Plank from knees...



  • ksio
    ksio Posts: 2
    Yeah, all the superfit ladies are doing them, but are they doing them right? Are they sinking down between their shoulder blades? Are their abs hanging out? Are their glutes unengaged? Doing the knee plank will strengthen and stabilize your shoulders, so when you progress to full plank, you'll be doing it right and getting all the benefits. Please keep this in mind and don't feel bad when you're planking in public!
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    The wellness director at our Y was teaching the Body Pump class Monday and SHE dropped to her knees when she planked. She pointed it out to me afterward because I felt like you did...and I thought, "yeah, she did!". Do what you can and you'll get stronger (saying this to myself too).
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Thanks everyone for the support

    And yes, the point is to be able to do them CORRECTLY I mean I probably could do them from my toes for 15 seconds but they would be allllllll wrong.

    I am doing supermans as well and other back & core strengthening exercises.