Pink Method

Has anyone heard of and/or done the Pink Method? I have been wondering if it works and how hard it is to do!


  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    I've been extensively researching it for a couple of days and just ordered it today. I've been to the company's website,, I've heard what The Doctor's and Dr Phil have to say about it, I've found websites that critique it that have no connection whatsoever other than to provide data and a list of pro's and con's and what I've found is that this plan is not for everyone, but for those whose personality it fits, it fits very well. The pro's are it's a very healthy eating plan, good exercise routine, designed to cut out the infamous plateau, and is for anyone, any age, who needs to lose anywhere from 10 to 100 lbs. They have a decent support website that is included in your purchase, however, I'm still a fan of MFP so I'll likely do both. Other pros are that it's vegan friendly, and also user friendly for those with lactose intolerance.

    Some of the cons are you need to follow the plan closely in order to achieve results. They tell you step by step, day by day, what to eat and how and when to work out using their DVDs. That's not a "con" for me because I'm a "just tell me what to do and I'll do it" kind of person but for those who don't like the strict plan it's not a good fit.

    Either way, they offer a 30 day money back guarantee so you really can't lose. I've checked out the recipes and menu for the plan and they look AWESOME. For me it will be worth it just having the meal plan for ideas and the DVD's for workouts. It cost me $75 with S&H and purchase the plan, so it's a little pricey, but I "cheated" and split it 3 way with my girlfriends. We're all going to do it together so we only had to pay $25 each. LOL.
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    My sister just got her's in yesterday and she said that the morning shake wasn't that bad. I have heard that a lot of people lose a lot of weight with it and they lose it fast!
  • Hey guys, I've been on it for 2 weeks. I've posted my results so far below. Is the program But I promise, when you see the weight coming off, it makes it easier! At first you will have to do what is called a "reset" which is basically a cleanse. It depends on your height and weight how long you will be on it. I was in the longest group which is 2 weeks. You should lose 5 - 10 pounds while on the reset part. You cannot start the workouts until you finish the reset. This is to shock your metabolism. I also have PCOS so I have a much more difficult time losing weight than "average" women :( Again, I will state, the reset is not easy, especially for 2 weeks! But stepping on the scale every day and seeing it go down made it totally worth it!

    I know it's $70 so if you don't think you will like going through a carbs, no sugars, no butters (regular butter, peanut butter, etc.), very little low-fat dairy, only a little bit of meat (no more than 4 oz. for lunch and dinner each) and a smoothie each morning (there was only one that I really liked), then don't waste you're money because the eating is a big part of the program.

    I did start my exercises today, for the first 3 weeks, Phase 1, they are only 20 minutes per day which is not bad and you are encouraged to do an additional 15 minutes of the "bonus" disc which could be yoga, or some other short exercises, so really you are looking at 35 minutes. Phase 2, is a 30 minute workout per day + the 15 minute bonus workout, and then Phase 3 is a 40 minute workout per day + 15 minute bonus workout. That all last a total of 9 weeks.

    Here are my results from just doing the "reset" :

    Today officially ended my PINK Method Reset diet which lasted 2 weeks. Tomorrow starts my workouts. Just for kicks, I wanted to see what my measurements were just from the diet part. Here's my stats for the past two weeks: Total pounds lost = 7 lbs., Bust = 0" lost, Waist = 2.5" lost, Hips = 0.5" lost, Thighs = 0.5" lost. So not too bad for just doing the dieting part! I'm excited to see my results as I start these workouts!!

    Hopes that helps some of you out in your decision to purchase the program :)
  • nangeela1
    nangeela1 Posts: 2 Member
    I am going to use you guys as inspiration to retry it. I have such a hard time staying on track after a few days of reset. I think just laziness? Or the carb with draw? To little of calories ?