Fit and Fun Sized (those under 5'4") for March 2012



  • csegear71
    csegear71 Posts: 14
    So glad to see this board! I am (as of last dr visit!) 4'10 3/4"!!! So I round up!! LOL We started a biggest loser competition at work and I am the only female participating. I have lost 15 lbs so far but would like to lose 10 more in the next 5 weeks. Thats about 2 lbs per week which is not that bad. I plan to continue even after the competition ends because I feel so much better and would like to continue that feeling! Too bad my husband will not get on board! It makes it harder on me...Example, last night after I worked out, I made a grilled chicken salad for dinner and he ate corn chips and salami for dinner!! He already has high cholesterol and blood pressure but nothing I say makes him want to change what he eats so I do what I can for myself. Good Luck to everyone here with their March goals!
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    Hello! So nice to find a group for us under 5'4"!! I actually used to be 5'4" 1/4, but I shrunk :cry:
    I am now exactly 5'3"!!

    My starting weight on January 10th 2012 was 197 - I just joined this site last week, and I really wish I'd found it sooner! I'm at 182 right now and I'm sure I would be less if it wasn't for one bad day of binging earlier this week.... My goal for March is to get out of the 180's.. I'm positive I can meet and exceed that goal!!!! I've been eating approximately 1000-1100 calories a day, at this time I'm not doing any formal exercising.
  • allisonmrichard
    allisonmrichard Posts: 64 Member
    I lost about 6 pounds in February! I'm 22 and 5'3". Because I've lost nearly 40 pounds since I started MFP and am now very close to a healthy weight range, I don't use quite as rapidly as I did when I was bigger. So I'll take 6 pounds! If I can lost 6 pounds in March, I'll only be 5 pounds away from my goal of 130! I want to see how I feel at 130 at first before I decide if I want to lose further or not.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Sedona and I'm new, here!As of now, I am 154 pounds at 5'1". My entire life, I have eaten really well, and exercised semi-regularly. Now, I've been on MFP for about two and a half months and exercizing everyday and eating even better than I was before now and nothing is happening! Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do?

    When this happens to me, I check my BMR under tools to make sure I am at the right calorie goal. Sometimes eating too little stops you from loosing weight too. The other thing I do is I start really measuring everything instead of being casual about portions.

    Hang in there the weight loss will come.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers,

    This is an ongoing thread that restarts every month. I believe there is also a group for us shorties if you prefer that format. I tried a group and like this format better. It is good that MFP has both options for us.

    While the title says "those under 5'4", we are not going to kick anyone out who wants to post here. So you 5'4" and 5'5" are very welcome too. Sometimes will will get some one really tall who will post here encouraging us to hang in there and get to our goal weight or offer advice to a problem being discussed.

    Despite the Girl Scout cookies around the office and the house, I am doing OK calories wise. My biggest issue is my tendonitis in my arms and my sore shoulders. So far nothing has worked and I am not ready to give into the pain and take something known to make me put on weight or bloat up.

    Next week is vacation for me. We had to cancel our plans to go away due to my Dad being in and out of the hospital again. My parents live with us and they have kept us tied down the last couple of years. We are going to do day things and see tourist sites in our area that we have never seen before. Just trying to make the best of the situation. We will go on 2 day ski/snowboard trips to local areas instead of going to Angelfire or Taos. My daughter is taking it hard that we never get to go anywhere or do anything. I told hubby to bring her to AZ to see his mom, but he hates going there and won't go.

    Happy Friday to all and good luck with weekend stragegies.

  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    5'1.5''- February was a pretty good month for me. I had surgery the end of January, and for the first two weeks of February, I could not exercise at all. After two weeks, I could walk. For the next four weeks, I was limited to the walking and I managed to walk every day for 45 minutes- an hour. I only missed two days. I certainly got to know the local malls very well, and loved the days when I could get to the park. I managed to lose a couple of pounds. Yesterday was 6 weeks post surgery and I have been cleared for other exercise. I went spinning last night and it felt great. I still cannot go to any classes that have ab or core work. I am going to zumba next week.

