When Do You Workout? Do you fight with yourself to get off y



  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    You have to try to make it a habit--something you do at a particular time on particular days. I imagine this is harder when you have a family, though. I have a flexible schedule on T/Thurs so I go running first thing in the morning--get it out of the way. Another thing that helps: downloading new workout music that I really want to hear. Then I only listen to it during my run/workout. So if I want to hear it, I have to wait until I go on my run, and then I'm more motivated and excited about going on my run.
  • marydb0000
    I belong to my local YMCA and go every morning with a friend at 5am. It works for two reasons: I have a buddy who I feel accountable to, and it's the same group there most days so there is a social aspect. Third reason: it's done for the day. I've been doing this for over 2 years now and it really works.

    One thing I will say for early morning workouts - I've come to LOVE Saturday and Sunday mornings when I can "sleep in" until 7:00!

    I don't think I could do it without my friend. Workout partners really make a difference!
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I am not the BEST morning person. So every Monday I take a week's worth of work out clothes, head to the restroom to change 10 mins before my work day is over and head to the gym right after work. My classes usually start 30 mins after work, so I am either right on time or 10 mins late. I have found some late classes for days that I work late or have a meeting after work. The only morning class I do is Saturday at 9 am...LOL Mornings are NOT for me. Each person is different. Try different work outs with different instructors or DVDs at different days and times to figure out what is BEST FOR YOU!
  • kaizen31
    kaizen31 Posts: 74 Member
    I use Fitocracy.com, which gives you points for doing exercise and you 'level up' like in a video game. Competing with my sister and the people there gets me moving!
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    I would say if you can't get out of bed in the morning to workout, then sleep in and work out in the evening! But otherwise I have some quotes for you:

    "The difference between someone who is in shape, and someone who is not in shape, is the individual who is in shape works out even when they do not want to."

    "It's better to regret something you did do, than something you didn't."

    Hope this helps!!
  • macw1_2000
    macw1_2000 Posts: 50 Member
    I HATE working out...I mean REALLY hate it. I feel your pain, trust me.

    I have made it a habit to go to the gym at 4:30 pm...for several reasons. 1. It keeps me from having happy hour (they don't serve wine at the gym) and I save a whole boatload of calories by not sitting in the kitchen and preparing a gigantic dinner and drinking wine while I do it 2. I'm not so hungry right after working out - kind of on a exercise high or something 3. If I take the time to exercise it takes time out of time I have to prep dinner so usually have something easy like grilled chicken and salad - if I have too much time on my hands, I am going to make a something intricate and fattening.

    New habits take time to develop - if you force yourself to go and do it for a couple of weeks, it will become routine. You just have to get through a couple of weeks of "hatin it." I hate it less now and feel pretty guilty when I don't go. AND dropping weight in a huge way now...
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    When do you work out?

    early. sometimes as early as 2am. I work graveyard 11pm-7am and where I work it's sometimes not busy so I take advantage of going outside for a 30 min fitness break. but usually after I get off work at 8am [/quote]

    Do you fight with yourself to get off your butt?

    not when it comes to cardio but weight lifting I sometimes skip out on. I find it tedious and boring but I do it. 2x a week. I am working on getting it up to 3x a week. I enjoy jogging alot. I only jog outside though. crappy weather like cold wind, rain, and snow makes it even more enjoyable. :happy:
    HOW do you get yourself out there when you are not feeling it?

    I sometimes get lazy when it comes to weight lifting. I'll go jog instead. also I listen to this:
    What goes on in your mind to motivate you?

    youtube link from above. I got the audio on a MP3 that's a part of my workout playlist. gets me going everytime.
    also people telling me in the past I was too fat to go jogging
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    I know how you feel - I have sooo much trouble getting up early to workout. Usually I force myself to walk to and from work BUT on days like today when it rains I really need that workout.

    My solution? If I can't get my *kitten* out of bed (like today, thanks daylight savings), I work out while I watch TV at night. I stretch, do basic cardio like jumping jacks, and lift small 5-10 pound weights. I target my calorie burn every day so this workout is important.

    It WILL become a part of your life and you will learn to love it :)
  • wildhehr2
    wildhehr2 Posts: 122 Member
    I usually workout at 4:30am, because that's when my hubby gets up to go to the gym. I tell myself to do 20 minutes, and then I can go back to sleep (I don't have to actually get up until 7). Most days, I get an afternoon workout in as well, but I don't stress it because I've done something already. I have to wash the bed sheets more often (I generally just strip down and rinse off after my workout, before I go back to bed) but its worth it to me. I love sleeping.
  • sarge634
    sarge634 Posts: 42
    yes i am the same way,i just tell myself to get up and do it and not think about it,also i think of how i will feel at the end of the day if i dont workout which is guilt guilt guilt and then i feel as though i let myself down.I just think get up and get it done with!
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    When do you work out? Do you fight with yourself to get off your butt? HOW do you get yourself out there when you are not feeling it? What goes on in your mind to motivate you? What do you say to yourself and how do you decide when?

