Girls only please (men you've been warned) lol

AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
Okay so I've been here a little over a month and I have had Tom as you ladies call it (what does that stand for) twice. Before I started eating better and exercising regularly I was on time usually by a day or so but I had a 10 day long tom. Not fun, last tom was my first 8 day tom in forever, years I think. This time I am 5 days early and flow is very very light. I have heard of exercise or maybe weight loss messing with tom or even stopping it but what about regulating it? Anyone else experience anything like this or am I just weird?


  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 743 Member
    TOM ... Time of the month....or u can call it OTR.. On the rag!! Lol

    Well since seriously increasing my cardio and weights I started a whole week early...not to mention I have the worst skin of my life!! I look like a teenager!!

    I think any change in diet or excercize is going to have an affect on our bodies...possibly even our monthly cycles.

    Good luck with all of your goals :)
  • Mo_babee
    Mo_babee Posts: 80 Member
    Well, I can't really answer your question my tom [Time Of (the) Month] started coming a little early and had been a little lighter but other than that its been the same...I just chalked it up to the exercising and change of diet...
  • jgarrisond
    jgarrisond Posts: 44 Member
    This may sound weird but I am also having a issue with my TOM..I have noticed that the last two months(I've been dieting since end of Jan) mine has be shorter and a lot lighter. I thought it was all in my head, glad to know it's not just me
  • Exercise has caused mine to be shorter and lighter. YEa! :)

    I think it varies by person, but yes, it can definitely have an effect.
  • LegzyK
    LegzyK Posts: 172 Member
    That's a Bummer, maybe ask you're doc? I thankfully no longer have a friend called "TOM"....however....menopause SUCKS as well! :grumble:
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    I have my yearly checkup next month so I will check with my doctor then if I'm still experiencing this.