
So I recently started using this again and it tells me every day that I'm under my calorie intake and that my body will go into starvation mode or something.

The only thing I really try to do is not go over my calories per day and I never do. But then I run for 20 minutes or more and it says I'm way under.

I also started taking Hydroxycut so I drink a lot of water and I'm not really that hungry anymore.

I don't think I need to eat any more than I am, but apparently I do?

i don't know if any of that made


  • PaulKruse
    PaulKruse Posts: 12
    Some people fuss to much about eating too little and putting their bodies into the “starvation mode.” If you really want to lose weight at a fast but reasonable pace, cut back as much as you like. You will lose lots of weight before your body goes into starvation. Exercising will help prevent the starvation mode. Watch the pounds fall off every week. But if they stop falling off, then consider that you might have gotten into the “starvation mode.” When that happens, I’ll allow myself one or two days of eating as much of anything I want as I want. I’ll follow that with about three days of eating the correct amount for no weight loss. I’ll put on a pound or two, but the following week I’ll cut way back again and start dropping rapidly.

    Recently, I dropped 23 pounds in two weeks. Then on the third week I dropped only 0.4 pounds. So this week I’m eating more. I’ll probably come out of it with 20 pounds down in four weeks. I’ll continue to repeat that until I get down to where I want to be. I dropped more than a hundred pounds once before doing this, but then illness and injury caused me to change my routine and I put it back on. Now that I’m healthy and well again, it is coming off again in the same way. I just learned my lesson about getting lazy while focused on illness and injury.
  • bigredhearts
    talk to your doctor, about everything you are doing and plan to do. then, follow his/her advice. they will know whats best for your body.