Weekends/Days Off = Bad Choices...

I've realized that on the days that I work I almost always make good choices but on the days that I'm off I struggle and usually end up way over my calories. Is anyone else struggling with this? Even yesterday I felt like I was making good choices all day until dinner but about an hour before dinner I added up everything and realized I didn't have enough left to eat dinner...so I ended up going way over.


  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Sheesh...this is already way down the line. Bump.
  • kati37
    kati37 Posts: 61
    I am still at the point where I struggle period!! LOL But at first I thought the weekends were the hardest, but not anymore. When I am home and hungry I have more choices. When I am at work and hungry I have the vending machine.
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    I know the feeling! I have a harder time on weekends when I'm off work...I'm single with no kids, so it's not like I'm running around having to do a million different things and can avoid the kitchen. I'm usually hanging out at home with nothing much to do except think what else to eat for my next snack or meal! And with the way gas prices are going I'm gonna be stuck at home on the weekends for foreseeable future...
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I also tend to eat a bit more freely on my days off because I don't have work to occupy me. Since I've noticed that, I try to beef up my workouts on days that I know I'm going to splurge a bit. Maybe do 15 extra minutes of work outs or switch your off work out day to a day you know you'll eat better. This helps me feel a bit more even during the week and helps me stay closer to my calorie goal.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I also tend to eat a bit more freely on my days off because I don't have work to occupy me. Since I've noticed that, I try to beef up my workouts on days that I know I'm going to splurge a bit. Maybe do 15 extra minutes of work outs or switch your off work out day to a day you know you'll eat better. This helps me feel a bit more even during the week and helps me stay closer to my calorie goal.

    I like the extra workout idea. I generally don't work out on the weekends so maybe this is the solution.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    I'm always way more healthier on work days, so weird. I tend to under eat fro most of the day on weekends because I'm busy with the kids, cleaning, running errands, ct. until I'm finally starving & eat something not so good for me
  • samanthateal
    Always! during the work week I can plan what im going to eat and whatever I bring to work is what I eat. I also have more time to log on here. But when it comes to the weekend that is when I will go out to eat, order in, spend more time cooking/baking. I'm not trying to lose a ton of weight but I know that my weekends are the reason I have only lost 1lb since January. oooohhh well
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    This is me, too. Workdays are very structured anyway so sticking to my eating plan is fairly easy. On the weekends I try to get additional exercise in to balance my extra intake. It's too easy to overeat and/or make bad food choices when you've got more time on your hands, social gatherings to attend, etc. Admittedly I did not do so well this past weekend but I am going to try, try again!
  • VLaaber
    VLaaber Posts: 30
    I soo have that issue, especially when the weather is cold and ****ty. Now that its getting warmer i push myself to go outside and enjoy it instead of sitting indoors and munching out on food.
  • Pseattlegirl
    Me too! It's like the sun goes down and my appetite rears it's ugly head! Out of control I tell you!
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I soo have that issue, especially when the weather is cold and ****ty. Now that its getting warmer i push myself to go outside and enjoy it instead of sitting indoors and munching out on food.

    I'm in the seattle area and the weather has been awful lately. In fact it was snowing (very lightly) this morning.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Since you are probably netting under your BMR, don't worry about it.

    This is just your own way to recover and keep the metabolism from slowing.

    If you already workout each day through the week, keep some rest days in there, just maybe not back to back, swap around workout days.
    Do your strength training right before the rest day for full benefit from it. Then the weekend rest day really feeds it, and the weekday rest day not so bad.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Since you are probably netting under your BMR, don't worry about it.

    This is just your own way to recover and keep the metabolism from slowing.

    If you already workout each day through the week, keep some rest days in there, just maybe not back to back, swap around workout days.
    Do your strength training right before the rest day for full benefit from it. Then the weekend rest day really feeds it, and the weekday rest day not so bad.

    Eh...I workout 3-5 days per week but its almost all cardio. I'm doing C25K and using my wii fit. I really need to start adding in strength training. I'm almost thinking though that it would still be better to exercise on the weekends and then have a couple rest days during the week.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I've realized that on the days that I work I almost always make good choices but on the days that I'm off I struggle and usually end up way over my calories. Is anyone else struggling with this? Even yesterday I felt like I was making good choices all day until dinner but about an hour before dinner I added up everything and realized I didn't have enough left to eat dinner...so I ended up going way over.

    sometimes. but I also dont have your traditional weekend. I have Mon/Tues as a weekend. I hit the YMCA in the early AM. it's great less crowded, weights area pretty clear, lap lanes in pool are the same way, I usually spend 2-3 hrs there. I make up for the calories I may go over.

    I soo have that issue, especially when the weather is cold and ****ty. Now that its getting warmer i push myself to go outside and enjoy it instead of sitting indoors and munching out on food.
    I'm in the seattle area and the weather has been awful lately. In fact it was snowing (very lightly) this morning.

    Seattle area as well. I relish the cold weather. I work nights, hope it stays this way so if I get some downtime I can go outside with my Star Wars music and walk/jog out in it while pretending I am flying through space. :tongue: (yes I am a nerd/geek thanks for wondering)
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    Im just the opposite....I work for a group of physicians and the drug reps are ALWAYS bringing us food in. Today we had breakfast AND lunch. I am already significantly over my calorie goals. Ugghhhh
  • darylinny
    darylinny Posts: 146
    Since you are probably netting under your BMR, don't worry about it.

    This is just your own way to recover and keep the metabolism from slowing.

    If you already workout each day through the week, keep some rest days in there, just maybe not back to back, swap around workout days.
    Do your strength training right before the rest day for full benefit from it. Then the weekend rest day really feeds it, and the weekday rest day not so bad.

    Eh...I workout 3-5 days per week but its almost all cardio. I'm doing C25K and using my wii fit. I really need to start adding in strength training. I'm almost thinking though that it would still be better to exercise on the weekends and then have a couple rest days during the week.

    Weekend rest days are dangerous. I rest on Tuesday and Fridays! Add the strength training to mix it up, plus it will help with the cardio.
  • thelassiemickyjames
    Noticed the days I consume alcohol all judgement and wisdom goes out the window. Used to go out all the time, even weeknights, now I save one night a week for drinking (usually a weekend) and I've cut back on my weekly calories tremendously, both from the alcohol calories and the bad choices I'd make when under the influence! haha :wink:
  • Myndi73
    Myndi73 Posts: 270
    I always struggle on the weekends. I typically am out and about with friends so we are eating out and drinking a lot. I do great all week long because I have structure. I wish I could get my weekends under control.
  • srogers01
    srogers01 Posts: 29 Member
    You've read my mind! I have this very issue...if my family asked me to order pizza on a Tuesday...I would flat out tell them no! but ask me that question on a Fri/Sat/Sun...I would most likely say yes. Sometimes I wonder if I'm sabotaging the good work I do during the week with the choices I make on the weekends?
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    Do you pre -p;lan your meals. I think thats the key. P:lan out what you are eating for the next day, breakfast/lunch/dinner with a coup;le of snacks and don't eat anything thats off p;lan. And yup; alcohol is the other thing so if you can factor in the amount you will drink and decide beforehand how many.