UGH! Never going to lose this weight.



  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz Posts: 410 Member
    No homo- but you look great just the way u are. If I were you I would confuse your body, by switching the workouts.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Let me rephrase, people: what should I be doing differently? My workout routine usually consists of me running a mile, doing the elliptical for about 30-50 minutes on an incline of 10 with a resistance of 8, and doing around 100 crunches. Sometimes I run another mile or two after I leave the gym. I eat 1200 calories a day, sometimes less. I'm not a very hungry person and I find it hard to eat more than 1200 calories. Do I need to eat more? Work out more? Do a different kind of work out?

    Yes. Not necessarily and yes.

    My suggestion - forget about numbers, especially the scale. Are your numbers even realistic? You appear to be small to me now based on your pics. Another 35 lbs is A LOT.

    But to answer your questions - you need to eat more. 1200 is not a realistic amount for you to be eating. Eating too little can cause a slow in your metabolism. You need to eat. Change your MFP weightloss goal to around 1lb a week, definitely not 2lbs.

    And you need to do a different workout. I second the suggestion for weight training. Working out the parts you want to change isn't what is going to make the big changes you want. You need to work your whole body. Doing 1000 crunches is not going to change your stomach until you lose the fat over it.

    And if you quit - you will never lose the weight.
  • BlessedShauna777
    BlessedShauna777 Posts: 118 Member
    Let me rephrase, people: what should I be doing differently? My workout routine usually consists of me running a mile, doing the elliptical for about 30-50 minutes on an incline of 10 with a resistance of 8, and doing around 100 crunches. Sometimes I run another mile or two after I leave the gym. I eat 1200 calories a day, sometimes less. I'm not a very hungry person and I find it hard to eat more than 1200 calories. Do I need to eat more? Work out more? Do a different kind of work out?

    If you are working out like this everyday and are only eating 1200 cals it sounds like to me your body is trying to maintain its current weight. You arent fueling it properly and over exerting yourself. It sounds like your body is in starvation mode. I found it hard fo rme to eat over 1200 cals too so i started buying meal replacemnt bars and protein shakes. These have alot of cals and makes u feel full but its not alot to eat at once. I say start sticking these in between your meals and try to eat at least 1400-1700 cals aday.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I have similar stats. I usually burn 400 to 500 calories a day and eat about 1600 calories but I don't have the problem of not eating more :) I also have protein shakes and I think that has helped me. I have been loosing about 1.5 to 2 lbs a week. I tried for a few years by eating 1200 and walking/ running but would give up... Honestly I think it was because I got exhausted then depressed then drown my sorrows in cookies. Ha!

    Feel free to friend me if u need support. Plz don't set so many goals. I have one... To be the best me :) I have my goal set to 135 on here but I may not go that low.
  • smbyrd13
    smbyrd13 Posts: 52 Member
    I was stuck at 144 for about a month when I decided to add more calories in. I was eating around 1350 and running about 2-3 miles a day (eating back exercise calories). A couple weeks ago, I bumped up my calories to 1450 and started losing weight again. 1200 does sound really low. Try to eat more! Good luck, I know it's frustrating!

    My measurements are pretty similar to yours. I'm at 142 now and my bust is 34 in, waist 27.5 in, hips 37in, and thighs 24 (much bigger than yours so don't feel so bad! I did a lot of strength training while playing soccer growning up..always focusing on my legs).
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If you don't set realistic goals, you will never achieve them. A 24" waist is very small. You honestly look great but I think stuffing yourself into specific measurements is not a great idea since you are not overweight. Why not focus on toning? You look like you could benefit from some heavy lifting. change it up. Throw the scale and the measuring tape in a closet for a few weeks. Focus on your workout, be present, don't think about the numbers.
  • camilleesqueda
    I was stuck at 144 for about a month when I decided to add more calories in. I was eating around 1350 and running about 2-3 miles a day (eating back exercise calories). A couple weeks ago, I bumped up my calories to 1450 and started losing weight again. 1200 does sound really low. Try to eat more! Good luck, I know it's frustrating!

    My measurements are pretty similar to yours. I'm at 142 now and my bust is 34 in, waist 27.5 in, hips 37in, and thighs 24 (much bigger than yours so don't feel so bad! I did a lot of strength training while playing soccer growning up..always focusing on my legs).

    You are like me! I did a lot of strength training as a kid too. It's the only reason my thighs aren't in real bad shape right now. :) And I think I'm going to start adding a protein shake to every meal to help me out. I usually stuff them full of fruit so they taste better, LOL
  • camilleesqueda
    If you don't set realistic goals, you will never achieve them. A 24" waist is very small. You honestly look great but I think stuffing yourself into specific measurements is not a great idea since you are not overweight. Why not focus on toning? You look like you could benefit from some heavy lifting. change it up. Throw the scale and the measuring tape in a closet for a few weeks. Focus on your workout, be present, don't think about the numbers.

    When I was 140 pounds in 2007, I had a 25" waist and 37" hips. I think I was just not eating as much crap and I was very active. I didn't do strength training per se but I did do rock climbing at the gym and biking. I guess my body just changed in the past 5 years. Either way, I think that ignoring the scale might be best. My dad always tells me that I have too much muscle mass to look at the scale and consider the number as "fat" when really it's not. I guess he's right. If I wear shorts, my thigh muscles are very, very prominent. It's the back of my legs that have an issue. LOL

    Either way, I'm going to eat more and start heavy lifting. I wish I could figure out the RIGHT way to do it. At 24 Hr. I could usually ask one of the guys to give me a pointer, but I work at the community center here now and there aren't too many people in the weights section.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    1200, not enough food! eat more! LOL
    Read this. It's all about macronutrients,how to figure them, and how much protein fat and carbs you should be eating

    Thanks! I will read that. I have a really hard time eating more than 1200 a day, just because I don't know what to eat and I'm afraid to eat too much fat and carbs. :(

    Don't be afraid of good fats - your body needs them.

    You can increase your calories (and your good fats) by eating a handful of nuts, or by cooking with Olive oil, ditch the low fat versions of foods as they usually have added sugars to make up for the missing taste - there are plenty of ways to up your calories without increasing the bulk of what you are eating.

    Good luck :)