5ft 2 ladies

kaylz0106 Posts: 117 Member
when I started MFP I knew I wanted my weight to be around 10st but as I look at some of the pics on here I am thinking that maybe that is too little with all the toning and muscle gaining I am and will continue to be doing. Wondering if anyone 5ft2 would like to share their thought and pics of tehir sucesses jsut to help me rethink this a little!

One lady in particular caught my eye and made me rethink this and I cannot find her post anywhere but she started at like 161lbs went down to 130ish and tonned up and ended up at 160 but looking much better than the 161lbs eventhough it was just 1lb!!!


  • natyts
    natyts Posts: 89 Member
    Hello im 5ft 2 also im 159lb at the minute my target is 124lb ...But as each pound an inch i loose i am starting to feel much more confident and trimmer ...Wondering if ill be quite content with around 135 lb ish lol we'll see

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    I am 5'2" . Up until the last 10 years or so I always hovered around the 100 pound mark. As I have aged though, I really feel that 115 is probably my good weight. My body seems to think 125 is good though! hehe! I do need to tone up. Still too high a fat measurement. I think it really depends on your comfort level, your age, and your body type. Good luck on your journey!
  • Im 5 ft 3 and 167 pounds. I look very thin at 130.
    Most people are suprised I weigh so much.
    But I do
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • xxxAimeeHxxx
    xxxAimeeHxxx Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, im 5st 2" my GW is 126lbs. but to be honest i dont care what my weight is. Im going more on cloths size. i think some times people can become to obsessed with the scales and if your 1lbs more tomorrow morning than you was yesterday.
    I have a bunch of cloths of the right size i want to be able to fit into.
    Seeing the lbs come off is great motivation for me but i get a bigger kick out of the inches!. once my cloths fit nicely ill truly be happy,
    so my advise. dont focus on a weight focus on a cloth size.... your always going to gain lbs with muscle!

    Good Luck sweety xxxxxxx
  • Hi,

    I'm just under 5'2, and am currently 128, with a goal of 123. For me, its about being comfortable in, and out of clothing-on the beach-wherever! The last five lbs have been the hardest to loose. MFP has me at 1,200 calories to achieve 123 lbs-this so far has been quite the challenge. Good luck to all of us!
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    I'm 118 (lost 10) and am aiming for 110-115. Not sure if it will happen, but am happy w/my eating habits when I log my intake.
    I've always worked out 3-4x's a week including weights
    My cholesterol was 201 when I was at 128lbs, so don't want to gain back!
    Eat right and exercise :)
  • blynn2708
    blynn2708 Posts: 262 Member
    I am 5'2" , 40 years old, currently weigh 124lbs, my goal is 115lbs, but I am rethinking that...I have been down to 120lbs and that's where I think I look and feel the best:flowerforyou: About 15 yrs ago I was 98lbs and I never once was told that I looked good. All I got was "Are you okay? You're not sick are you?" I think that at my age 120lbs is pretty good! I wish you luck on your journey:flowerforyou:
  • natyts
    natyts Posts: 89 Member
    Im 5 ft 3 and 167 pounds. I look very thin at 130.
    Most people are suprised I weigh so much.
    But I do
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Lol im exactly the same most people are shocked when i say what i weigh , I think everybody is different ill keep going till im happy with where i am .

    Good Luck to everyone on there journey
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I'm 5ft 1.5 in, and arond 130 right now. I would be ok to lose 10 more, but I don't know if it's gonna happen. i'm not 18 anymore! When I weighed 107 (about six/seven years ago) I looked too thin. And I had no boobs. People always think I weigh like, 100 lbs, and are surprised when I tell them how much I really weigh. It's all in how you carry it. I have strong arms and legs and a big ol' booty, so I'll deal with being at the higher end of the "healthy" range for my height.
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    I'm 5'1 and I like to see what the goals of others around that height is to see if mine are "normal" lol
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i am 5ft 2 inches and i am currently 132/133, my goal weight was 125. I don't desire to be less as i have struggled to get where i am and i am not going to fight to be a whole lot less. As long as i can be between 125-130 i will be happy, not over 130! I have seems to stall for 1.5 months now at 132/133 and can't get anymore off? All in all i just want to be ONE size not inbetween 2... so if i can get all my clothes into a 7/8 then i will be happy. 9's area bit too loose but some 7's are too snug! not like i'm asking to be a size 5.... cmon body get with it,lol
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I am 5'2, and about 10 years ago, when I was about 23 yrs old, I lost weight and went from 190 pounds to 118 pounds. At 118, I appeared VERY skinny. I believe they say the healthy weight range is no less than 110. At 110, I'd be skin and bones. Even at 118, people said I was TOO skinny. At that time, my body was most comfortable around 125 pounds, but it was hard to stay there and I ended up closer to 130.
    Over the last 10 years, I gained it all back plus more. Now, 10 years older, I'm 212 pounds, and my current goal weight is 135 pounds. I think I will be happy at that weight and it should be easier to maintain. I don't think I'd be able to maintain anything less than that, especially since my lifestyle now is a lot less active than I was at 23 yrs old. (sedentary job, etc).
  • I am 5'2" and I currently weigh 194. I have 120lbs of lean muscle mass right now so my goal weight is going to be somewhere around 130 -145. I am going for more how I look and feel. I want to be fit, strong and healthy with low body fat percentage. When I was down at 150 I looked much slimmer but still had too much body fat. I know I have a large frame and my weight always hovers above the average 5'2" lady but that's okay as long as I am focusing on health and what works for my body! Good luck everyone!
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    I am 5'2 with a medium frame.. I am currently 123 ...Id like to be about 115... Right now I still have the untoned look (skinny fat) but thats because i am concentrating on my eating habits and losing the weight more than the toning. . .

    this pic was taken LAST month when i was about 128 lbs.


    this was taken this morning at 123lbs.

  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
  • jearnd
    jearnd Posts: 3 Member
    you sound like me, I am 5 ft, 2 and when I tell people how much I weigh they are shocked... I do not look my weight & working in health care I hear that mucle weights a lot more than fat & I do weights and very active - body feels tight rather than saggy. So sometimes it is not good to focus on how much the scale says but rather how you feel, sleep patterns and how your clothes fit. :) Thank you for the pictures, that is very motivating to me! Keep up the good work you are on your way to a healthy long life :)
  • I am 5'1" and I started off at 167lbs. I now weigh 128lbs and have been lifting weights, which actually helped me lose weight while toning. My stomach looks a lot better but still needs improvement. I imagine that my body will look toned like I want it to around 118-120lbs. I really do not care what I weight but would like to fit back into a size 4 or 6, right now I am a 9/10.
  • I am pretty atlethic and lift weights 2X/week. So when I was 140lb, I wore a size 4. Right now, I am 171, wear size 10/12 top, 8/10 bottom. My goal weight is 120lb, I will probably be around 2/4.
  • MissJenn33
    MissJenn33 Posts: 131
    I'm 5'2" and currently 126. I have a good amount of fat to burn off so I'm looking more for inch loss than weight loss. I'm doing the 30DS so I know I'm toning up my arms, legs, back, core. I have to lose my belly, arms and inner thigh fat. Ultimately I would love to see 115 on the scale but in the long run I know if I burn off the fat and tone up the # won't mean as much.
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