running/ jogging ???

anybody got any tips for me??
i already walk about an hour and a half daily but id really like to start jogging/running to up the pace and the calorie burn
so has anybody got any advice/tips for a beginner ( ive never run 3 steps in my life lol)
how do i get started without killing myself in the process lol ????/
thankyou for ant help you can offer in advance x


  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    You might want to consider the Couch To 5K program, for gradually building up your endurance.

    There is an MFP group for it, also:
  • Brian001
    Brian001 Posts: 89
    i started really running at the beginning of my semester. Ive run before though so im not sure it will be the same however. The idea is to start off slow but be consistent. Even if you can only run a certain amount a day then run that amount. As you get more running in and start to feel like its becoming too easy, you up the amount that you are running. When starting off i wouldn't up my amount that i could run till a least a week after i started that amount. I started the semester only being able to run like a mile. I can now run up to 3 miles at a time and could possibly do more. Just do what you feel is comfortable and do NOT kill/ beat yourself up for not making it that far at first. Everyone starts somewhere =D
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    You might want to consider the Couch To 5K, for gradually building up your endurance.

    There is an MFP group for it, also:


  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I just started c25k on Sunday, if you decide to do it, add me as a friend :)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    i am a fast walker, and just started running, i tell ya, it was tough in the beginning, i really sucked!,, i can go far and long now,, do not overdo it,, it really is different then fastwalking.. i do both now and love it!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    OK, here's an easy way to break into running (especially if you're already walking over an hour a day).

    Make sure you have a pair of running shoes that are comfortable and fit well. On your next walk go for ten minutes and then slowly run for 1 minute (even breathing - if you're huffing and puffing you're going too fast). Walk another 10 minutes and repeat.

    When you feel ready go to walking 9 minutes and running 2, progressing in this fashion until you're running comfortably for 10 minutes and walking for 1. Once you're running 10 minutes start adding time to the runs (if you want to - there are lots of people who stick with the run 10 walk 1 that clock impressive times at races) with your next milestone being to run 15 minutes without stopping and then 20 and so on. Listen to your body, if it says walk then take a break - you're running for fun and fitness, you're not trying to make the Olympic team.

    I'll warn you though, running is addictive.
  • I started running a few years ago myself. Before then I NEVER ran at all. What really helped me was to break it up into 5 minute increments. At the beginning I would run 1 minute and walk for 4 minutes...repeat, repeat. As time progressed I would change the ratio to run 2 minutes, walk 3 minutes; run 3 minutes, walk 2 minutes; keep this up and before you know it you'll be running without breaks! :) Hope this helps!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    OK, here's an easy way to break into running (especially if you're already walking over an hour a day).

    Make sure you have a pair of running shoes that are comfortable and fit well. On your next walk go for ten minutes and then slowly run for 1 minute (even breathing - if you're huffing and puffing you're going too fast). Walk another 10 minutes and repeat.

    When you feel ready go to walking 9 minutes and running 2, progressing in this fashion until you're running comfortably for 10 minutes and walking for 1. Once you're running 10 minutes start adding time to the runs (if you want to - there are lots of people who stick with the run 10 walk 1 that clock impressive times at races) with your next milestone being to run 15 minutes without stopping and then 20 and so on. Listen to your body, if it says walk then take a break - you're running for fun and fitness, you're not trying to make the Olympic team.

    I'll warn you though, running is addictive.

    Oh I like this approach! I'm trying the c25k right now but if that starts to feel too intense I might try this instead! I notice with c25k that sometimes in between runs I don't feel like it's quite enough time for me (I am probably going too fast but it feels like i'm crawling lol)
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    If u have a phone with apps u can get c25k! I just started it three weeks ago. This week im learning how to run for three minutes and is about 30 mins long so far of walking and running intervals! . It gets u from the couch to running a 5k! Enjoying it so far!
  • syncynlyn
    syncynlyn Posts: 39
    OK, here's an easy way to break into running (especially if you're already walking over an hour a day).

    Make sure you have a pair of running shoes that are comfortable and fit well. On your next walk go for ten minutes and then slowly run for 1 minute (even breathing - if you're huffing and puffing you're going too fast). Walk another 10 minutes and repeat.

    When you feel ready go to walking 9 minutes and running 2, progressing in this fashion until you're running comfortably for 10 minutes and walking for 1. Once you're running 10 minutes start adding time to the runs (if you want to - there are lots of people who stick with the run 10 walk 1 that clock impressive times at races) with your next milestone being to run 15 minutes without stopping and then 20 and so on. Listen to your body, if it says walk then take a break - you're running for fun and fitness, you're not trying to make the Olympic team.

    I'll warn you though, running is addictive.

    I am going to try this!
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    sexyminxinthemaking Posts: 451 Member
    ive just looked into c25k and im going to start tomorrow :glasses: :bigsmile: