how did you get rid of the dreaded 'muffin top?'



  • smte
    smte Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks everyone, I was just curious if I should be concentrating on cardio vs strength. It sounds like my best bet is a combo! I am currently doing 30 on level 3. Not seeing much "disappear" yet, but am hopeful. Hopefully the combo of all 3 will help me!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Diet and exercise?

    Just a guess.

    OK, sorry. Don't mean to be a smarty, but it's just that simple. Combo of cardio and strength training, along with a good diet, and it will disappear.

    ditto to that
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Don't wear clothes that are too tight = no muffin top, but if you mean how do you shrink your midsection, cardio and core strength training, as well as eating a good healthy diet, clean eating is a bonus.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    diet and exercise.

    :laugh: @ the proper fitting clothing. ahhhh if only it were that easy to get rid of a muffin top. some of us have even without clothes, so not sure how proper fitting clothing would do anything to help.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    Prayer, portion control of food, cardio , light weights lots of reps.
  • hilsen
    hilsen Posts: 7
    For me nothing works as well as cardio early morning, before breakfast.
    I do 4/5 times per week 45' jogging on the treadmill as soon as I get up and have breakfast after - and in 2 weeks the difference is amazing and very very encouraging.
    I have been doing any cardio, strenght exercises 4/5 times a week for years, but when I need to speesd up the weight lose process and get rid of my nasty muffin top - I wake up and run.

    And of course, healthy food (no processed stuff, no sugar, low sodium, low carb).
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Eating less muffins