Help...Can't have a Bowel Movement!!



  • if you do not have enough fiber in your diet (not just grains, fruits and veggies too) you will be constipated
    also some food senstivities/intolerances can cause constipation, as can other g.i. issues
    make sure you doc knows and looks into this

    my son was constipated until he went gluten free...
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    To be honest, I have had the same problem for many years and the docotrs kept telling me to take miralax every single day... Well the only REAL cure for me personally was going vegetarian... I wish I could help you better, but I tried everything under the sun, and this is all that worked, you have try new things, probiotics are a huge help to try first..
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    I know it's already been said, but I'm way too lazy to go back and quote some random MFpeep...

    Dude, go see a doctor. MFP is not the place to get medical advice, even the bottom of the page of every single forum post says this in not so many words.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I was in same situation. I have IBS and when I stopped drinking soda (and caffiene), it got real bad. I didnt go for over two weeks at one point. Over the course of four months it was bad. My stomach had constant lower left pain. I took exlax and almost went to hospital due to the pain. Doctor said fiber wasnt enough. She said to use miralax for 2 months plus lots of fiber and water. I was scared to use it, but she indicated it is the safest and what she reccommends. I took it and after 3 weeks or so of one dose a day until I was going 3 times per day. Now i drink at least 12 glasses of water and try to get 25-40g fiber per day. If i go 2 or more days without going, i take miralax again for a few days. However, I can go weeks without it. This has been a life long issue for me though. Changing my eating and cutting out caffiene through me off. If this is really new for you and doesnt resolve quickly, then you probably want to talk to doc.

    I'm glad you told me this. I also suffer from IBS and have been having the same problem. Was considering going to the doctor but I really didn't want to go because I figured they would just tell me to add more fiber. I am taking fiber gummies now and they don't work. I tried miralax for about a month but it stopped working for me. The only thing that helps me right now is that "Super Dieters Tea". It says not to take it more than 10 days in a row though so I try to go about three days before I use it. Seems like the only time I ever go though is if I drink that.
  • trailblazer888
    trailblazer888 Posts: 33 Member
    I used to have irregular bowel movements. I now take flax seed every morning with my breakfast and sometimes prunes. I find the more fiber I add into my diet the more frequent my bowel movements. Maybe try a fiber supplement if you have a difficult time incorporating fiber. If you think it is something more than just diet maybe go and see a doctor hun.

    Best of luck
  • You are definitely not alone...just remember that when you have the opposite problem, the Dr. will suggest the B.R.A.T. diet... bananas, rice, applesauce and if you are eating any of these regulary you may want to consider avoiding them for a few days or so and see if it makes a difference. The apple or grapefruit juice will definitely work, but you may want to consider the calories. I agree also, with the SOY protein comment!!!! There has definitely been an adjustment period!
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Fiber fiber fiber makes you poop. It makes your tummy happy and sorts out all the goop.

    That's a song my first grader learned in health class.
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 723 Member
    You can have one of I've got plenty to go around since I started eating healthy. And just remember that IBS can go the other way which is also not that fun. It's almost like having a tapeworm.

    Lots of natural fibers, kale, greens, quinoa. Ad like others have said, if it continues much lo ger go see your Dr. There's not much worse than having an impacted bowel.
  • EmmieSu
    EmmieSu Posts: 136
    I agree, see your Dr. The doctor recently told me this....
    1) High fiber cereal---Fiber One, really high fiber like 9 and above w/skim milk
    2) atleast 3 servings of fruit, plus vegetables/day
    3) atleast 40 oz of water, only water and skim milk, no juices, teas, or sodas
    4) high fiber toritilla, english muffin, fiber one cereal bar/brownie and yougart---1 serving/daily
    5) Culturelle or activia---once a day.

