Drinking Water

Hi everyone,

This is going to sound stupid but I really struggle to drink enough water everyday. I'm trying but unless I'm working out or it's a hot day I struggle to regularly drink it - mainly because i find it so boring.

I just wondered if any of you feel the same and if you have any tips on how to at least make it interesting to drink! I presume no added sugar squashes are out as the sweetners are bad for you. I was thinking of maybe adding a fresh slice of lemon or lime to it to spice it up a bit!


  • pigwidgeon82
    pigwidgeon82 Posts: 79 Member
    i usually do just regular water. but lemon and lime slices can help. or crystal light. they have different flavors, pink lemonade, rasberry, i think they even have a tea flavor. they add a few calories but make the water less boring.

    good luck.
  • piqueachu
    piqueachu Posts: 7 Member
    Adding lemon is definitely the way to go, I love the taste :) I would stay away from squash, I just disagree with the amounts of sugar they put in that stuff, but if you like it and log it, go ahead! Or try sparkling water, that's my favourite!

    I find it very difficult to drink that much so I always carry a litre bottle around with me and try to empty it twice before i finish work. That gives me 2 litres minimum + everything else I drink (later, at the gym, for dinner etc).

    Think about it - leave with a full bottle in the morning, by the time it's noon you'll already have had a bottle, and then you have another 5 hours to drink one more litre.

    I try to drink 3 litres a day :)

    Hope this helps!
  • TinnedTuna
    TinnedTuna Posts: 208 Member
    Just drink it as it comes, at first it was weird drinking so much water but now i'm just used to it,
    Sorry no help or tips, just gotta get used to it.
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    I keep a 2L water jug on my desk and every time I get up, I have a cup of water. Drank over 5L today..
  • Guitarjon
    Guitarjon Posts: 204 Member
    I'd consider myself as a pro at drinking water. Had to be the right temperature or its yucky! Not to cold (unless its a mega hot day) but certainly not warm. I tend to put a 2 liter bottle where I am working and keep sipping it throughout the day. I know by lunch time I try to have consumed half. I also drink 2 large cups first thing when I wake up and have 2 before I go to bed.

    I drink tea through the day when I am not drinking water and might have a glass of water before my tea and some sugar free squash with my tea and throughout the evening.

    I very rarely drink any fizzy pop any more as I don't agree with the sugar and chemicals they put in it. As for tips to making it nice I don't have any I'm afraid. I think its just about having the mind set to drink it. You kind of get into the habbit of reaching for the bottle. The ones I struggle with are first in a morning and last thing at night.
  • Fipsie
    Fipsie Posts: 50
    Adding onto the jug on desk, make it 'nice' to drink, ie glassware etc. try adding mint leaves, fruit :)
  • rblair_22
    rblair_22 Posts: 202 Member
    I was never much of a water drinker as a child. To this day, my water has to be extremely cold in order for me to enjoy it. For a long time, I just ate ice chips to get my water. You might want to try that, just be careful with chewing ice, it's not exactly the best for your teeth. Hope this helps.
  • saralhm
    saralhm Posts: 26
    I agree with the other comments,to me there´s no trick but I open a 2 l, bottle in the morning and I finish it before going bed, thats the one way to me to stay countable with my water...and yes,to me its boring too,but it has to be done :)
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I have a 2 litre bottle by my side at all time, it makes it so much easier. To be honest the 8 glass thing isn't necessary, it's a bit of a made up number just like the 5 portions of fruit and veg (I think the recommended portions is different in every country!), you get a lot of fluid from the food you eat. Water is useful to keep you fuller longer, well any liquid would but this at least is no cal.

  • angelajo01
    I keep a 32oz cup at my desk at work and drink it with a straw, I just force myself to finish it, my goal is to drink 2-32oz cups a day. I don't put anything in it, but it helps to keep ice in it so it's nice and cold.
  • nk17
    nk17 Posts: 141 Member
    I started out drinking it by adding Mio water enhancer to it. I like the Strawberry-Kiwi flavor. But then after a bit it got to where I didn't want it at all and now I'm an all water all the time girl. It's definitely an acquired taste. But oh so good for you.
  • secoke
    secoke Posts: 69 Member
    Sometimes I really like it with thin cucumber slices in it, very refreshing.
  • chillichops
    Thanks for all your replies everybody - very much appreciated :smile:

    I will get a 2ltr bottle and put on my desk and just aim to finish it by the end of the day, like you have all said I will probably get use to drinking it - it's just getting into the habit of doing it. I will also bring a fresh lemon with me to add as a treat lol!
  • scullyuk06
    I combine a mug of hot water (as in tea but without the teabag, milk and sweetner!), and alternate with cold water.

    I have cold hands so used to drink around 12 cups of tea a day - mainly so I had something hot to hold and automatic response to sip it. The beauty of drinking hot water is that if you get too busy at work and it goes cold, you can still drink it!

    I also bring in a bottle of water that I make sure I finish before going home (last night was drinking in the car!). With water after excercise it is rare that I do not make the 8 glasses.
  • Guitarjon
    Guitarjon Posts: 204 Member
    I have little to no evidence to suggest that water is good for you but my personal opinion is that it really helps to flush you out of nasty chemicals/toxins which aid weightloss. Keeps you clear headed and focused and helps going to the toilet. I really feel the difference if I am dehydrated compared to having lots of water. Feel much better in myself. It also seems to really help with water retention. I lost a lot of weight in the first couple of weeks and a lot of it was just retained water. I was toileting like a fountain but hey ho!

    You can of course have other liquids to compensate but there is nothing more natural and cleaner than water! Big fan of it regardless to what the experts all say. They also contradict each other too so I tend to go with what works well for me.
  • Guitarjon
    Guitarjon Posts: 204 Member
    People mention putting fruit in it. I bet it would be pretty nice with berries in, strawberries, rasberries etc. Worth a try!