    I have about 11/2 pounds to go to get to my goal- then 2 more pounds would be great to give me a cushion. I also want to get back to some light weight strength training.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    I love, love, LOVE that there is a thread for us "fun sized" folk. Found a few groups but they don't seem to be very active. Anyways, I'm 4'11.5" and have been trying to get back into my pre-baby body in time for the wedding this summer. Never had problems with weight before the baby but things seem tougher afterwords. Seems to be a mix of hormones, time issues, and stress. But I made a promise around Christmas that I was going to give it a hard try and see if I can't squeeze some tears out of my fiance when I come walking down the aisle. Since recommitting I've managed to lose about 12 pounds (7 since signing up for MFP). Would love some extra support for those pesky last five pounds (or so) and maintenance (so please feel free to add me). And people who understand how calorie count and distance means something different to us shorter folk is icing on the cake... mmm... icing... cake...
  • vtgirl77
    vtgirl77 Posts: 69
    I'm 5"3'...SW before MFP was 150ish and I lost about 20 lbs before joining. Now I'm just working on cardio endurance and strength training in preparation for Tough Mudder in May! Woohoo! I'm stuck at 130 for the time being, but I am ok with that b/c it's mostly muscle :)
  • SlimBananas
    SlimBananas Posts: 124 Member
    I'm 5'3 and having trouble getting under 165. it sucks lol
  • Hopingforchange
    I am 4'10 (really 4'9 and 3/4 according to doc). I currently weigh 129. The lowest I ever got was 117. I did not stay there long. My goal is 120. Started here in November and I am down about 7. Its a sloooooooooow process!!! Feel free to add me.
  • Tiffanie252
    Tiffanie252 Posts: 9 Member
    Yay for finding a group of shorties!!! I started using MFP in January and since then am down about 15 pounds. I am 5'1.5 and have been on this journey for about 18 months. The day I had my son (October 2010) I tipped the scales at I hit my goal weight of 128. I went from a size 12 to a size 2-4 depending on the brand and fit. I would ultimately like to be 122....Progress has been much slower the last month. I was a gymnast for a LONG time so I have a very muscular/stocky build. It great to have such a large group together that knows what challenges we face being fun sized! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • ChshireKat
    ChshireKat Posts: 117
    Had a Birthday packed weekend. My nephews was Saturday night, cousins was Sunday morning. This next weekend I have a cousins on Friday night and a nephews on Saturday night, and then there is a whole 2 weeks before the next birthday. I had cake at the nephews party, and breakfast at my cousins.
    So,... numbers for the weekend, I got 2529 steps on Saturday and 3676 on Sunday and none logged for Friday because , like today, I was running late and I forgot to put the pedometer on. Will be walking for at least 25 minutes during lunch, which I should probably leave and do now.
  • krocksa
    krocksa Posts: 32
    So glad I found this thread! I am 5'3" and 3/4. My SW was 166, CW 162, and GW 145. I just joined MFP in mid Feb. I already eat a pretty healthy diet and workout several times a week. I'm hoping that recording everything will give me better perspective on my portions and activity level. I have a LOT of trouble losing weight for whatever reason. I am also almost 42, work, and have 3 young children, so I kind of feel like I am running into the wind here. But I'm giving it everything I've got and don't plan on stopping. My goal for March is to examine what I've eaten the last few weeks now that it is recorded and make adjustments moving forward. I also plan on working out 5 days a week and being diligent about planning meals. I find if I plan a weight loss goal I get very disappointed when I don't hit it. But if my goals include something actionable, like planning my meals, I have much more success. I am hoping the weight loss will naturally follow.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Frogmamma – Glad to hear you are recovering so well from your surgery. It sounds like you will be at goal soon. Gratz to you!

    Inside lap – welcome! Yes, we all know how harder it is at our height. You will find support here.

    Vtgirl –Tough Mudder? You just have to explain that one and post pictures. Lol

    Krocksa – I am still a working Mom at the age of 59 and it is tough working and cooking for a family. I found a lot of good ideas in the recipe forums. Also, I bought a new cookbook that has all the calories listed.

    Welcome to all the newcomers to this thread and good to hear updates from those who have been posting here.

    Getting in exercise and sticking to 1200 calories a day has been a real struggle for me the last 12 months. Too much to do and not enough time to do it in. I am working on making me a priority again. I had it down pretty good until things went haywire in January 2011.

    I am thinking more and more of going back to being an almost vegaterian. I just can't seem to completely give up all meat forever, but I can get pretty close to it. There is just something about homemade meatballs and sauce that I just can't resist. My brother who is a very good cook has talked me into to trying ground turkey and mixing it with meat. He says you can't taste it, but even just 1/2 and 1/2 makes it healthier. My other weaknesses are tacos and breakfast burritos with either bacon or ham. Otherwise, I can do just fine without any meat.

    Have a great day everyone and good luck with calories and exercise today,

  • Andromeda173
    Another shortie here! 5'1", SW 140 CW 135 GW 120
    Doing cardio and walking all over campus, basically having most meals at the dining hall.
  • vtgirl77
    vtgirl77 Posts: 69
    Tough Mudder is like a Warrior Dash or Spartan Race :)
  • Paigepres
    Paigepres Posts: 44 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Paige and I'm 5'1 weighing in at 149.5 lbs. My mini goal is to be 138 lbs which would put me at a normal BMI, and my long-term goal would be 130 lbs.

    I joined MFP last year but kind of fell off the wagon. This year has been much better in terms of success. I found a personal trainer who I see once a week for a combo of cardio and strength training, and workout on my own twice a week. I really enjoy running and trying new exercises but I falter with my eating habits. I can have a great day and go into calorie overload in the evenings out of boredom.

    February wasn't the best month for me with eating and working out. I skipped some of my individual workouts but my March goals are to remain consistent with working out 3-4 times a week and to track my food everyday so I stay within my limit.

    P.S. I'm looking for some motivation buddies, feel free to msg me and we can help each other :)
  • revadiana
    revadiana Posts: 97 Member
    I'm 5'1". SW was 230+ (not sure due to fear of scale after that last weigh-in) GW is 110. So I got a ways to go yet. But chipping away at it slowly but surely.

    I'm on personal challenge to do 60 min of exercise for 60 days straight. (to work on my consistency) So far I'm on day 17/60
  • revadiana
    revadiana Posts: 97 Member
    Tough Mudder is like a Warrior Dash or Spartan Race :)

    More like Warrior Dash or Spartan Race on steroids... LOL. Tough Mudder is on my fitness bucket list. I just have to figure out how to deal with the electrocution.. and the ice baths.
  • happilyeveractive
    happilyeveractive Posts: 167 Member
    I'm 5'3" and at 152 lbs. I'm trying to get down to 125. I used to be 197lbs two years ago so losing weight makes me feel great and more proportionate for my shortness!