


  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    your caloric intake is simply too low. low calorie diets work to start with, but you'll be losing more muscle and water weight than fat, no good. increase your calories at each meal, shakes are fine if that's your personal choice, but you need more calories. honestly you would be better off eat real food or adding them with the shakes like nuts. they have good fats and are high in calories, good if you're not allergic. drink plenty water, and dont' worry about eating close to bedtime, just eat when you're hungry, and if it happens to be 8, go for it, something light.
  • LadyLoriAnn
    I can't help but notice the lack of fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, grains, and natural proteins from your diet. Is there a reason you switched to protein shakes/bars as meal replacements instead of consuming full meals? Also, is your water count accurate, because it seems really low. It might be that your body is craving nutrients not provided by the shakes.

    I forget to count my water alot, but drink at least 5 - 6 (in the very least)12 oz glasses of water a day its all I drink. and I went to the shakes to start being healthy, before january I ate Mcdonalds for lunch and a bag of ruffles for dinner literally every day! And never ever ate breakfast before the shakes, this is a big change for me lol
  • jenjmurray
    jenjmurray Posts: 10 Member
    I am new here so I am not sure how to check your diary, but I would take a look at your carb/protein/fat ratios. You may need to cut back on your carbs, and no pop (diet or otherwise). It happened to me too, I speak from experience. Good Luck you are doing GREAT!!
  • char982
    char982 Posts: 21
    You should try HIIT. On the treadmill try starting at like a level 4 for one minute, 4.5 for one min then level 5,level 5.5,level 6. then start back at the beginning. Do this 4 times and you've done HIIT for 20 mins. Obviously you can up the levels at whatever skills you are at. But it works your body harder than walking at a steady pace. Best of Luck!

    Yes, intervals are great at helping you lose weight and achieve move intensity in your workout. I used to haaaate running, then I started doing walk-run intervals and eventually came to run a 5K within 3 months and a 10k 4 months later. I started intervals at a time when I had hit a little bit of a plateau, and it really helped to get the weight off again.
  • Nigerianebony
    Nigerianebony Posts: 182 Member
    Yea, calories are pretty low. And what about fat intake?? Seems pretty low. You are getting protein but fat is important too. If you do the circuit training, you need healthy fats to fuel it. Don't be scared to eat fats!
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    It seems by the time I get home its 8 or 9 pm, Maybe Im wrong in thinking eating then is worse than not eating? Thanks everyone!

    In most cases this doesn't make a difference. Your body certainly doesn't know the difference between consuming calories at different times, just that it needs them. Make sure to hit your base calorie intake - or you are just sabotaging yourself (ie. turning your bodies internal safety net/starvation mode on) It will slow your metabolic rate, and make losing weight harder, if not impossible.
  • rubysphoto
    rubysphoto Posts: 254 Member
    If you feel like you aren't progressing (plateau) maybe shake up your workout routine. Your muscles will get "used": to the work out and adjust accordingly rendering them ineffective. Maybe add some weights, change the incline or speed, walk backwards, find another machine to get your cardio in?

    I am with Vonnie, I just had to do the same thing.

    For me I have a high protein snack in the late evening to fill me up (low fat and sugar). I do a protein bar (20 g protein,2 g sugar and 16 g fat, 200 cal)

    I think having your body be hungry would be worse. I have read that your body does not know what time it is, 12pm or 8 pm.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Does your Planet Fitness have the arc trainer? It's a good way to mix up your workouts and burn alot more calories in less time, and help to tone/firm up your lower body.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    It seems by the time I get home its 8 or 9 pm, Maybe Im wrong in thinking eating then is worse than not eating? Thanks everyone!

