MFP spitfires cycling group week 4!

Time for a new week everyone! I am currently seeking the documents that do with my copy of MS excel as I apparently never entered a product key so my excel has "limited functionality" AKA I can't edit my spread sheets. I will hopefully have everything in order soon.

Regardless, I hope everyone is having a great time riding. Keep posting your tips and support for other bike loving folks! :drinker: .


  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    I"m sorry i havent been around...last week was horrid weather for biking and this week I hurt my toe really bad and can wear shoes for awhile:(

    I hope everyone else is have a more productive cycling time:smile:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Anyone catch le Tour today? Very exciting stage... :bigsmile:

  • lisalala
    lisalala Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone I'd like to join in ypur group. I'm a advid cyclist, I average 30 to 40 miles 5 or 6 days a week. Got a new road bike for Christmas which already has 4800 miles.I've also replaced the tires twice:tongue: I'm Lisa, I'm in Orlando FL.
  • dlestermfp
    dlestermfp Posts: 106
    Anyone catch le Tour today? Very exciting stage... :bigsmile:


    I think today's stage will definitely quiet any of the Lance naysayers.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Morning my cycling friends. Lost my mind and signed up for a sprint Tri in 6 weeks. No so worried about the run and ride, Gotta hit the pool though I'm rusty on the swimming. lol

    You know what they say, what doesnt kill you can only make you stronger right?.....:noway: :noway:

    lol:laugh: :drinker:
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Morning my cycling friends. Lost my mind and signed up for a sprint Tri in 6 weeks. No so worried about the run and ride, Gotta hit the pool though I'm rusty on the swimming. lol

    You know what they say, what doesnt kill you can only make you stronger right?.....:noway: :noway:

    lol:laugh: :drinker:

    You're going to have a ton of fun at the Tri. They can be addictive. Enjoy!
  • prayerfulmom
    prayerfulmom Posts: 409
    I did a leg of a tri this last weekend. Not my favorite part either...had to let the hubby have the bike leg. Still have out of state guests so might not make my goal this week again. Dang. I've gotten in 52 so far.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Morning my cycling friends. Lost my mind and signed up for a sprint Tri in 6 weeks. No so worried about the run and ride, Gotta hit the pool though I'm rusty on the swimming. lol

    You know what they say, what doesnt kill you can only make you stronger right?.....:noway: :noway:

    lol:laugh: :drinker:

    Don't sweat the swim. You've got plenty of time to prepare. I've done a few tri relays as the swimmer. Good luck. I'm sure you'll have a great time!!! :happy: :drinker: :happy:

  • jthibodeau
    jthibodeau Posts: 10
    Just a question for anyone. I am looking to see what an average pace for a mile time would be for a beginner and lets say a ten mile time. Right now I am doing eight miles in about 28 min and I have completed a 20 mile ride in a little over an hour. I have been riding for about three weeks maybe four tops and I am trying to set realistic goals. I ride an average of 8-10 miles a day sometimes more 4-5 days a week. The area around me has some decent size hills mostly up with wind most days and not much for flat land. Any advice would be helpful.
  • dlestermfp
    dlestermfp Posts: 106
    Just a question for anyone. I am looking to see what an average pace for a mile time would be for a beginner and lets say a ten mile time. Right now I am doing eight miles in about 28 min and I have completed a 20 mile ride in a little over an hour. I have been riding for about three weeks maybe four tops and I am trying to set realistic goals. I ride an average of 8-10 miles a day sometimes more 4-5 days a week. The area around me has some decent size hills mostly up with wind most days and not much for flat land. Any advice would be helpful.

    There is really no way to answer this question. The route you are riding will have a huge impact on how long it takes for anyone to complete. Is it relatively level? Downhill? Uphill? Steep Uphill? Tailwind? Headwind? Extremely hot? What kind of bike? What kind of tires? A host of other variables.

    Really, does it matter? Whatever pace you are riding, it is the right pace for you. The more you ride the course, the better your time and performance will be on that course. Don't worry too much about how you stack up against others. Just compete with your previous rides and you will improve.
  • jthibodeau
    jthibodeau Posts: 10
    Thanks, for your advice on this. I read yours and Skywalkers postings often and have tried to set an end of summer goal of over a hundred miles for a week. I do compete against my previous time and try to do better every day. I guess I really already knew those factors played a role in it but just did not really think it through. Thanks again
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Thanks, for your advice on this. I read yours and Skywalkers postings often and have tried to set an end of summer goal of over a hundred miles for a week. I do compete against my previous time and try to do better every day. I guess I really already knew those factors played a role in it but just did not really think it through. Thanks again

