Pink Method

Has anyone heard of the pink method? Have you been successful on it. My girlfriend lost 13 pounds in 9 days.


  • nangeela1
    nangeela1 Posts: 2 Member
    I have bought the booklet and attempted it 3 times. I find the reset to restricting for me and keep falling off of it. The other phases are easier though. I am going to stay off of it for a few weeks just focus on eating clean and exercising than attempt it again.
  • raylenel
    raylenel Posts: 41
    a girlfriend of mine has done it for a few months and lost 20+ lbs. I'd be thrilled with half of that. :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    A few observations...

    It's based on increased exercise and improved diet. Do you really need to buy some kit for that???
    There is no strength training. For most people, that's an unbalanced program that will give unbalanced results.
    The reset and the 7-day shred are likely unhealthy and/or gimmicks.
    See my first comment.
  • MsKRachl
    MsKRachl Posts: 6
    I LOVE the Pink Method! It has completely changed my way of thinking about food. Not only do I make healthier choices now but I've lost 22lbs in less than 3 months. Anyone that says its a gimmick is unaware of the complete diet and exercise program. The diet portion is simply learning how to eat clean and the exercise portion focuses on strength training, cardio and flexibility.

    I would definitely recommend the program to anyone that needs guidance with being healthier, fitter & of course weight loss!!! Please feel free to add me to follow my journey or add me if you need a little support or motivation.
  • tfonzer
    tfonzer Posts: 4
    I started today! I'm exicted to see results.