Tips on how you found the time...



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I think it's a lot easier to find the time as a working mother, as you have childcare arrangements already in place. It is A LOT harder when you are a stay at home mother to pre-school aged children, with absolutely no access to childcare and children who can't be left to themselves for 5 minutes without killing each other. You don't get lunch breaks as a SAHM, for a start. Hell, you don't even get loo breaks.

    *disclaimer, I am a student and have childcare, but didn't for 3 years and it was incredibly hard to do anything at at all.
  • greeneyed_beachgirl
    You have to make time. I'm a single mother of 4 kids that works full time.

    I get up at 5:15 instead of at 6 so I can get 1/2 hour of some kind of workout in before I get in the shower and start the day. I do things that I can include the kids in after work/school like dancing, swimming, playing sports or I do dvd's in the living room while they are doing homework or playing video games.

    I make time just for me. It's hard to do, I felt guilty at first. But I go for walks or a run. I do something by myself even if it's only for 20 minutes at least a couple of times a week.

    The kids love that I am more physically active, they love joining me. My younger two can recite Workout 1 on 30DS verbatim. They even do some of the dvd's with me.

    Part of the reason you are doing this is for your kids I am sure, a healthy mommy is a happy mommy! It's worth the effort and the sacrifice!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I know it's early, but you could get up a bit earlier and pop in a video. Check the library, you may be able to borrow some for free (or if you have Netflix, they have a bunch of options, too). Even 20-30 minutes a morning can make a big difference - and you'll have more energy for the rest of the day!

    Another option is to work out over your lunch break; this is what my husband does. He is lucky enough to have a small gym in his work building, and his schedule is such that there's no one else there. He will spend 20-30 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical and then he will eat lunch at his desk. (He is also lucky enough to not get too sweaty/stinky, somehow). If you don't have a gym, you can always go for a fast walk over lunch.

    Take your kids to the park and play with them - you'll get a good workout by climbing, swinging, sliding, or playing tag. Or put them in the stroller and go for a nice walk in the evening (I don't know how old your kids are, but adjust to their age). And, like another poster said, many gyms have child care facilities.

    It's a matter of being creative and sticking to your choices. :happy:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Carve out an hour for yourself every day. EVERY mom is entitled to one freaking HOUR of her own time. Every day.

    Take it in the morning, or the evening. Use it for workouts, bubble baths, walks, long stretching sessions, hot pilates to your favorite rock cd from highschool, boxing in the garage when youre pissed off, all the stuff you used to do to pamper yourself before you got married and had kids.

    as caljur said
    You will NEVER find time. You must MAKE time.

    no one gets more time.
    no one is handed a solution.

    the secret to success is realizing that every single step is100 % yours. Your decision. Your problem to solve. Your opportunity to change your life. Your ability to change your body. Your War.

    And no one that isnt ready to take on that responsibility with genuine commitment is going to understand what that really means.
  • jeni27
    jeni27 Posts: 17
    Hi this is exactly what I need I also have two kids 7 and 3 basically I get up at 6.30 get ready walk to school then all day with my 3 year old pick up my 7 year old take them both home before I go to work at 4 and get home at 9 then it's school stuff out for the morning housework and bed :) I used to walk a lot but my 3 year old does not want to go in the pram any more so Very limited on how long and how fast I can walk now any suggestions would be helpfull and any new freinds would be lovely :)
  • lkell13
    lkell13 Posts: 6 Member
    For the longest time I used not having enough time in the day as an excuse for me not working out. I am a full time college student, who works 30+ hours a week, and Interns one day a week for 9 hours, all while studying for my LSAT. I would tell myself that i dont have time to work out because school and work need to be my priority. Now I am making my health a priority as well. Since I leave for school at 730 in the morning and dont get home from work until 8 at night, with no breaks in between, I decided that the only possible solution would be to wake up even earlier (5:45). It is not the ideal situation, but working out gives me energy, and atleast you can get it over with early, instead of dreading it all day long.

    So my advice for you, would be to make your health a priority. Sometimes you need to make sacrafices, whether it be an hour of sleep, or an hour of relaxation time at night. In the long run it will all be worth it.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Hi this is exactly what I need I also have two kids 7 and 3 basically I get up at 6.30 get ready walk to school then all day with my 3 year old pick up my 7 year old take them both home before I go to work at 4 and get home at 9 then it's school stuff out for the morning housework and bed :) I used to walk a lot but my 3 year old does not want to go in the pram any more so Very limited on how long and how fast I can walk now any suggestions would be helpfull and any new freinds would be lovely :)

    did you read any of the previous answers by any chance?
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    Hi this is exactly what I need I also have two kids 7 and 3 basically I get up at 6.30 get ready walk to school then all day with my 3 year old pick up my 7 year old take them both home before I go to work at 4 and get home at 9 then it's school stuff out for the morning housework and bed :) I used to walk a lot but my 3 year old does not want to go in the pram any more so Very limited on how long and how fast I can walk now any suggestions would be helpfull and any new freinds would be lovely :)

    Does your 3 year old nap during the day? That would be perfect time!
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    It's just about making a commitment. Once you decide that working out and taking care of yourself is as non-negotiable as feeding the kids, making dinner, soccer practice, etc, you'll be amazed at how the time just "suddenly" appears.

    I get up at 4-4:30 am most days to get my workouts in. I go to Pilates class or go on runs during my lunch break. I make a point of getting up early Saturday morning to get a workout in before I spend the day with the boyfriend.

    You just have to commit to making the time. It's as simple and hard as that.
    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    I Saturday morning to get a workout in before I spend the day with the boyfriend.

