Can you do too much exercise to stop / slow down weight loss

I used to use the cross trainer for 40 mins a day 5 x a week and MFP worked out around 600 calories a time. But not a lot of movement in the weight front. A couple of years ago I did exactly the same type of exercise together with reducing my calories to 1400 a day no matter what and lost 3 stone in 9 months. This time 2.5 lbs in 4 weeks ! So I'm trying to use different gym equipment and am now using the spinning bike for 20-30 mins on top of the cross trainer. Is it possible to do too much cardio?


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Only if you aren't eating enough to balance out the added exercise.

    2.5lbs in 4 weeks isn't bad, especially if you have relatively little to lose.
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    I have the same thoughts. I lost 95 lbs doing bearly any excersise, then i started excersising, and bam no weight lose. 3 months now! I know im gaining muscle and probably losing inches but still. I wasnt eating back my excesise calories for the longest, now i am and still nothing! Interested in feedback!
  • I eat up to the recommended 1400 a day - occassionally I go over but not by a huge amount but I should still have a deficit from not using all the calories I gain in exercise. I did start to include some weights but thought that might hinder rather than help so have gone back to just cardio
  • I have the same thoughts. I lost 95 lbs doing bearly any excersise, then i started excersising, and bam no weight lose. 3 months now! I know im gaining muscle and probably losing inches but still. I wasnt eating back my excesise calories for the longest, now i am and still nothing! Interested in feedback!

    It is just sooo frustrating isn't it - the previous time I reckoned it was down to simple maths of in - out = weight loss - but this time it just doesn't seem to be working the same way. I'm not sure if it's down to the fact that I'm fitter than I was and therefore need to mix up the exercises or not.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Don't forget the importance of patience with all this. It can take your body a good 4 weeks to adjust to changes in diet/exercise. So if you up your cals, don't freak out the first week if you don't see what you want on the scale. Same with increasing exercise.

    Slow and steady wins the race.
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    Don't forget the importance of patience with all this. It can take your body a good 4 weeks to adjust to changes in diet/exercise. So if you up your cals, don't freak out the first week if you don't see what you want on the scale. Same with increasing exercise.

    Slow and steady wins the race.

    Thanks! Needed that reminder! Its been About a week so far since i upped my cals....
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    I have the same thoughts. I lost 95 lbs doing bearly any excersise, then i started excersising, and bam no weight lose. 3 months now! I know im gaining muscle and probably losing inches but still. I wasnt eating back my excesise calories for the longest, now i am and still nothing! Interested in feedback!

    It is just sooo frustrating isn't it - the previous time I reckoned it was down to simple maths of in - out = weight loss - but this time it just doesn't seem to be working the same way. I'm not sure if it's down to the fact that I'm fitter than I was and therefore need to mix up the exercises or not.

    They say to mix things up and not do the same things will help!
  • Don't forget the importance of patience with all this. It can take your body a good 4 weeks to adjust to changes in diet/exercise. So if you up your cals, don't freak out the first week if you don't see what you want on the scale. Same with increasing exercise.

    Slow and steady wins the race.

    Very true ! Guess I just need to reign back my impatience ... and just keep with the plan to see if it's the right one. I am feeling much better for doing more cardio and sleeping well so there's 2 bonuses I guess !
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    yep. there is no reason for someone to sit on a treadmill, elliptical or bike for hours. I keep my cardio to under 45 min and only 3 times a week.
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    Sometimes it isn't what you eat, but the repetition of what you do. If you stay on the same resistance, and do the same workout for days and days on end your body "gets used" to doing that so it becomes more efficient at that workout. Try mixing it up and doing something different. Surely you must be getting bored doing the same thing over and over again, right? Try swimming, racquetball, dancing, running, walking, handball, squash, cycling, weight lifting, rock climbing, tennis, playing with your kids chasing them around the playground, basically anything different that you would like! Exercise should be like play! Do what you love! :)
  • CMcBryer
    CMcBryer Posts: 139 Member
    Don't forget the importance of patience with all this. It can take your body a good 4 weeks to adjust to changes in diet/exercise. So if you up your cals, don't freak out the first week if you don't see what you want on the scale. Same with increasing exercise.

    Slow and steady wins the race.

  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    I'm interested too!! I'm at the same point...plateau and NOTHING seems to be working.
  • nckleen
    nckleen Posts: 3
    I eat up to the recommended 1400 a day - occassionally I go over but not by a huge amount but I should still have a deficit from not using all the calories I gain in exercise. I did start to include some weights but thought that might hinder rather than help so have gone back to just cardio

    Lifting weight to tone actually helps your body burn calories. You will be better results (both with weight loss, and toning) if you do weights. Remember - you're just using weights to tone. So doing 12-15 reps per set, and 3-4 sets will help with the toning. The 1st reps should be fairly easy, but the last set should be difficult enough to where you almost dont want to finish. Hope that helps!
  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    I upped my caloric intake to 1600 cal (40% protein, 40% carb, 30% fat) and work out pretty vigorously. I'm losing about 1lb/week if that (with the cheating it keeps on fluctuating though!)

