Who else is on the injured list?

Any fellow MFPers sidelined from their regular workout routines by an injury? I have plantar fasciitis, tendonitis in my Achilles, and a bone spur - all from running in the fall. i wore a night splint for 6 weeks, a walking boot for 3 weeks, and am currently in week 3 of 7 weeks of physical therapy, twice a week. I have been banned from running or anything with impact on my foot.

Let's be honest, all I know how to do is run. So tonight I went to the gym for the first time in 4 months...and I sucked. I did an elliptical for 10 minutes (that hurt), did bike for about 15 minutes (that hurt), and then pouted like a baby and went home and ate a bunch of chips.

Clearly, I need some motivation/a swift kick in the pants.I am currently 195 lbs...and as a former competitive runner who was 120 in my prime, this is not the glorious start to my weight loss journey that I had envisioned.


  • M1chelles5
    M1chelles5 Posts: 107
    I'm trying to get healthy again after breaking my leg this fall.
    I had surgery (open f/x of tibia/fib), had a titanium rod and several screws inserted. I go to phy-therapy 3x a week for 3 hrs each time. I can tell you its a lot of hard work and often i feel impatient w/myself. I stay motivated to not only walk properly, but to get healthier than i was before i broke my stupid leg.

    I cant let myself down...I absolutely refuse to give up on me.
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    Mine isn't terribly serious, but I'm still trying to heal up a bruised tailbone...it's driving me nuts not to be able to workout to my full potential. I sat down too hard on the floor last night during a workout and nearly cried. I sympathize!
  • reggiestarkey
    reggiestarkey Posts: 7 Member
    I developed bursitis in both shoulders and am now in PT. They told me not to run or swim. I just simply stopped exercising! Even walking or no handed elliptical is better than nothing. I am trying to get back in shape. Hang in there!
  • indianapopstar
    While I am not happy any of you are going through what you are, I appreciate you sharing your experiences too! I am going o keep you guys in mind next time I feel like I am the only person at the gym not running, let alone not running an effortless seven-minute mile. :) I wish you all the best of luck with your rehab! Feel free to friend me if you want to bond/commiserate over our injuries. :)
  • mmbertrand
    Hey lady!

    I love to run and was really upset when I sprained my ankle in December... but my PT told me swimming was fine, you might wanna ask about that!

    Good luck!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    In the meantime, focus on what you're eating and just do the exercise you're able to. Keep looking forward to being able to get back to your usual, but remember that it will happen.

    Injuries suck.
  • m0dizzle
    m0dizzle Posts: 101 Member
    My left elbow was broken years ago and never healed properly so any strength exercises means a week of throbbing pain!
    I also currently have a huge, infected blister on the side of my foot - right where my shoes rub.
  • rbbrrmqn
    rbbrrmqn Posts: 132 Member
    Knee and shoulder both bummed up from my workouts--DANG it!!! I can do very little to none except PT. (pout)
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I stubbed my middle toe trying to walk out my bedroom door while half asleep a week ago Sunday. It fractured. I can't rest it much since I'm a substitute teacher (thus no benefits/PTO, so I have to work... also, no car so I have to walk to work), which is likely going to cause it to heal slower than it should. Yay me! :grumble:
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I also currently have a huge, infected blister on the side of my foot - right where my shoes rub.

    Look up Moleskin if you've never heard of it. It's pretty cheap and works wonders.
  • wapan
    wapan Posts: 219 Member
    Broken big toe - weight dropped on it! Can't run for two weeks.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Surgery today, no recumbent bike or lifting for at least two weeks. Yay.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Broken big toe - weight dropped on it! Can't run for two weeks.

    I feel your pain!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Kelleyrh5
    Kelleyrh5 Posts: 119 Member
    LOL I totally feel everyone's pain here! I have a large neuroma in my right foot, just delt with tendonitis in both ankles, and now have pain in both hips while walking! HAHA They say growing older is a pain and then adding exercising is hell! I am going to see a Sports Medicine doc next week to see what I am doing wrong. I so want to be fit and healthy by 50..... :smile:
  • indianapopstar
    I guess misery really does love company, because I feel so much better. :) Thanks to you all for sharing. I am jealous (only fake-jealous, not real-jealous...I think :smile: ) of all of the awesome people on here who are losing so much weight in part because they are exercise machines! I am doing well at logging my calories and that's helping keep me motivated, but I can't get over how much quicker this would go if I could bust out some serious sweat at the gym!

    Anyway have any good pool workouts, or arm weight routines, or non-impact cardio they would recommend? I am all ears!
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    I guess misery really does love company, because I feel so much better. :) Thanks to you all for sharing. I am jealous (only fake-jealous, not real-jealous...I think :smile: ) of all of the awesome people on here who are losing so much weight in part because they are exercise machines! I am doing well at logging my calories and that's helping keep me motivated, but I can't get over how much quicker this would go if I could bust out some serious sweat at the gym!

    Anyway have any good pool workouts, or arm weight routines, or non-impact cardio they would recommend? I am all ears!

    treading water using only your arms used to just about kill me in swim lessons. also swimming lengths using only your arms (not kicking) is pretty hard - even if you use a buoyant belt to make sure you don't sink it can be a pretty good workout i would think.
  • nora110
    nora110 Posts: 24
    I would recommend swimming if you have access to a pool. I am recovering from a skiing accident last year, and the one activity I am NOT allowed to do it run. I also have PF and I wear a night splint EVERY NIGHT without fail, otherwise I'm hurtin'! good luck.
  • BamaGirl_Tricia
    BamaGirl_Tricia Posts: 70 Member
    I have a loose tendon that pervents me from walking or running. Any suggestions?
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    I went from doing Zumba three times a week, spin class and strength to nothing :( I ended up ripping all the tendons in my ankle and having a hairline fracture up my leg and harming the tendons in my knee.
    I feel like a bum and I'm full of pent-up energy (so are my dogs). I've started doing a modified version of yoga and it makes me feel much better! Try a starting dvd that has a lot of modified excersises. :) Good luck!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Anyway have any good pool workouts, or arm weight routines, or non-impact cardio they would recommend? I am all ears!

    As someone said, definitely try swimming. I'm hoping to get back to swimming laps next week, and may try using the belts they provide at the gym's pool for some added exercise. Do you have a pool near you that has aqua zumba? That's a nice fun calorie burner, too.