    Anyone else go through this struggle on getting out there? Did it go away for you? You never encountered this? How and when do you get up and off your butt? What motivates you?

    I work out all day long. I am trying to get in 2 hours a day starting with 30 minutes first thing in the morning. 1 hour in the afternoon and 30 minutes in the early evening.

    When I am not feeling it I remind myself that it will only take a week of not feeling it to begin unraveling all the hard work I have been putting in.

    I tell myself that there is someone out there who wishes they had my mobility and would give anything to have lost enough weight to be ABLE to exercise like I can at this point and that there are a lot of people watching everything I do and I can motivate them with my success, the three most important people are my kids.

    When I think about eating something I shouldn't I think about what I am going to have to do to work it off. If I get depressed I get on the elliptical because I can't cry and do that at the same time unless I am crying because I am doing HIIT on it LOL.

    It's all about how bad you want it. My whole thing is no more excuses, I am sick and damn tired of excuses including my own.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    Usually work out in the evening. But since I'm on Spring Break, I've been working out in the early afternoon and evening. Trying to motivate myself to get that second workout in right this moment....funny that this thread should show up.
  • Stompp
    Stompp Posts: 216
    I would love to do it in the mornings... but honestly afternoons just end up working out for everyone.

    Also, when I worked out in the mornings, personally, I would justify "extra" calories during the day "because I worked out this morning". Afternoons mean that every day ends up being similar calorie wise and I can count the exercise as bonus burned calories instead.

    Mornings would be ideal, but they don't work for everyone all the time... Do whatever gets your butt moving!
  • PinkiePie07
    PinkiePie07 Posts: 103 Member
    Some days are hard for me. Today was one of those days actually, but I work through it. I want to see results and I want to lose my weight so badly that I won't let myself skip a day. I know that if I make excuses for myself, then I'll start excusing everything and I'll fall off the wagon and probably won't get back on. On the days that it's exceptionally hard for me, I work through it in baby steps. I don't want to do it, but I make myself by breaking it all down into small tasks. I'll say to myself "Get off the couch" and then I move to, "go put your exercise get up on". When that's done I say "now fill your bottle with water", then it's "get on the bike" and finally "Now start peddling". It's so much easier to handle if you break it up in pieces rather than think of the whole picture. Then when it's all said and done I feel so much better that I didn't let myself stop me. That right there, the sense of accomplishment, is probably my biggest motivator. Feeling better physically and sleeping better at night are just perks.
  • Jeaninedj
    Jeaninedj Posts: 43
    As long as you do it, it doesn't matter what time. At least that's how I look at it. My motivation is knowing how much better i'll feel. I've started just to make it part of my work day. You do all of the work you need to, right? Think of exercise as an extension of the workday...a chance to volunteer to help yourself .I'm an intern though, and not paid either way but that's how I see it. I also do it in the afternoon. My kryptonite is sitting on the couch...I wont want to get back up! So I just walk in, change, and go. I find it works. :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I love working out!
    I work out 3 times a week and lift heavy things.
    Easy as pie!
  • mwyatt005
    mwyatt005 Posts: 21 Member
    For myself it's whenever it fits into the current schedule. Good thing about morning workouts are they are able to help get you moving or "wake you up" but it should be something moderate imo, not something full blown like circuits or crossfit but more of slow to mid pace run just to get your day started. I find for myself motivation comes and goes in spurts, a lot of the times it completely dependent on how the day went you just need to accept that some days you will be the god/goddess of the treadmill or iron and set new records and others you just get by. Embrace the suck and don't go in thinking this will suck or omg i don't want to do this, that will only subtract from any motivation you already have. I find for me anyway if i think on it i find excuses where as if i just man up go through the paces by the end of a warm up I have my game face on...but like I said some days you just put in the time 20-60 mins of slugging through is still better then flipping channels. Good tunes, a workout buddy, or even a memory of struggles I had in the past that I never want to repeat can motivate me and get me going. Wish you the best of luck :)
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I go immediately after work. There's a gym at my work so it makes it easy. Change from work clothes, work out, drive home and eat dinner that my wife has made :)
  • calgarychick2012
    calgarychick2012 Posts: 65 Member
    ok not a morning person but into a routine in am 30 to 45 minutes pay off and what i tell myself is i am totaaly awake ake energized i will continue to burn calories for a few hours into my day
    that being said i just broke my ankle so things suck right now
  • DietPep1978
    DietPep1978 Posts: 202
    I'm having a stare down with my elliptical right now. Ugh.. I might as well get off my *kitten*...

    This made me chuckle...I hope you won that staring contest!