Is going over on protein,fiber and sodium.....OK??? Help

lppacker Posts: 20 Member
So I went way over protein, fiber and sodium today but was well under my calorie intake level. Is this good?? Or should I be right on trying to keep them more balanced. Help, I am new to this. Thanks


  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    The only one out of the three I try not to go over is sodium..too much sodium could make u retain water and bloat..good luck !
  • mahutch1
    mahutch1 Posts: 37 Member
    My understanding is if you are cutting back on carbs, adding some protein isn't bad. It will help you feel full longer so you won't want to snack so much. I agree that you should watch the sodium and they say that no one gets enough fiber.
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    I agree that sodium is the only one you really should watch out of those 3. I try and eat high protein and go over by quite a bit every day and fiber is good for you too. Just make sure if you are eating over your sodium you are drinking more water to flush it out.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    protein and fiber I wouldn't stress about but sodium you want to keep under control. It is a learning process and it gets easier best advice is read those labels! Yes grocery shopping will take longer but it'll be worth it! Processed foods should be closely watched and definately not eaten at every meal. Canned foods and lunchmeats are FULL of sodium. Time to get fresh! I can't view your diary to give you more exact examples but you are welcome to add me and view my diary if you'd like. My sodium total for the day was 1,226 :drinker: If you did go way over in sodium then you NEED to go way over in WATER as well!
    Good Luck You can do this!
  • lppacker
    lppacker Posts: 20 Member
    What killed me on the sodium was the one cup of cottage cheese. I thought I'd get lots protein, which I did, but wow I did not look at the sodium. It was ton 880 mg. YUCK. I surely need to watch that, sodium for sure.
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    I use my protein and fiber 'goals' as minimum targets, so I'd say you're good there. It's not tragic to go over sodium if you drink a TON of water to help wash it away, otherwise you'll end up gaining water weight. I've heard that cucumbers help with sodium overages too... I don't know, because I just plain love cucumbers so I eat them anyway LOL

    Sodium has been my hardest adversary on my food log since I started, but I've found alternatives to most of my favorite foods that are lower in sodium than what I was eating, and now I'm considering dropping my goal to 2000 instead of 2500 just because staying under 2500 had such great results... but I've been fiddling with this since I joined so don't expect it to happen overnight. It's a process.

    Good luck! =D
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Over on fiber is fine. Actually, it's encouraged.

    Over on protein - fine unless you have certain kidney issues.

    Over on sodium - okay unless you are part of the sodium sensitive population to whom sodium can increase hypertension. Also, going over in sodium will make you retain fluid which will cause your scale readings to fluctuate up and down even if you lose fat.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I don't think it matters about the protein or fiber but sodium can make you retain water and in some people (like me), raise blood pressure. I'm only supposed to have 1500mg or less and it's hard for me to stay under.
    They used to say that a healthy person could get by with 2500 mgs of sodium per day but I think they may have dropped it to 1500. I'm not sure.
    There are a lot of low calorie foods, pre-packaged, frozen, such as Healthy Choice or restaurant foods (Applebees for one) that have copious amounts of sodium. Some even have a lot of sugar in them to make up for the lack of fat. I'd not worry about the protein or fiber (although the former may cause a little gas! lol). I'd just watch the sodium and check labels. For me, it's easier if I just try to have no more than 500mg of sodium per meal.
    Also once you cut back on sodium, you will get used to it. Sometimes I taste something that I used to ADD salt to and it gags me because it's so salty to me now! The plus side is that I'm learning how to cook food with flavor rather than sodium and it tastes sooo much better!
    Good luck to you.
  • billtonkin
    billtonkin Posts: 109
    Don't worry about going over on protein. Fiber is fine too as long as you don't go way, way over. It could give you GI problems for a day or two. With sodium, it depends. Three things, if you have a blood pressure issue it could be a problem. If you don't and you drink plenty of water and/or sweat a lot, it's fine to go over a bit. I usually go over by quite a bit, but I don't have HBP, I drink a gallon of water a day, and I sweat like a pig when I workout.
  • BaileyKat52
    BaileyKat52 Posts: 461 Member
    I've just started too. I noticed when I started tracking my food that I go quite a bit over on the sugar and a little on the fiber. I never realized before how much sugar I have in the run of the day (honestly thought I didn't have that much). But, I guess that's the point of the food
  • shellyt1
    shellyt1 Posts: 119
    I think going over the fiber and protien is good but not the sodium, it likes to hold the water. I'm amazed though what foods had sodium that I would never thought of. Eggs, cauliflower, sodium is in more then just processesd food. Keep up the good work and it will come together.
  • shellyt1
    shellyt1 Posts: 119
    When I look at lables that is one of the things I look at now is the sodium count!
  • billtonkin
    billtonkin Posts: 109
    So much fear mongering and misinformation on these forums. Salt is an electrolyte your body needs. If you workout hard and sweat a lot you're losing sodium.

