NSV - Weighing more, but smaller

swilk627 Posts: 245 Member
I must admit, I've never been one to buy into the whole "muscle weighs more than fat and you must be gaining muscle" argument for why the scale isn't moving. However, I wore a pair of capris last night that I haven't been able to wear since summer of 2008. I weighed about 130 then. I weigh 140 now. Also, I weighed 138 at the beginning of last summer and my thighs and butt couldn't have hoped to fit into these capris. I still have lots of fluff to get rid of but I need to remember things like this whenever I let the scale discourage me!


  • dlperry65
    dlperry65 Posts: 83
    Success comes in more ways than just the scale! Great job!
  • tabithajoyy
    tabithajoyy Posts: 680 Member
    Great NSV! Congrats!
  • xjlishey1
    xjlishey1 Posts: 286
    Congratulations on your loss!!

    Just a reminder that muscle surely doesn't weigh more than fat. a pound = a pound. The difference is the definition in that one pound of fat vs. that one pound of muscle. Muscle is condense where as fat is not. Just weigh a feather pillow and a gold bar that equals one pound. It will take a lot more pillows to reach that pound then that gold bar. What you are probably experiencing is water retention in your muscles. Yes, the scale will stand still that's why it's better to take measurements than to weigh on a scale. When lifting weights your muscle are torn and will hold onto fluid while it repairs itself. As they repair they get firmer.

    Well the good thing about all of this is that no matter which weigh the scale is moving you are getting leaner.:happy:
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