i havent been under 200 pounds since middle school

I've always been a big girl, I weighed in at 201 freshman year of high school... now 8 years later I'm 245 pounds... granted at my alltime heaviest I weighed 275 so I've lost some since then... but I've never known what it's like to be an average weight.

I struggle so much with an over eating disorder and I need to regain control over it. Talk is cheap though, I've been talking about gaining control for so long but I just can't seem to do it.

I've been posting on MFP for the past two days and hope to make it a regular habit... I'm hoping with me knowing that now I'm saying how I feel to the public I'll start wanting to work harder on myself.

I really just want to be happy with what I see in the mirror.

I'm 5'9" and I weigh 245. My dream weight is to be about 150 but at the moment my main goal is just to get under 200.

I'm looking for people who have gone through the same issues so I can learn from the or people who are going through the same kind of problem so we can motivate each other and move towards our goals together. Feel free to add me.

If anyone has any advice i'd love to hear it.

Thanks a bunch
- Jessi Love


  • Amy_Lee_2012
    Amy_Lee_2012 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi Jessi,

    your story sounds a lot like mine. Right now, I weigh 244 (my highest weight was 333, a year and a half ago), and my main goal for now is to get under 200 pounds. I've weighed 200 pounds since my early 20's, so for about the past 15 years. I can't wait to see 199 on the scale! I want to get down to about 125 pounds, so even when I reach 199, I will still have a way to go, but hitting under 200 pounds is going to be a big victory for me.
    I wish you well on your weight loss journey- there is heaps of support on this site! We can and will do this!
  • Raina27
    Raina27 Posts: 133
    Hmph me too!! I have been big all my life!! I reached my highest late last year so I came into 2012 ready to change and by late february had lost 26lbs! Looking to lose alot more!! Add me if you want!! :)
  • SMarti030
    SMarti030 Posts: 13 Member
    Ladies you can do it! The first step is to be here and the second is to take action in the little things. Watching tv- cool- lay on the floor and do a few leg lifts. Portion control is a must but the more you work out the more you can eat. I have always ebbn overweight too but thats starting to change. I started a 208 and in the last year I have lost 41 lbs. You can do it. It just takes some serious will power and the guts to admit you need help and encouragement but thats what your doing here. Everything in life is easier when you have friends helping you do it, dieting is way easier when you have positive and encouraging account-abila-buddies. So lets take action. I have a toddler and I use him to do arm exercises all the time and he loves getting tossed in the air. win- win. Just find ways to stay active and easy ways to still eat good food and get results like low carb low sugar choices and you'll be melting in no time.
  • iemanja
    iemanja Posts: 3
    Same here... I started at 270... Lost some, then lost a little more. Joined myfitnesspal and started keeping myself accountable on facebook. I take pictures of the scale to mark progress.... People think I am crazy. But the only way to know how far you have come is to start where you are at.... Limiting sugar and calories via portion control is key.... Once you start you will see it is just a formula... burn more than you consume, consume quality not quanity, drink plenty of water, and get your move on.... It will come off. I am almost 40 and seeing I have jump started my metabolism, lost 30 pounds and plan on getting to goal weight of 185 by October 2012:-) Good Luck!!!! You can do it!!!!!
  • jessilovexoxo
    This is an old post, but still relevant.

    I've had some troubles trying to keep motivated and keeping on track.

    Soooo.... bump