how to drink more water?



  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    I have a reminder on my phone that buzzes every 1.5 hours during the working day. It's a little annoying but I figured once I get into the habit I won't need the buzzer.

    I have an app to log my water called Waterlogged (on the iPhone)

    I was just going to suggest something like this! I was thinking 6oz (which is really just a couple of big swallows) every hour from say 9am to 9 pm
  • jillybean0123
    jillybean0123 Posts: 238 Member
    Try drinking through a straw when you do drink water. Sounds dumb but it will cause you to drink more without realizing it. I'm not quite sure why that is but it does really work. I use a camelbak bottle that has a built in bite valve and straw. It's leakproof and I find that when I use it, I do drink about double what I do on days I use my other bottle without a straw.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I love tea and get in plenty of water that way! There are a lot of different flavors so look around and you'll probably find something you like :)
  • calgarychick2012
    calgarychick2012 Posts: 65 Member
    i use a 36 oz bottle 2 minimum when i dont have it i usually dont drink enough
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Oh... I noticed being less thirsty the first few weeks after I changed my diet too. I chalked it up to eating more fruits and veggies (high water content) and less processed food (lots of salt).

    I also have a water filter thing at work that filters + makes cold or hot water. I like tea and count it as water if it's decaf, but I absolutely cannot make myself stand in front of the microwave to heat up water. I always end up wandering off to do something and someone brings my cup to me (full of cold water) 2 hours later. And... the water at work tastes nasty, so the filter is a good thing.

    I carry a Nalgene with a "Humangear" lid that makes it easier to drink out of. The bottle is BPA free and glows in the dark. Not that I'm usually drinking water in the dark, but I could if I wanted to!
  • MeMountainMom
    MeMountainMom Posts: 88 Member
    yep I know this is silly but it works for me. Each morning, I fill two 32 ounce cups and put them where I know I will see them or near me. Then try to drink them both before dinner. Kind of like a race to see which cup I can empty first. I choose different colors each morning. Today the green cup won. Tomorrow who knows it may be the pink cup that I empty first.

    Also, I do watch the clock. If I haven't emptied one by 11am I finish the smaller one before or with lunch. This cuts back on my lunch calories and allows me to eat more for dinner.

    OR You could try 4-16 ounce cups empty before every 3 hours is up...9am,noon, 3pm, 6pm. I'd set alarm on phone to remind me.


    Good Luck!
  • I've noticed since i started tracking my food that I just don't seem to be getting enough water. Strangely enough, a few weeks ago, before I joined MFP, it was like I couldn't STOP drinking water (to the point where I thought I was developing diabetes)!!!

    I don't know if your serious about what you said here but here's some information before people start to think you can get diabetes from drinking water.

    Anatomy 101

    Water has no effect on your beta cells in your pancreas in releasing or inhibiting insulin.

    Water has an osmosis effect for BP and ionic effects on acidic pH. Water also has an effect on your kidneys (Glomerular filtration rate) and filtration of toxins.

    So you can not develop diabetes from over drinking water. You can however end up pissing out excess fluids your body maybe be holding on to for homeostasis reasons (aka water weight), a saying "more water in, means more water out".

    Back to original question, to increase water intake indirectly by foods, add very hot spices to your meats, or Red Hot Sauce I put that *kitten* on everything.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    I've noticed since i started tracking my food that I just don't seem to be getting enough water. Strangely enough, a few weeks ago, before I joined MFP, it was like I couldn't STOP drinking water (to the point where I thought I was developing diabetes)!!!

    I don't know if your serious about what you said here but here's some information before people start to think you can get diabetes from drinking water.

    Anatomy 101

    Water has no effect on your beta cells in your pancreas in releasing or inhibiting insulin.

    Water has an osmosis effect for BP and ionic effects on acidic pH. Water also has an effect on your kidneys (Glomerular filtration rate) and filtration of toxins.

    So you can not develop diabetes from over drinking water. You can however end up pissing out excess fluids your body maybe be holding on to for homeostasis reasons (aka water weight), a saying "more water in, means more water out".

    Back to original question, to increase water intake indirectly by foods, add very hot spices to your meats, or Red Hot Sauce I put that *kitten* on everything.

    I don't think OP was trying to imply you could get diabetes from drinking a lot of water. I understood that comment to mean (semi-joking) that they were so thirsty they thought it might be a symptom of diabetes.