    You just have to commit to making the time. It's as simple and hard as that.

    Yep. I have to put my workouts before the boyfriend. In the end he appreciates it and always says how proud he is of me.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    You can probably find a spare half an hour a day to work out. The 30 Day Shred is 25 minutes long. Easy to slip in somewhere during your day.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Its not suggested but I usually go either really early in the morning 430ish so I can get ready by 630ish or late at night like 845 after my son is in bed and my wife is at home with him.

    Yeah late work outs suck but I just try to make up the sleep the next day.
  • Ballybabe1
    I have 3 kids , up at 7.30am, drop one to sitter, 2 to school for 9.15am, in work for 9.30am. Finish at 5pm-try to get a walk in at lunchtime - 20 min walk or so and 2 evenings a week I jog 30 mins when I finish at 5pm before I get into my car to go home, cause once I am home there is no time for exercise between my commitments and my kids social life ! On a Sunday I try to get in an hour of jogging while DH watches them, he isnt home during the week til 7pm or so and its too dark to go jogging then. Saturdays are a no go for exercise cause its house cleaning, laundry, kids to gym etc all day.

    I started the jogging on a threadmill which I still have but find hard to use since I started jogging outside but its still useful for the odd walk if I need to get in a few minutes to counteract a bad day.

    This is the only way I work in a bit of exercise in my day, classed dont work for me, it takes too long to get there and back, I'd prefer to just go out and jog and its done and dusted.

    Hope that helps.
  • darylinny
    darylinny Posts: 146
    Can you work out during lunch time? Or maybe find a gym with childcare? Or workout at home with the kids? Some people enjoy the workout/fitness DVDs. Have an Xbox Kinect or a Wii, there are some great workout options on those devices. Maybe you know someone in a similar situation who wants to go to the gym too, you could swap child care and go out on alternate days.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Hello group,
    I'm new to adding working out to my schedule and would any advice. I work full time M-F from 7am to 5pm. I pick up my 2 kiddos and then head home to do the same routine as you all.. dinner, baths bed time ect. By 8:30 my hubby and I are usually on the couch resting up the for next day. I have eliminated our night snack to healther choices this week. Sat-Sun the hubby works and I'm alone with the kids. Hope I gave enough info for suggestions.
    Thanks in advance,

    I can relate! I work full time as well, pretty much the same hours as you, and I have 4 children. I have to pick up my youngest from daycare every day, by the time I get home my hubby is normally there and has *usually* has dinner started. On my work out days, I change into my gear the second I walk in the door and start on my pilates, yoga & then treadmill for 30 minutes. Once I'm done then I will attend to the family. The weekend I work out harder about 30 minutes after breakfast
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom of two but I used to work and what I did was my friend and I would take turns having our hubbies watch the kids so every other day they would be at the other's house this would keep the kids entertained and the hubby would have a break every other day as well. That way you are getting your gym time the kids are happy and you have a happy hubby. Plus you are paying less in grocery bills when you only have to feed your kids 3 days a week! Also, you have a built in workout buddy! We also would plan our meals together so that everyone ate healthier! So if you have a good friend that lives near give it a try.
  • allysonb80
    allysonb80 Posts: 109 Member
    I am a single, working mom and I MAKE time. I have a 2 year old and a 3 year old that require attention. I already have to be up at 5am to get us out the door by 6am. so I DONT want to wake earlier. And I pick the kids up at 4:30 and I enjoy that time with them. I don't want to give up time I get to spend with my kids. ♥ SOOOO... I work out after they go to bed. Yes, I usually work out at 8:30/9pm at night. If I am really tired I only workout for 20 minutes. (elliptical or Jillians 30 day shred) If I am more awake or I get the kids to bed early enough then I will do BOTH Jillians and the elliptical. Like the others have said, you just have to make time.
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    The only way I've found to fit it in is dance exercise dvds at home. I started with three 10 min shorts which I'd try and squeeze into the eve routines. Now the kids are a little older, I try and fit in 35 mins a few times a week before their bedtime as they like joining in and I've pretty much had it after. But on a busy week I have sometimes started at midnight before bed. I do have childcare (my ex) for part of the weekend which helps. Once every few weeks I use a guest pass on a friend's gym membership and manage a longer work out. I'm trying to find a class to do as well.
  • hilarysgiants
    hilarysgiants Posts: 132 Member
    My hubby and I started taking turns on putting our 2 boys to bed. One of us will start working out at 7 pm and then the other will go and workout (in our basement or bedroom) at 8 pm. Our boys are usually in bed by 8, but if they aren't, the one who worked out starting at 7 will finish with getting them in bed. This has worked for us to give us some of our own down time. We are usually in bed by 9:30-10 pm. Good luck! You just have to create some time for yourself. We used to get right into bed after our boys were in bed, but decided working out is more important then watching a tv show!
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I don't know how I do it but I used to think the same thing. When I started working out I was a single mom, now I'm married with a even bigger family and more 'here and theres' but I keep on what I have found works for me. I get up at 4:30 am, eat a light snack and workout until 6am. Then all chaos breaks loose. :) My husband and I both work full time so we are not sitting down for the day until 8pm. I tend to go to bed shortly after the kids do just so I CAN wake up that early.

    Sometimes, if I happen to sleep in, my husband will keep a eye on the kids so I can do a evening run. I like to incorporate working out throught the day, for example....when I walk the dog I do walking lunges; lunch breaks I take a walk or fit in some squats, push ups, tricep dips, ect; I included the kids in my workouts...walks, yoga, runs (when they were smaller I put them in a jogging stroller, now they ride bikes along side me)!