    No it's not bad to eat then. It's worse to eat nothing at all. It's better to eat a snickers then nothing at all. Your body doesn't know what time it is, it just knows how many calories you ingest in a 24 hour period. I agree with the others you need to fuel your body in order to lose and in order lose more fat than muscle. I eat 1900-2300 calories every day, sometimes more. I burn 600-1000 cals 5 days a week. giving me a NET of at least 1300 everyday. I have lost 101 lbs and still losing, have never stalled. I have stalled on purpose, eating closer to maintenance and cut back on exercise just to let my body rest and adjust. Then when I pick back up I go right back to losing 1-2 lbs every week. I have 40 lbs to go and keep waiting for it to slow down as I'm told it will but it hasn't. Not saying these are the numbers you need to hit but I do think you need to eat more and if you do increase cals you may gain a little at first as your body adjusts. Don't freak out, give it a couple weeks to even back out.
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    LadyLori, I agree with everyone who says eat more. I have tried and failed so many time over the years by cutting down as much as possible on what I eat. This time around I always hit with 100-200 calories of my daily recommended. It has not failed me. When I plateau, I start eating back some of my workout calories and change up my routine. Within a week or so, I will usually be moving again and then I will allow myself to reserve the workout calories for awhile. Only once did my plateau last longer. At that point I went all the way up to my maintenance calories for a week. Sure enough, when I pulled them back down, voila. It may not work for everyone, but it has worked for me.
  • techigirl78
    techigirl78 Posts: 128 Member
    Agree with others. You should eat more. You may end up falling out of your good workout routine if you stay too low on the calories too long. Your body will run out of energy.
  • YoungerNextYear59937
    YoungerNextYear59937 Posts: 90 Member
    Looked at your diary. I don't believe you are eating enough. Try eating a minimum of 1200 calories a day, no less. If you exercise, bump it up by 100-200.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    my suggestion would be to eat more, instead of replacing a meal with the protein shake, have either a meal instead (300 to 400 calories), or if you really just don't have time, still have the protein shake but add some string cheese or something else with it to get your calories up!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    you're not eating any real food! almost everything on your diary is processed. try feeding yourself something more nutritious and stay within calorie goals.

    ^This. Are you going to eat/drink those shakes for the rest of your life? They are promoted as healthy, but it's just processed food wrapped up in a pretty package. Yes, they may help you lose weight in the short term, but as soon as you stop drinking them, you will probably put the weight back on. The same goes for the Lean Cuisine and other "diet" food.

    Try some fresh fruits, veggies, lean protiens, dairy, whole grains, etc. You need to learn to feed yourself with real, healthy food if you want to make a change for the rest of your life.

    Feel free to send me a friend request! I'd be happy to share recipes and ideas :)
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    If you feel like you aren't progressing (plateau) maybe shake up your workout routine. Your muscles will get "used": to the work out and adjust accordingly rendering them ineffective. Maybe add some weights, change the incline or speed, walk backwards, find another machine to get your cardio in?

    I agree with this wholeheartedly! I had lost about 10 lbs, and then spent months on a plateau. I was walking anywhere from 3-5 miles every other day and was getting frustrated that the scale hadn't been moving. I switched up my workout to something with a little more burn and added some light hand weights and I'm down three pounds.

    Walking wasn't doing it for me, I needed something with more intensity.
  • pattan59801
    pattan59801 Posts: 142
    I took a peek at your diary and it look like you might be starving yourself! Lots of days, you come in under 1000 calories. My guess is that your body is trying its hardest to hold onto every single calorie you're feeding it.

    Try eating more! I'm a few years younger than you (40) and I don't think there was a single day that I ate less than 1600 calories - and often I ate over 2000 a day. I still lost weight easily - over 50 pounds in about eight months.

    You might try eating more fresh vegetables and fruit. Vegetables look very rare in your current diet. They're good for you and most of them are loaded with fiber, which should help you feel a little fuller.

    Also, I would suggest you find a way to fit a little more intense exercise into your schedule. I have a 100% sedentary, indoor desk job. I get up a few times a day and run up and down the stairwells in my building. I found (according to my heart rate monitor) that I was burning over 200 extra calories a day just by take a few short fitness breaks in my workday.

    I agree you are starving your body!!!
  • my31169
    my31169 Posts: 22
    I have a protein shake at night and it helped me a lot! I don't wake up hungry anymore.
  • rubysphoto
    rubysphoto Posts: 254 Member
    I have a protein shake at night and it helped me a lot! I don't wake up hungry anymore.

    My wife does the same thing. It is helping her.