
Has anyone done "Insanity"? Any luck or tips or best stories?


  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    I am interested also...I have a friend that has offered to let me borrow it but it seems like maybe it is more of a commitment than I can take on right now. Thoughts?
  • MileHighJohn
    MileHighJohn Posts: 5 Member
    I have it, I liked it but I had to stop doing it for now. It kills your knees. But it is effective. knee braces if you remotely have bad knees, and go get heart rate monitor. You will need it for sure.
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    Has anyone done "Insanity"? Any luck or tips or best stories?

    Day 24 - best advice? Don't give up, take measurements and photos because the scale will not be your best friend at first :) Drink plenty of water too and go at your own pace, just don't give up
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    I just got the Insanity Fast & Furious delivered yesterday. I am a little nervous to try it . But, might start today, if not yet this week.
  • ldbldg
    ldbldg Posts: 7
    I have the insanity, and let me tell you. IT IS DIFFICULT! not saying it can't be done.. my suggestion would be to plan plan plan plan prior to starting the dvd. Try to figure out a set time everyday that you are going to do it, i suggest early mornings before you start your day. Second, Don't try to kill yourself trying to keep up from day 1. WORK AT YOUR OWN PACE, you will get better each week and will be able to more reps along the way.FInally, have fun with it, invite a friend over to do it with you, play some music in the backround. Just let loose, dont let it beat you, and good luck!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I completed Insanity last spring. It is difficult when you first start. As said by the previous poster, work at your own pace and don't worry about staying with the instructor. Do what you can and work to improve your own moves/times/etc.

    It's a lot of circuit/interval type training. No weights or strength training. Month one is shorter but still very intense. Month two the length of workouts increase.

    Also, if you do start it, make sure you are fueling your body well. I didn't lose any weight in the beginning but once I bumped my calories up, I started noticing more improvements. Good luck!
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    Just make sure you're ALWAYS using good form when doing it or you'll injure yourself. Great program. Do a search for other Insanity threads because there are a lot of them out there with a lot of advice.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I've summed up my experience, tips and results in my MFP blog here -
  • mickyjd
    mickyjd Posts: 97
    Hi there,

    I just finished Insanity and I would highly recommend it.

    Over the 9 weeks, I went on a calorie controlled diet of 2000 cal's per day and did Insanity. I lost 14 lbs, but best of all, lost 3 inches from around my stomach and 2.5 inches around my waist.

    My cardio is now off the charts with my 1 km running time reduced from approximately 6 mins 30 secs per km to 4 mins 22 secs per km and my resting heart rate came down from 72 bpm to 58 bpm.

    My advice is work it at your own pace - don't follow the ATHLETE's on the dvd - and I challenge you not to press pause!

    Good luck with it though, it changed my life :)
  • si_puedo
    si_puedo Posts: 138 Member
    i have it. day 21 today. this workout makes any other workout i do look like a walk in the park.
  • sasab904
    sasab904 Posts: 20 Member
    I just became a beachbody coach and just ordered it! My husband and I are going to start it April 9th! We can do it!
  • chrissyw63
    chrissyw63 Posts: 147 Member
    I did it! It definitely IS tough ... and I hit pause a lot the first time around. You'll definitely see results, but I agree with everyone who said do it at your own pace and don't give up. It's an incredible workout ... best wishes to you!
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
    I would go buy Insanity "The Asylum" instead.....It is a great workout program and does not kill your body as much as Insanity.

    I have completed both prgrams and I love Asylum!
  • lrob1127
    lrob1127 Posts: 2
    Insanity isn't something you can start. I suggest that anyone interested do complete another program (warm up) and then start insanity. I completed ChaLEAN Extreme. It got me ready for Insanity.
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    I have completed it twice. My suggestion is to find a friend to do it with you. I got through it because the first time I had 3 friends come over every day (like it or not). We held eachother accountable every day. The second time I did it I just had one friend and we still workout together every day. I found that I push myself much harder when there is someone else there. We sort of play off of eachothers energy. (and on the really bad days you have someone to complain with WHILE you are working out.)
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    I just finished the whole program on Saturday, it is hard, not gonna lie, but a great challenge. I had to keep pausing. I does not get easier, you get better, and you keep pushing yourself.

    I am doing another program then going to do another round of it, along with Asylum. I say go for it, go at your own pace and do your best.
  • AnnaK812
    AnnaK812 Posts: 48 Member
    I start week 4 of Insanity today and I LOVE does take a daily commitment, but now I look forward to it every night when I get home. I would highly recommend wearing a heart rate monitor and doing what your body can handle, but don't forget to push. Insanity is all about digging deeper! Train insane or remain the same!!
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    I have the insanity, and let me tell you. IT IS DIFFICULT! not saying it can't be done.. my suggestion would be to plan plan plan plan prior to starting the dvd. Try to figure out a set time everyday that you are going to do it, i suggest early mornings before you start your day. Second, Don't try to kill yourself trying to keep up from day 1. WORK AT YOUR OWN PACE, you will get better each week and will be able to more reps along the way.FInally, have fun with it, invite a friend over to do it with you, play some music in the backround. Just let loose, dont let it beat you, and good luck!

    I agree with him. You have to make yourself do it no matter what. Plan your time, mine is at 4:00PM right when I get home from work, I do not allow myself to lay down and watch TV or anything else because then I know I will get lazy and won't do my workout. You have to constantly be on top of it.

    You will see results by week three as long as you try your best, don't wait until you're sweating and stop. Don't wait until you're tired, go until you cannot go anymore. Then drink water, shake it off and go right back to it.
  • BtchyBrat930
    I did Insanity last summer and it was amazing! You feel very sore for the first week or two, but it gets better. I recommend taking your measurements at the beginning, middle and end. I didn't lose all that much weight, but I lost a lot of inches. If I went on weight loss alone and didn't take my measurements, I probably wouldn't have been motivated to do level 2, thinking that I wasn't seeing results. But you can see when you do the fit test that you are able to do more reps than when you started. But I highly recommend the program.
  • bigd65
    bigd65 Posts: 171 Member
    great workout. You just have to stay with it don't get worried if you don't keep up with the whole program just do what you can. You will get stronger and more able to do the exercises as you progress. It is a very good cardio program. The heart rate monitor suggested in a previous post is a great idea. I didn't use one and wished I had because without tracking my calories spent and the reduction in calories in the diet made me feel weaker having the monitor and knowing how many extra calories burned which could have been eaten back would have I think given me more energy to get through the program. Started Sept. 1 and did the whole 9 weeks down 28 pounds. Take before and after pics holding the insanity kit if you don't have a receipt from purchasing it and you get a pretty nice t shirt when you email your pics in. I have since purchased a polar ft7 and love it and I will be doing round 2 of insanity only this time tracking and eating back the calories i burn and i think I will see better results. Best of luck I did talk someone else into doing this program and they started out gung ho and then gave up, but luckily my wife did it with me and she is a workout fanatic and I knew she wouldn't quit. She did the whole program and is ready to do round 2. Hope you do well and just keep at it you wont regret it