    Sodium does not cause high blood pressure, however there are folks that are sodium sensitive and it will raise their blood pressure. If you're not one of those folks and if you don't feel bloated, I wouldn't put it on your list of worries. Stop living in the 70s, people.
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    Just be careful with going over on fiber and make sure you are getting enough water to make sure it works the way it is supposed to. Fiber can only do its job if there is water to help. Other than that, sodium should be watched, and going over in protein is ok, IMO
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    So much fear mongering and misinformation on these forums. Salt is an electrolyte your body needs. If you workout hard and sweat a lot you're losing sodium.

    Sodium does not cause high blood pressure, however there are folks that are sodium sensitive and it will raise their blood pressure. If you're not one of those folks and if you don't feel bloated, I wouldn't put it on your list of worries. Stop living in the 70s, people.


    and aim to exceed protein.....the levels are low on this and if you are working out a lot....your body needs it!

    Fiber....fills you up more and get for system cleaning!

    I would not stress about any of them! If you are drinking lots of water and sweating a lot your body is getting rid of a lot of sodium
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    Use common sense. Natural sodium is not as bad for you as artificial sodium. It's no secret that prolonged high sodium exposure has detrimental health effects. Be sure you drink a lot of water when intaking high amounts of sodium.

    The FDA recommendation is 2500mg, but it is well known among us that do our own research that most "daily allowance" guidelines are rubbish. Go over on all vitamins and minerals, esp Vitamin C! I do 1000% a day! Go lower on sodium and carbs (than what the FDA says)
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    So much fear mongering and misinformation on these forums. Salt is an electrolyte your body needs. If you workout hard and sweat a lot you're losing sodium.

    Sodium does not cause high blood pressure, however there are folks that are sodium sensitive and it will raise their blood pressure. If you're not one of those folks and if you don't feel bloated, I wouldn't put it on your list of worries. Stop living in the 70s, people.

    you know the thing abt watching the salt that is important is that when you do start watching it, you realize how much processed food one tends to eat that, and thats not great for you. it helps a lot of folks realize what they are putting in their body isn't as good as they thought. it will help you make better choices by looking at labels. and in addition to that, when i started watching mine it help'd me slim down more purely on the basis that i started eating healthier. for some people it IS important to watch this intake!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Over on protein & fiber = Great!

    over on sodium = no good! try to avoid this -- makes you retain water.
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    I always go over on those three as well. Protein especially, but I love protein shakes because they curb my cravings for chocolate milkshakes. Fiber is great to go over, just make sure you drink a lot of water. Also make sure you're used to the fiber!

    My boyfriend decided one day to eat 2 Fiber One bars for lunch after never eating them. He couldn't leave the area near the bathroom and said his cubicle was... a war zone of gas. Therefore, be careful unless you're used to the fiber!

    As for sodium... I always go over on that as well (not a ton, but still over 2500mg), but like somebody else said, if you workout you SWEAT. Also you can counteract the bloating effects by drinking lots of water (at least I can). I also am not affected by the BP thing, but some people are, so keep it in check.
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    What killed me on the sodium was the one cup of cottage cheese. I thought I'd get lots protein, which I did, but wow I did not look at the sodium. It was ton 880 mg. YUCK. I surely need to watch that, sodium for sure.

    Look for reduced sodium version of cottage cheese - I found one, only has 200 mg :) same high protein