u know this. theres ups that feel great but then the downs are always the ones that make u feel like ur better off being alone. this might come off as cliche but the right person is out there for u. there is a right person for everybody. what ur going thru now is lifes way of maturing u for what is to come...

    i met my wife/girlfriend while i was buying fish for my fish tank... she had a boyfriend... i had a girlfriend... we broke it off with our relationships to be with each other. im sure that the girl i was with and the guy she was with probably feel just like u do now. but in the end u will realize there is someone for everyone. stop looking and they will find u.
  • artvandelay85
    To use an overused term "There are plenty of fish in the sea". It may be overused but it is 100% correct. Don't let 1, 2, 10, 15 guys bring you down. There are soooo many people out there. So if you get knocked down just dust yourself back off and get back out there. All of the girls in the post are very attractive in my opinion but that in no way means I'd be boyfriend material for them or girlfriend material for me. You'll never know until you try.
  • theleftie
    theleftie Posts: 366
    Try having fun with them. What you've described sounds like it involves too much thinking.

    This... And, you are a knockout. Many men woukd count themselves lucky to be able to kiss those lips. Hang in, single is tough - give yourself a break!
  • artvandelay85
    i met my wife/girlfriend while i was buying fish for my fish tank...

    Is that what they call it now?
  • Package02
    Package02 Posts: 97
    I wouldn't worry so much. Real life isn't like "Boy Meets World" where we all find our Topanga in middle school (sorry for the old reference but just finished watching a marathon of this it!) Anyways my point is that you're still young. You've gone through some bad seeds but so have we all. I tend to look at failed relationships as an opportunity to learn something about yourself and what you want from the world and from future relationships. Better that you see these people for who they are now rather than later when you've already walked the aisle with them. I'm sure with time you'll find someone who is truly amazing. In the mean time just keep being yourself and try not to think about it so much =)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Once upon a time there were very strict social rules for courting and signaling interest - on both sides, men and women. Men would dance or walk, women would use fans or just happen to have tickets to something, etc. That has changed, and certainly there is no disputing that one of the big changes is that a lot of the old rules have been replaced by new confusion in the communication department. There's nothing wrong with you, and likely there isn't anything wrong with some of the guys, but perhaps you are not clearly communicating interest. I would suggest doing some reading regarding body language (actions speak louder than words) and practice with it. Particularly if you can find books or online articles involving courtship/dating body language. It would be worth educating yourself with hook-up body language if only to avoid it since that is clearly not your style. I have always been very aware of body language, but I see lots of people of all ages who just have no clue how much of a disconnect there is between what they say verbally and what they say physically, particularly in relationships with the opposite gender. It seems to be a lost art in todays society, no one teaches it, but there is no doubt that most people will still respond unconsciously to body language more so than the spoken word. You seem very bright, I have no doubt you will pick it up in no time!
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member

    Hopefully that'll work...In case it doesn't it says:"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by *kitten*"

    How does that relate, well, have you first confirmed the guys you've gone out with are not in fact *kitten*/douche's/jerks/etc?

    It probably isn't that you are attracting the wrong guys, just it is a lot easier to come across the wrong ones!
