Less than 2 pounds away from my goal...

Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
In July of last year, I made the decision to finally lose weight. When I stepped onto the scale, I weighed 190 pounds. I lost 5 pounds the first month of my diet. In August, a friend of mine told me about MyFitnessPal, and I joined, weighing in at 185 when I first started. The first 3 weeks of my weight loss journey, I didn't lose any weight, but, I was losing inches. Finally the weight started to come off.
It's March of 2012, and I have lost 43.4 pounds since July. I am now 146.6 pounds. It's been such an amazing journey, and I've changed my life forever.
With my large body frame, combined with my height, I am just about in the 'healthy' range of the BMI.

Losing weight is hard work, but, I can tell you, it's worth it. Don't let anything or anyone stop you from achieving your goal. This is your journey. Losing weight IS possible, and when you put your heart and soul into it, you will lose weight.
Half of my family is morbidly obese. I was morbidly obese from age 8 to 28. I reached 240 pounds in high school. I was a size 28W. I was depressed, shunned, and I didn't date at all. Guys didn't even notice me until college.
I've now beaten morbid obesity, and I'm about to beat being overweight. Beating the odds, and reclaiming your life will happen, you just have to want it bad enough.
I was able to keep going with my weight loss with the support and encouragement of my friends, offline, and on here. I've even inspired my father to lose weight.
You can be the person you've always wanted to be. Believe in yourself, and the sky's the limit!
Be encouraged everyone! You can do it! :-)


  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    That is quite an achievement! Good job! I am also shooting for about 145. I am 14lbs away. Wishing you continued success and a fit and healthy life forever!!!

  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    That is quite an achievement! Good job! I am also shooting for about 145. I am 14lbs away. Wishing you continued success and a fit and healthy life forever!!!


    Excellent job! Keep going! You'll do it! :-)
  • Congrats!!! Enjoy your success.
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    Congrats!!! Enjoy your success.

    Thank you! :-)
  • Congrats! <3 That's a real inspiration, right there!
  • You are so inspirational sweetie! I'm so proud of you for sticking with it and conquering your weaknesses and reaching your goals! Your story will help so many people. Good for you & God Bless you!
  • usernamejoe
    usernamejoe Posts: 219 Member
  • mstoya02
    mstoya02 Posts: 24
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 673 Member
    Congratulations! :drinker:
  • khbutterfly
    khbutterfly Posts: 17 Member
    Congrats!! Very inspirational - can I ask what were some of the things you did to accomplish this?
  • fitphoenix
    fitphoenix Posts: 9,673 Member
    What an inspirational journey! It sounds like you've beaten the odds and have the right attitude to keep the weight off and stay healthy. Best of luck on your continuing journey. ^_^
  • You are an insperation. Great job!
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    Thank you, everyone! Sorry I didn't get back sooner, I just got home from work.

    Some of the things I did was I cut out fast food and soda completely, and started off doing a ton of cardio and only did strength training once a week. I increased my calories every 10-15 pounds I lost. In maintenance mode, I have to eat 1850 to stay at the same weight. I ate a lot of whole grains and tried to stay as organic and all natural as I could.
    Also, during my weight loss journey last year, I found out that I had Celiac Disease, so my eating habits changed again.
    Changing to a gluten free, and mainly lactose free, lifestyle has actually aided in my weight loss.
    I eat a lot of lean chicken, brown rice, soy, veggies, fruits, rice cereal, rice and corn pasta, etc. I try to drink as much water as I can (at least 4-8 glasses a day). I try to net at least 1300-1400 calories, but, might have to start eating more. I put myself in maintenance mode a few weeks back, and I'm still losing weight. So I'm gonna try to net 1600-1800 a day. It's hard because I eat a TON of food each day, LOL!
    I lowered my cardio workouts to half an hour 3x a week, and increased strength training to 45 mins 3-4x a week.
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