Peanut Butter

Do you think its ok to have natural peanut butter when dieting?


  • entropy83
    entropy83 Posts: 172 Member
    Personally, and I emphasize personally- in my phase of weight loss I am not willing to trade the calories and fat, when I can just drink some soy milk or eat a snack. I do eat peanut butter fiber bars and find that calorie load more acceptable at 140-150. However, I am sure for most people nuts and other nut butters are staples in their dietary consumption.
  • merila
    merila Posts: 4
    I have peanut butter in my diet! It is a very healthy fat!! Just watch how much you are eating! Makes a great dip for granny smith apples!
  • Rainforst
    Rainforst Posts: 40 Member
    I eat natural peanut butter all the time, Make sure it is natural with no sugar added. and make sure you measure.
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    It's peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time. Sorry, just had too. Go with almond butter :) It's better for you and tastes amazing!
  • Do you think 2 tbsp a day is too much? I just love it but im thinking maybe I love it too much :)
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I eat peanut butter all the time! I absolutely love peanut butter and have eaten more since I've started dieting than I have in my whole life because it IS healthy, and I also find it quite delicious. I have both regular and natural peanut butter, and I eat both of those. I've also lost almost 70 pounds in 6 months, so it definitely is not hindering my weight loss at all.
  • krissypea79
    krissypea79 Posts: 362 Member
    PB2!!!! Powdered peanut buttter. 45 calories for 2tbsp. Ingredients: peanuts, salt, sugar. I am OBSESSED!!!!! I ate natural peanut butter before I found this little gem, but now I can eat 2x as much for HALF the calories!!! Get some!!! :happy:
  • bkweibel
    bkweibel Posts: 77
    I eat PB2. It is only 45 calories for 2 tablespoons and that is just enough for a sandwich or a craving!!! From what I have heard, it can be hard to find, but I always get mine at Dierberg's or Schnucks. I have tried both chocolate and original, both are really good!
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    I love peanut butter and it's almost a staple in my diets...
    When I need to pack something quick and healthy for lunch, I make a pb sandwich on whole wheat and once in a while throw in some banana slices. As long as you're tracking it correctly and not eating the whole jar, you're fine! lol
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    PB2!!!! Powdered peanut buttter. 45 calories for 2tbsp. Ingredients: peanuts, salt, sugar. I am OBSESSED!!!!! I ate natural peanut butter before I found this little gem, but now I can eat 2x as much for HALF the calories!!! Get some!!! :happy:

    If you're a peanut butter me...PB2 is a must!
  • djmarciad
    djmarciad Posts: 3 Member
    I eat all natural, no sugar, peanut butter when I'm having a terrible craving or if I'm having bathroom "issues" to stop things up. The protein is great for you, but the fat content is a little high to consume mass quantities of it throughout your day. Just use 1 tablespoon of it as a TREAT, and do it mid-day so your body has time to metabolize the fat.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    Our nutritionist recommends PB2. She says to mix it with low fat milk if you want it to taste even more like normal peanut butter. I'm afraid I haven't tried it yet but I'm thinking about it. But in regards to normal peanut butter, I think anything is fine in moderation.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Natural peanut butter is just fine
  • Our nutritionist recommends PB2. She says to mix it with low fat milk if you want it to taste even more like normal peanut butter. I'm afraid I haven't tried it yet but I'm thinking about it. But in regards to normal peanut butter, I think anything is fine in moderation.
    Ooh, I have some but I have never mixed it with milk. I can't wait to try it that way. Thanks!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    WOULD DIE WITHOUT PEANUT BUTTER!!!!! I look at the facts buy the healthiest one and then only eat half a serving. It goes further when you melt it in the microwave for 45 seconds and dip fruit and veg in it!!!!! I am a PB and Choc freak and those two things being banned from my diet would break my little heart! Also just learned about nutella. Don't love the calorie count but half a serving on a rice cake is delish and helps those pesky chocolate cravings! Also only about 140 calories!
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Another rec for the PB2..
    Just had some PB2 with a protein shake earlier - tastes good to me! Better n peanut butter has been replaced for me!

    I know others may prefer to eat natural peanut butter, but the fat to protein ratio is too skewed for me to really justify/enjoy it. Thus PB2 is an awesome in between for me.
  • PB2!!!! Powdered peanut buttter. 45 calories for 2tbsp. Ingredients: peanuts, salt, sugar. I am OBSESSED!!!!! I ate natural peanut butter before I found this little gem, but now I can eat 2x as much for HALF the calories!!! Get some!!! :happy:

    I have never heard of this before I will definetly be trying to find some of this. Does it taste like normal peanut butter?
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    I eat natural peanut butter almost every day. I have been limiting it to 1 TBSP, but sometimes I have 2. It is a healthy fat and natural doesn't have any sugar added so as long as you are logging it you are fine. I also measure because sometimes my guessing at a TBSP is way off :)

    I am very interested in finding out more about this PB2 it found in the same section of the grocery store as regular peanut butter??
  • sondra216379
    sondra216379 Posts: 174 Member
    Where can I get the PB2 or whatever it is...I eat at least 2 TBSP of peanut butter a day...just off the spoon!