    I was going to post earlier that I agreed with dlester. I'm the only one I compete against. I try to push myself a little more each ride, whether I try to go a little faster or farther. Then again, some days I just do an easy spin. I'm not in the same league as some of the people in this club, but I'm working on it. Years ago, the idea of a 20 or even 10 mile ride seemed impossible. I've still never ridden over 50 miles on one ride, but my usual rides are between 35-45. I'm planning a 55-60miler over the weekend and hope to do a Century in the fall. I still have a long way to go to get in shape, but cycling has been playing a huge role for me. The Tour de France is also a huge source of inspiration for me. There are still a few days left, so if you haven't been following it, or have never seen it, tune in (VS Network). It's very exciting and motivating!! So, just keep pedaling!! :happy: :drinker: :happy:

  • lisalala
    lisalala Posts: 5 Member
    I have to agree with what the others have said. I've recently got to the 50 mile mark . My average ride is 35 to 40 miles 6 days a week. I'm turning 50 in less than 6 months, cycling has been my exercise of choice for a while now. I work out at the gym, it's all helped me to lose 65 pounds. My ride today was 48 miles in 3 hours. Good luck

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  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Have to give myself a HOOT here :laugh: :laugh: See my post below from July 4th!

    I'm not a huge fan of Alberto either, but he will be a force to deal with. His time trial surprised me on such a technical course. Fabien Cancellara was amazing, it was crazy fast down those slopes too. I spent some time in Monaco and those climbs are deceiving, but was just cracking up watching the decent in the last 5k. Crazy fast.

    Personally, I think the Astana team will implode sometime, somewhere too. You simply can't corral all those superstars. Heck, Alberto doesn't even speak english. It could be a chance for Andy Schleck or some surprise..... lot's of good drama.

    Glad I'll have some tour buddies to chat with... most don't follow it as close.



    Today was HUGE for both Andy and Alberto. Amazing!!! The next two days will be absolute fireworks for 3rd place. Soo sad to think about 3 days left.... boo hoo...:sad: :sad:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I know. I won't know what to do with myself when it's over. I'm just hoping Lance can hold on to a podium position in Paris. Still 2 more mtn stages. Anything could happen...

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Morning my cycling friends. Lost my mind and signed up for a sprint Tri in 6 weeks. No so worried about the run and ride, Gotta hit the pool though I'm rusty on the swimming. lol

    You know what they say, what doesnt kill you can only make you stronger right?.....:noway: :noway:

    lol:laugh: :drinker:

    YAY!! You are going to love it!!! Hit the pool for sure!! But you will kick butt on the bike part. :bigsmile: Keep us posted!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm doing the new BB Insanity workouts! So far this week I got in a 21.5 mile bike ride on Sun night, and got in 9 miles last night. Not as much as usual, but might get in a longer ride tomorrow. :wink:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Hello all, i am new to this group and to cycling.
    I have had my bike for a couple of weeks now and i am smitten!
    I LOVE Cycling :happy:
    I could kick myself that i waited until i was 42 to discover it.

    Tonight i went on my longest ride so far - approx 8 miles, 4 of it uphill.
    My legs are sore but it was great, looking forward to doing it again tomorrow :laugh:

  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Hello all, i am new to this group and to cycling.
    I have had my bike for a couple of weeks now and i am smitten!
    I LOVE Cycling :happy:
    I could kick myself that i waited until i was 42 to discover it.

    Tonight i went on my longest ride so far - approx 8 miles, 4 of it uphill.
    My legs are sore but it was great, looking forward to doing it again tomorrow :laugh:


    Good for you!!! :drinker:

  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Have to give myself a HOOT here :laugh: :laugh: See my post below from July 4th!

    I'm not a huge fan of Alberto either, but he will be a force to deal with. His time trial surprised me on such a technical course. Fabien Cancellara was amazing, it was crazy fast down those slopes too. I spent some time in Monaco and those climbs are deceiving, but was just cracking up watching the decent in the last 5k. Crazy fast.

    Personally, I think the Astana team will implode sometime, somewhere too. You simply can't corral all those superstars. Heck, Alberto doesn't even speak english. It could be a chance for Andy Schleck or some surprise..... lot's of good drama.

    Glad I'll have some tour buddies to chat with... most don't follow it as close.



    Today was HUGE for both Andy and Alberto. Amazing!!! The next two days will be absolute fireworks for 3rd place. Soo sad to think about 3 days left.... boo hoo...:sad: :sad:

    You called it, Raymond!!! :laugh:
