Exercise and Depression



  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Exercise was a key factor for me working through PPD. I sure didn't feel like exercising! But I did it anyway. When I saw that it was indeed helpful, that gave me the energy to keep it up. It also gave me the energy to eat better and to get out of the house and among people, both of which were helpful.
    I've had good luck with taking 5-HTP in the past (a supplement--google it!). It's not compatile with pregnancy/breastfeeding, so I switched to Inositol during those times-- it helped some, but not as much as the 5-HTP.
    For anxiety and panic attacks during pregnancy, I found chamomile, lemon balm, and valerian root to be helpful.

    I am not against medications at all; I believe that for some people they are necessary. But I do suspect that they are overused, and I wanted to try the natural route before I resorted to them. Having a supportive husband, close friends to talk to, prayer!, exercise, proper diet, proper sleep, things to get me out of the house and into the sunlight, herbs to supplement...those things helped get me over the hurdle.
  • stephiejones
    Lots of Prayer...and exercise...never stop moving, change something up in your life, do something different, change your mind set, think more positively, read positive things...I know the things that make me depressed are just small things compared to others. I everyday wake up and Thanks God for just waking me up and ask him to bring peace and joy into my life. I recently went onto youtube and listened to Tony Robbins and that changed my a bit also...Good luck :happy:
  • CharityPearce
    I could have written that same thing except my dad and sister are bipolar. They manage well with medicine. Exercise is my way of dealing with depression. It's worse in the winter but thank the Lord this winter hasn't been too bad...lots of sunshine here this year. When I say exercise I mean heart pumping, out of breath, can't go a minute longer. How long it takes just depends...if something is going on in my personal life then it last a little longer. My best strategy is exercise. My next best is just taking a day to myself to do something I love...for me it's shopping or just window shopping by myself. The main thing is DON'T STOP MOVING. If it gets to the point that you can't get out of bed, you don't want to be around anyone, then you need to go see a doctor.

    ^^This^^ Only in my family it's anxiety and depression. And exercise is the best thing for me, also. My therapist actually recommended it. When I feel anxiety coming on, I got out and run as fast as I can for as long as I can. It usually isnt' that long, but then I keep moving for at least 15 minutes. The depression thing is harder, because you don't want to move when you struggle with it, but I find that just forcing myself actually works. I just tell myself that sitting/lying there won't make me feel any better, and when I get up and move, I really do feel at least a little bit better. Good luck.
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    I take fish oil and vit. D and that is proven to work better than prozac per my pych. dr. And i am also on 2 meds for depression and bi-polar. Both my counselor and pych doc push working out and soaking up the sun. I work out and, for example. last night i was struggling (spring is always bad for me) and i went for a walk and it seemed to help and that was at 8:30 at night. Depression sucks but you need to work through it and i find that prayer helps too. Good luck and feel free to add me if you ever need to talk. Been dealing with this since i was 11 years old and i am 31. So i have some experience:happy:
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I had been doing very good since November - learning to identify the signs of the "creep". I was blindsided this past weekend and am struggling really bad with it... 10% we can't control other 90% is our attitude, some times that 10% seems grander.

    Exercise for me is my weapon against depression - I find that if I work out early in the morning it sets a good trend for my mind. I am starting my day doing something that is only for myself. One of the signs of my depression is that I don't want to do anything I enjoy :/ ...
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Hey, I'm not bi-polar and have never suffered in that way, but I have recently recovered from a bout of severe depression that ended in my being jobless, amongst other things. I think the first most important thing is to realise you're not alone. There are people who can help you, therapists, doctors, friends, even people here!

    I've seen some people suggesting medications. I've had bouts of depression before, and this time I refused to take meds. It was by far my worst bout but this time I feel like I've ACTUALLY recovered. Don't feel like meds is the only way (although they do work for some people, I always felt like I "lost" myself). I spent time talking to people closest to me, examining the things that I felt were contributing towards my illness and this alone bought a sense of healing.

    So, in response to your question: talk it out. What makes you feel low? Is there anything that haunts you? The exercise you're not wanting to do will actually make you feel better, promoting a release of endorphins and serotonin (somehting low in depressed people).

    Coping strategies: visualisation worked for me. Imagine yourself actually out there and doing it. Positive self-talk also was a biggie for me, you CAN do it.

    Feel free to add me if you need to chat/need any more support :) I hope you're feeling better soon.
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    Serious depression, see a doctor.

    I sometimes find myself in a dark place. But I have a plan. So I stick to the plan. When I am in that place, I never question if I will go to work, or if I will take out the trash, so I don't ask if I will work out. It may not be the best workout I have done, but it will be done just like going to work. IT IS PART OF MY LIFE.

    Having that plan, workouts I am going to do is the key for me. I don't have to spend any energy on figuring out what I will do, I just do it..... did I sound like a Nike commercial again?
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    I may get on a bit of a soap box so my apologies in advance...

    I will start by saying I am so very fortunate to have not experienced depression in my life so far. That being said- I do believe that exercise as a tool for stress management is what keeps me sane.

    I used to work with individuals with severe and pervasive mental illnesses and I think that basic self care can go a long ways in improving mental health and mood. It makes obvious sense to me that the health of the body and mind interact and effect each other. One of my college profs wrote this The Depression Cure, he does trials and runs groups at the mental health center I worked at: http://thedepressioncurebook.com/.

    I think this book is sooo well written as it is very accessible and useable. I read it to help my clients and use the strategies in my life just to be as healthy as I can. The idea that our bodies for all of history were designed to be lean, active, healthy, and all natural makes sense. The change in how societies used to function as a group creating community and personal engagement and worth in oneself. There is significant research that supports this. Also- areas with healthy fresh diets and those high in fish have lower instances of mental illness overall...Anyway I could go on forever. That is my 2 cents but I am a believer that exercise will help. Also, I do know from my work experience that when you are depressed the things that seem the hardest- exercise, socializing, healthy diet...are the most important. I hope that helps and you feel better!
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    A big THANK YOU to all who replied. The funk seems to have lifted today, but it kind of scared me this time, as it lasted longer than usual. My Mom's history (suicide attempts) makes me want to stay on top of it before it gets out of hand. A big hug to all who responded, you were kind, thoughtful & supportive. I really appreciate it.:smile: Exercise is already my drug, but I may consider some of the others in the future. My best friend is my therapist, but maybe I could go to a professional, I have to think about it.

    P.S. just got back from a 20-mile bike ride outside, that really does help!!
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    Serious depression, see a doctor.

    I sometimes find myself in a dark place. But I have a plan. So I stick to the plan. When I am in that place, I never question if I will go to work, or if I will take out the trash, so I don't ask if I will work out. It may not be the best workout I have done, but it will be done just like going to work. IT IS PART OF MY LIFE.

    Having that plan, workouts I am going to do is the key for me. I don't have to spend any energy on figuring out what I will do, I just do it..... did I sound like a Nike commercial again?

    THIS ^

    My day/week is scheduled and I just do it, it's not a question, it's not an option. It's just what I do whether I feel like it or not.
  • AnewMe2cor5seventeen
    AnewMe2cor5seventeen Posts: 16 Member
    I am amazed how many people have responded to this! Lots of us deal with the same thing and in the same boat! Depression runs in my family and my dad is bipolar! I watched my dad putt a 357 in his mouth soooo i would say i have experience with the worse kids of depression-I have waves but finally had to get on medication to help with mine. I also see a therapist( which seemed over board at first but it actually is a good thing)
    I do know that working out (doing cardo) produces serotonin which is the " feel good hormone." My doctor says cardio everyday can do the same as light doses of meds...I needed more but a good hard work out may be just the thing for you.Good luck!
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    I am suffering right now, saturday just gone, I cried from 6am till 2pm, wanting to end it all, after 3weeks of nearly good weeks it came back, and it was so upseting, I fould ring my threapist calmed me down, then I went and got a book from the libary on beating depression writing by a proffessor, and im really under standing the condition so much more, which seems to help, If you have depression like us, then trying to exercise on the day your feel so ill, is near impossible, but once you find you have just lifted from rock bottom by a tiny bit, or just enough to attempt some exercise, then it works wonders, its like a drug, Exercise plus education make me feel able to cope.

    Hats off to everybody who commented in this thread! its nice to know you not alone sometimes.