    Strength training might add some pounds in the beginning on but you're losing inches. Get that measuring tape out. The weight will come off afterwards.

    If you're only doing cardio w/ no weights you're going to be "skinny fat"...that's obviously person's preference, its definitely NOT mine.

    My advice is do interval training. Running on a treadmill at 5mph for 30 minutes is WAY less effective than running on and off for 2 min for 15 min at 6-7mph+. My first big weight drop came when I did Insanity (no, I'm not trying to sell it--but it seriously is awesome). It was basically body resistance moves (pushups, dips, burpees, etc) mixed w/ other cardio and what he'd basically do was work for 2 min and rest for 30 seconds, repeat, repeat, repeat. Intervals are KEY. Strength training will get you there faster.
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    I upped my caloric intake to 1600 cal (40% protein, 40% carb, 30% fat) and work out pretty vigorously. I'm losing about 1lb/week if that (with the cheating it keeps on fluctuating though!)

    Strength training might add some pounds in the beginning on but you're losing inches. Get that measuring tape out. The weight will come off afterwards.

    If you're only doing cardio w/ no weights you're going to be "skinny fat"...that's obviously person's preference, its definitely NOT mine.

    My advice is do interval training. Running on a treadmill at 5mph for 30 minutes is WAY less effective than running on and off for 2 min for 15 min at 6-7mph+. My first big weight drop came when I did Insanity (no, I'm not trying to sell it--but it seriously is awesome). It was basically body resistance moves (pushups, dips, burpees, etc) mixed w/ other cardio and what he'd basically do was work for 2 min and rest for 30 seconds, repeat, repeat, repeat. Intervals are KEY. Strength training will get you there faster.

    Good to know! Thanks
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I eat up to the recommended 1400 a day - occassionally I go over but not by a huge amount but I should still have a deficit from not using all the calories I gain in exercise. I did start to include some weights but thought that might hinder rather than help so have gone back to just cardio

    Lifting weight to tone actually helps your body burn calories. You will be better results (both with weight loss, and toning) if you do weights. Remember - you're just using weights to tone. So doing 12-15 reps per set, and 3-4 sets will help with the toning. The 1st reps should be fairly easy, but the last set should be difficult enough to where you almost dont want to finish. Hope that helps!

    I disagree. If you're doing strength training make it about strength. If you're doing cardio, make it cardio. 3-5 sets @ 8 reps should be your starting point... anything over 10 reps is too many and you should increase the weight. I do agree that the last couple of reps should be a struggle.

    The stronglifts 5x5 program is generally considered one of if not the best beginner routines out there. As with all strength training, make sure your form is correct.

    And toning is such a misleading word. Toning is lowering body fat to the point where the muscles under said fat become visible.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Yes and it has nothing to do with not eating enough. Excessive exercise is stress and the body treats it as such. There is a fine line between training hard and overtraining.

    "During exercise our bodies get temporarily weaker, not stronger. It’s during rest that we recover and make all our gains. This is a huge, unspoken problem with even the most popular weight-training and exercise programs. Whether you’re at the gym lifting or on the treadmill treading 6 days per week, you can’t possibly have time for the rest your body needs. It’s as if you were trying to grow a delicate crystal in water, but every day you come by and shake the glass. The crystal never has a chance. In the same way, too much exercise can be just as bad for you as too little. You reinjure yourself over and over, and never let your system reset itself and recover. You get muscle tears and strains, joint problems, chronic fatigue, and weakening of the immune system, so you get sick more often. Instead of building your body, you may be tearing it down. It amazes me how many dedicated exercisers hit the wall in their fitness programs and then stay there, month after months, without knowing why. They train harder and harder, when all they need is a little more rest.” (Power of 10. Not liking the nutrition side of the book, though)

    Read through some of these serach results regarding "chronic cardio":
  • I eat up to the recommended 1400 a day - occassionally I go over but not by a huge amount but I should still have a deficit from not using all the calories I gain in exercise. I did start to include some weights but thought that might hinder rather than help so have gone back to just cardio

    Lifting weight to tone actually helps your body burn calories. You will be better results (both with weight loss, and toning) if you do weights. Remember - you're just using weights to tone. So doing 12-15 reps per set, and 3-4 sets will help with the toning. The 1st reps should be fairly easy, but the last set should be difficult enough to where you almost dont want to finish. Hope that helps!
    Thanks for the advice - I hadn't thought of it in those terms so will aim to add some weights in and see what'll happen !
  • eightpock
    eightpock Posts: 61
    I am struggling with the same. I lost a lot quickly, losing 30 pounds, but it seems to have slowed. I purchased a fitbit so I can track my walking more closely, and most nights my net intake of Calories is only around 600. I'm arriving in the evening with 600-800 calories to intake and I'm just not that hungry at night :/
  • IcGibson
    IcGibson Posts: 5 Member
    I was told NOT to mix my Protines with my Carbs when eating meals .. Example if I am going to eat potatos at dinner stick witha potato and veggies.. If I am going to eat fish just eat protine and veggie.. but don't do it togeather you burn more efficiantly:)