    basically, a high fiber diet, for 30 days. The activia and yogart will replace the good bacteria in you intestines. If things get better good, if not you seriously need to see your doctor.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    Looking for some advice.....and HELP!!!! Ever since starting MFP....i have been eating 1500-1800 Calories...drinking plenty of water and fluid....but for the past two m onths ...I CAN NOT go to the bathroom with out help from a laxative or stool softner!!! Sometimes i go a whole week without going....This really is worrying be...I know it's not healthy.....Does anyone else have this problem? Does any one else know what can help regulate me? I have even tired taking extra Fiber in the pack from GNC store and i still have a hard time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sick:

    I have had the same problem a lot . Its getting a little better recently . I think its because I'm exercising and eating more but its still not where I would say regular . I have tried fiber and extra water and proactive yogurt still with not much effect.but I am loosing weight I guess my body is just using most of my calories.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    Looking for some advice.....and HELP!!!! Ever since starting MFP....i have been eating 1500-1800 Calories...drinking plenty of water and fluid....but for the past two m onths ...I CAN NOT go to the bathroom with out help from a laxative or stool softner!!! Sometimes i go a whole week without going....This really is worrying be...I know it's not healthy.....Does anyone else have this problem? Does any one else know what can help regulate me? I have even tired taking extra Fiber in the pack from GNC store and i still have a hard time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sick:

    lol ok so today i made a strawberry spinach smoothie (all you can taste is strawberries) and then took a 45 minute walk....yeah i almost *kitten* my pants on the way home, that being said strawberry spinach smoothie + a lil movement=great bowel movement :laugh: omg how embarrasing....but i said it!

    What's the recipe for that? Just strawberry s and spinach or is there other ingredients? And how much did you drink?
  • tastefullycarol1
    tastefullycarol1 Posts: 2 Member
    You need to increase ur water intake. When you eat a lot of fiber you need to do it on a gradual step increase . It's very important to drink the water and add in some olive oil. I have the same problem from the Meds I take. My doc has me on miralax. I used to work for weight watchers and this is the number one question ...water is the key. Hope this helps you...
  • mefab50
    mefab50 Posts: 5
    psyllium husk powder...yucky tasting but effective.
  • s0ready
    s0ready Posts: 99
    Looking for some advice.....and HELP!!!! Ever since starting MFP....i have been eating 1500-1800 Calories...drinking plenty of water and fluid....but for the past two m onths ...I CAN NOT go to the bathroom with out help from a laxative or stool softner!!! Sometimes i go a whole week without going....This really is worrying be...I know it's not healthy.....Does anyone else have this problem? Does any one else know what can help regulate me? I have even tired taking extra Fiber in the pack from GNC store and i still have a hard time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sick:

    lol ok so today i made a strawberry spinach smoothie (all you can taste is strawberries) and then took a 45 minute walk....yeah i almost *kitten* my pants on the way home, that being said strawberry spinach smoothie + a lil movement=great bowel movement :laugh: omg how embarrasing....but i said it!

    What's the recipe for that? Just strawberry s and spinach or is there other ingredients? And how much did you drink?

    i used fresh strawberry, vanilla yogurt and spinach (and some ice to make it frozen) if its too thick add orange/apple juice. I drank about 16oz
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    You can have one of I've got plenty to go around since I started eating healthy. And just remember that IBS can go the other way which is also not that fun. It's almost like having a tapeworm.

    Lots of natural fibers, kale, greens, quinoa. Ad like others have said, if it continues much lo ger go see your Dr. There's not much worse than having an impacted bowel.

    For years, my IBS did go the other way and I thought it was horrible, but I have to admit that after this, I would trade it back any day. Just can't eat and get into a car.......
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    If I'm not careful I can have a problem too. But, these things help me. Oranges... Orange juice, and the miracle remedy I think is prune juice. Get some prune juice and drink a cup everyday. Also, could you call a doctor, and just let them know this is happening. If you don't go, you may have to have the doc help you. Some medications can cause a problem with this. Just give a call. But try drinking prune juice to start with.
  • apples work for me and pears to...I eat a least 2 pears or apples a day...