Looking for friends for support and inspiration

Hi everyone, I have been using MFP on my mobile for a little while but have now discovered how useful this website is and being able to share experiences and advice with each other.

I have been trying to lose weight now for years but I have struggled to find something I can stick to. I am finding that logging everything I eat is a real eye opener and it is finally starting to sink in where I have been going wrong.

If anyone would like to add me so that we can share our experiences and motivate each other it would be appreciated.



  • hi there im new to this plan coming off of weight watchers, and would like supportive friends on here! :)
  • Hi I have been on here for 3 weeks have lost three pounds and from day one wanted to lose 40lbs so I think we are at roughly the same stage so please feel free to add me if you wish. I warn you now I can nag!! ;)

    Good luck with your journey xx
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Feel free to add me, too! Good luck on your journey!
  • ConcordPhil
    ConcordPhil Posts: 118 Member
    I'm with ya... logging everything has been more than an eye-opener, it's been a mind blower!

  • kazj17
    kazj17 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm new to this as well & know what you mean about it being an eye opener. I couldn't believe how many calories I must have been eating in a day before joining here. Add on its way!
  • jo20xjo
    jo20xjo Posts: 6
    Thanks everyone! Its good to know there are other people out there in the same boat.
  • fressita214
    fressita214 Posts: 74 Member
    HI!! I did log on here waayy back, but it seemed too complicated for me. Now that I've come back and really spend time doing the research and getting to know the app better, I'm amazed how easy it was logging everything! (Kuddos to the scanner!!) I love it when it's easier to track. I need all the help I can get. I need motivation and friends.. so if anyone out there wants to add me.. I sure would appreciate it.. thanks!!
  • taramb4
    taramb4 Posts: 6
    I'm new to this as well. I just signed up yesterday, I started working out abt 2 weeks ago because I need to lose abt 20 lbs and get my body fit for the summer. I love how I can log all my meals, I have to agree that it is definitely an eye opener
  • jo20xjo
    jo20xjo Posts: 6
    HI!! I did log on here waayy back, but it seemed too complicated for me. Now that I've come back and really spend time doing the research and getting to know the app better, I'm amazed how easy it was logging everything! (Kuddos to the scanner!!) I love it when it's easier to track. I need all the help I can get. I need motivation and friends.. so if anyone out there wants to add me.. I sure would appreciate it.. thanks!!

    I know what you mean. I downloaded the app about a year ago but never got into using it as I thought it seemed complicated. Finally got back into it and come onto the website alongside using my phone and I love it. So useful and motivating!
  • mjn18
    mjn18 Posts: 74 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am new as well.
  • virgogirl916
    virgogirl916 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi....I just recently started using MFP as well. I downloaded it on my phone back in December, but just recently discovered all the other resources it has. I am loving. I need all the motivation I can get.
  • jporte
    jporte Posts: 164 Member
    Hello, I am fairly new too and the logging is really helping me stay on track. Feel free to add me too!
  • SoccerCFB02
    SoccerCFB02 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new too. I signed up yesterday but today is really the first day I'm trying to schedule my food so I learn to stay under my 'budget' of calories :) Would love to meet new people as well. I have previously done weight watchers but the new system just isn't for me I think. Plus calories are more specific than 'points'. Good luck to everyone!
  • lorichri
    lorichri Posts: 8
    i Just started also and I'm hoping to lose 20 pd. so feel free to add me
  • Hey a fellow Manc.... add me if you like.... :-)
  • Hi! Welcome!

    I really love this site too! It's not just a diet but just living a different lifestyle. When I started a little over 3 weeks ago I couldn't believe how much I was actually eating! Feel free to add me if you want! Good Luck!
  • I'm new here also and really relate to half the battle being aware and honest about what I do with my food. Good luck to you reaching all your goals and feel free to add me too. Much luck to you...you can do it!!
  • jo20xjo
    jo20xjo Posts: 6
    Thanks everyone! Its great to have the support and encouragement from others. Really feel motivated to stick with it this time and lose the weight for good!
  • A_Bowen3
    A_Bowen3 Posts: 21
    need some more mfp friends! shoot some friend request this way. lets connect!!!!
  • jenjens86
    jenjens86 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey i too am looking for some support and motivation, i also am new here and would like ppl in the same boat to share experiences with so anyone feel free to add me :)