Warrior Dash

Has anyone ever done the Warrior Dash 5k? I understand it's super hard but I've made it my goal to do it this year. I'll be doing it October 13th in New Orleans if anyone wants to join me :)


  • BekahLuv
    BekahLuv Posts: 164
    I did this in June of 2011 in Pittsburgh! I was terribly out of shape (still am but not motivated and working on that) and went with a group of friends. The girls walked it and the guys actually ran. It was def a lot of fun! Even though walking took forever! It's def worth trying out. I'm training myself now to run a 5K so I can participate in Run For Your Lives in September!
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    I am sigining up to do the one in September in Virginia. I'm doing the c25k and also working on strength training and working with the rock climbing wall and stuff at the gym. It looks like a lot of fun!
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I did this in October in NorCal! It's super fun, and challenging. Be sure to do lots of weight training and running. You have plenty of time to prepare.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I've not done one yet, but I'm registered for my first in May in NC and my 2nd in June in OH.. I'm super pumped, I've even got four other teammates signed up who've never done anything like this before either.. but we're all animals when it comes to training, so we plan on killin' it when we get there!
  • RunAmock
    RunAmock Posts: 95 Member
    Warrior Dash is AWESOME!!! I did two last year. I would be doing the one in May but I will be in the Dominican Republic when it is going on.....Maybe I can find one in a neighboring state. Good luck. You will love it.
  • ItsTiffanyFTW
    ItsTiffanyFTW Posts: 72 Member
    I'm doing my first one in Austin this fall. I'm really looking forward to it!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Yes I did the 3.5 miler in VA last year. It was super fun and you can do it! I am going to the one in MD this year in May.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I did one last October in Virginia and am doing my second one this June in Ohio! It was tons of fun! Be prepared to get filthy!!!
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    So fun! I haven't done one but my roommate does at least one a year and loves it. Good luck and have fun!
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    Nice, I'm doing it in August in British Columbia :D
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    Seriously thinking of doing it. It definitely looks a little crazy.
  • TheYankeeBelle
    You have plenty of time, I think. I'm doing the N. TX one in mid-April. I'm a little nervous about some of the upper-body stuff though.
    I'm a first-time Warrior as well....any veterans have advice on training?

  • ekjrn19
    ekjrn19 Posts: 1 Member
    I've always wanted to do one! I live just north of New Orleans, so that's way doable. I think if we keep at it it would be a great goal to work towards!
  • hilarysgiants
    hilarysgiants Posts: 132 Member
    I did one in PA last year and was out of shape. I didn't do too bad though and it was very hard, but very fun!! I also did another mud run in Sept with some girlfriends and we all wore dresses. I am signing up for another one here in June....they are addicting!! They push your body, but are FUN! The other runners are great too and most people are there to have a fun time, while pushing themselves, so you will find encouragment along the way! Good luck!
  • jessicaeclark
    Make sure to also check out Hero Rush (Herorush.com) It's a Firefighter0themed 5k obstacle race event!
  • drizzella
    drizzella Posts: 27
    I did my first Warrior Dash this weekend in Splendora and it was AWESOME!! I took my time and finished in 1 hour and 15 minutes. My goal for the next one is going to be focused on time. I am going to sign up for the one in Austin in November, I figure that gives me several months to train up. I am not too sore today and even ran a couple of miles on the treadmill. The scariest obstacle for me was the wall, because I scaled the rope quick and then couldn't figure out how to throw my leg over. Oh,and I got some 3.97 gardening gloves that were the best things ever. I don't care what anyone says, I protected my hands, and they came in handy for all the ropes...