Help, need encouragement

My husband and I have decided to make the decision together to eat better, eat less, and work out. We have been going for about three weeks. The exercises are going good and getting a little better. But I am struggling with my calories. Tonight I came into the office to work on the computer because I couldn't watch my husband eat ice cream when I knew I couldn't have any.
Logiclly I know he is allowed more calories becuase he has a lot more weight to lose than I do....but sitting on the couch logic goes right out the window. <SIGH> I am going to bed before I cave and eat ice cream!


  • MicaelaFW
    MicaelaFW Posts: 63
    try blending some ice with sugar free flavors...
  • jsjlandy
    jsjlandy Posts: 41 Member
    I know the feeling! Except my husband will actually come up to me and try to get me to eat garbage. He always tries to sabotage me! If the temptation is really strong, keep some not so guilty snacks on hand. I would eat Double Chocolate Vitatops when I needed some chocolate bad.
  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    Just try to stay positive. I KNOW it's super hard. I've been at this for 2 months +, eating well and moving every day, but I've not lost weight yet.

    Please keep in mind that no matter what you're doing, if you're doing SOMETHING it is good for you. : )

    Best of luck.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,208 Member
    I feel your pain. My husband stopped drinking soda and dropped 20(no exercise) I am like you, sometimes I just have to leave the room.
  • Only1tracie
    i eat smart ones ice cream. It is hard to watch the other half eat while you are still hungry.Take a peek at peaoples diarys and see what they are eating. Welcome to MFP and good luck on your weight loss and healthier lifestyle journey:) You can add me if you'd like.
  • Roxxxanne992
    You absolutely did the right thing! Walking away and going to bed is way better than caving. You have already proven that you are the stronger person at the moment. Take that sentiment and run with it! In the morning, you will be the one who can hold their head up high - knowing that you stuck to your goal for the night.
  • happy_healthy_gerbergal
    I have a protein shake (130 cal) Blended with some ice! It's filling and tastes/ has a texture of ice cream ^_^ Good Luck!
  • Only1tracie
    I really do know how to spell. Darn auto correct.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Set ground rules that both of you can live by. No ice cream but sorbert is ok. Dont buy anything both of you cant eat. If you talk to him and ask him to eat things you cant have when he gone, he might understand. Either way rule
    s need to be set since you both doing this.
  • Gingersnaps39
    I know its hard when the people around you can eat things you cant. But just remeber your goal, and maybe talk to your husband about ways he can show support even when you cant have something. Because if you both made the choice to do this together he should be open to supporting you . But belive me i know its hard im in a house with 3 other ppl who offer me fast food and cokes among other things, and they know im trying to eat healty and lose weight. I know you can do it we are all stronger than we think. Hope this helps. Ginger
  • LizV32
    LizV32 Posts: 127 Member
    i love ice cream!! I usually eat small containers of skinny cow! only about 150 calories or skinny cow ice cream sandwiches are good also!!
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    Thanks everyone! I didn't cave & stayed under my calories for the day! :-)