new here looking for supportive friends



  • harpschana
    harpschana Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone
    I joined a couple of weeks ago but have only just started to use this regularly I also joined from Weight Watchers. I've found MFP to be so much better, and its FREE!
    I've always struggled with my weight and have always been the fattest in my family. Have done numerous diets etc but the weight is very hard to shift. And I really have no motivation. I'm getting married in the Summer and if I can lose 10 pounds I would be really happy. Fed up of starving myself and working out til I drop and not one pound comes off. I'm only 5ft Tall so every pound of extra weight looks huge.
    I'm looking forward to chatting to people who actually understand.
    Good luck everyone :)
  • Hey guys I've been on here for just under a year.
    Add me, I'd like to meet people. I think its great to have friends on here because the support is amazing :-) xxx
  • fluecok
    fluecok Posts: 52
    hey guys,

    i just started a few weeks ago

    add me as well =D
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    i also switched from weight watchers to MFP! i just started MFP, though, so i don't have many tips. i can be supportive though! good luck!
  • TamImbrogno
    TamImbrogno Posts: 72 Member
    Hi, im not new here but i love making new friends. Feel free to add me. Ive had 3 kids and was on bedrest with all 3!!!
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    Weight watchers and I did not get along. I've been here for I think a year this month, I'd rather count calories than figure out points. lol
  • Karen_ZH
    Karen_ZH Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Katie,

    I've been using MyFitnessPal since the end of February. I like having the app on my phone too (especially to scan bar codes!).

    I have 3 sons (youngest is now 19).

    Since I've been tracking food and fitness here, I've lost 3 pounds and a couple of inches...and I still eat what I want to eat!

    Feel free to add me as a friend!

  • I used to do ww too! :) Ill add you
  • I am new too! So far I have only lost two pounds but the was one week with MFP. I love the community and you don't have to pay so much to count your points and weigh in! I will add you newbies and we will make this journey together.
  • BreeShine
    BreeShine Posts: 26
    Hi! :smile:
    I've decided to to this now! I have a goal and I'll try hard! Sometimes I'm not motivated but friends here on MFP make me go on and remember what i want to achieve!

    ADD ME! :happy:
  • Hi- I join this app back in Jan and this has been my best friend.. I have documented everything I eat. I love it very much and use it daily. When I started I was 311 and that was on 01/26/2012. I have followed it to the T. I don't go over my calorie intake and workout 2-3 times a way for 45 minutes on the treadmill and 10 mins on the bike. I am currently down to 287 and I am sooo excited. I eat 6 times a day and in small portion.. No fried food. Ok I may have fried food one time and that is on the weekend.. It really is a mind thing... Welcome and enjoy.
  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    Hello Katie today is also my first day. My name is Sandy and i can be ur fitness pal if you want. I used to be 185 last year and by taking a small step at a time i got down to 162 but my goal is to be 135 so i need it a system to keep track of my calories so lets see how it goes =). You can do it just dont give up, just remember its one pound at a time. I am here if you need to talk we can do it

    Are we on the same fitness path? I was 185 a few years ago, went down to 150 but now I'm back at 165ish (def some chub gain but mostly muscle gain since I started crossfit). I'd love to be 135 but that might be impossible for me. I'd be ecstatic at 140-145...gonna friend you!!
  • Hi. You all can add me if you want. I have been on here for a couple of years. Lost over 50 lbs, then gained 20 back since mom passed away in May '11. I joined WW and have the new points system. I decided not to go back to meetings though. I can't afford $13 every week, and like many have said MFP is FREE!!! The way I lost best on was low carb. WW is a good program, but low carb seems to work the best for me.
  • WELCOME to ALL the NEW people I just started this last week and I love it Feel FREE to add me. love to help and get advise from others. and support!
  • teresa1121
    teresa1121 Posts: 113 Member
    Hello Everyone I started in January and have lost 10 lbs with the help of MFP keeps me on track with logging food and water also the support is tremendous i also belong to a weight loss support group where i weigh in once a week.. great bunch of people there as well .. you can never have to much support or friends .. Everyone reading please feel free to Add me if you like the more friends the better

    Katie you will love it
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    A little about me... I am in my 20s as well, Married Mommy of 2 toddlers. I joined MFP/started this journey January 7th , after seeing vacation photos and realizing how much I had gained!!! ( The vacation photo is in my profile pic) I started on January 7th of this year weighing in at 242 lbs, and this morning I weighed 200.2!!! - SOOOOO close to Onederland (getting in the 1 hundreds), I am EXCITED!!! I LOVE MFP and my awesome friends & support system!

    Feel free to send me a invite! I still have about 30 lbs at least that I would like to lose - "possibly" more. We can do this!!!
  • Mike937
    Mike937 Posts: 26 Member
    Dad of 2, also trying to get healthy and looking for all the support I can get and give :). Feel free to add.