Can someone help me with this Please?

Okay so you know how when you exercise MFP adds them to your daily calories. And your suppose to be able to eat them and stay or lose your weight? I don't think that its working for me...Will someone check out my diary from yesterday and tell me what I am suppose to do? Keep eating 1400 or eat my exercise cals back.....
Also I work out on a threadmill at 3.0mph and a 14% incline, I am 127 but I tell the Machine 125.. It says I burn about 530 in 60 min does this sound right?


  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    No one can help until you start logging what you eat.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I looked at your diary from yesterday - it shows your calories consumed, but subtract your exercise calories and your net calories for the day are only 949, which is pretty low. Also don't know what types of foods you are eating because you have just quick-added calories.

    You gotta fuel your body, especially if you're burning 700+ calories in workouts. The standard minimum for women is 1200 calories a day, drop below that & your metabolism slows down, because your body is trying to hang onto everything it can as you're sending it signals that there's a famine!

    There's a great topic here about eating more calories and having great success, check it out here:

    Make sure you're eating enough, and that your foods are healthy choices. And check out that other thread - tons of great info in there.
  • kellicarter11
    kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
    I am asking about numbers and I did log all of my calories
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Yes, and I talked about the calories, but we also need to know what types of foods you are eating if you want our advice. :smile: On today's food log I see you have one entry for Parmesan Garlic Wings at 736 calories.. Was that breakfast? :tongue: That one meal packs 56g of fat - that's almost as much fat as what I consumed for my entire day yesterday !

    Checked out your diary for Sunday - 596 calories for the entire day? Again, not nearly enough to fuel your body, and the only "food" I can see that wasn't a quick-add is Starbucks! A few more days back - McDonald's and Sinful Chocolate cake - these things are okay once in awhile if you're eating healthy most of the time, but from what I can see I'm guessing that your eating habits are what's keeping you from having any success.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I looked through your diary and this is what I'm seeing:
    1) your intake is all over the place, this is fine if your intent is to zigzag, but you really shouldn't be aiming for under 1200 calories per day. I miss some days too, so I'm kind of hoping your 190 calorie day was just an omission of other meals
    2) you do a lot of quick add calories, this gives you a calorie count but not a macro balance. Every body is different when it comes to optimum macro goals, when in doubt with a plateau you start there and play with the numbers. This also means that you can't monitor sodium, a notorious weight loss inhibitor.
    3) gross calories (1400) + exercise calories = net calories . . . this is what you should eat, I zigzag my exercise calories but never my gross calories
    4) the estimated calories burned on cardio equipment is terrible. You are slight, so I'm going to assume that the burn it's giving you is high, but I don't know. I jog at 8mph with a 2% incline, but I never walk 3mph with a 14% incline so I have no frame of reference for your workout.
    5) although you may not believe it, at 127# you are already slender and slight. This means that you should expect any progress you make to be slow. You opened your account in March so you're only looking at 2 weeks of logging and activity. The fact is that at 127# you aren't going to have the weight loss of someone who has 127# to lose. You should never ever see 5 pounds come off in a week, and probably not even 2. A safe goal for you is 1# per 1 - 2 weeks.

    edit: Sorry, I see that you opened your account in March 2011, I'm an auditor and bridging years is confusing for me, my current audit is for 2011 so my brain is stuck there.

    another edit: now that I see, I spot checked your year and found that you are netting terribly low. Most days you weren't even grossing 1000, so no need to talk about net there. Honey, you need to eat. Quick add isn't doing you any favors in getting an accurate calorie count, and averaging under 1200 calories per day over a long period of time isn't doing your metabolism any favors.
  • kellicarter11
    kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
    On the days that I am really low like 200 or 500 low it probably means I went off the deep end and didn't log the rest of it...... Also I try to aim for 1400 cals a day. my instant cals are usually granola bars or calories estimates like sometimes if I grab a handful of pepperoni at work....
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    On the days that I am really low like 200 or 500 low it probably means I went off the deep end and didn't log the rest of it...... Also I try to aim for 1400 cals a day. my instant cals are usually granola bars or calories estimates like sometimes if I grab a handful of pepperoni at work....

    These "handful" of snacks are the most important to log because chances are they are the ones with the highest fat/sodium/sugar, etc throwing off your diet. Be cognisant of them, count them, and log them properly, it's the only way to really understand what's going on.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I see a lot of "quick add" calories? How can you be sure you're tracking everything accurately if you aren't entering in the actual food you are eating?