Who's doing P90x here?



  • NateDad
    NateDad Posts: 55
    Liss - I'm surprised you say there's not enough cardio. Plyometrics and Kenpo are both totally cardio, and I honestly find myself huffing and puffing for everything except arms and back, but maybe that's just because I'm out of shape :)

    For those of you who are picking and choosing - try the Yoga at least once. I'm totally not a yoga person, but it kicked my butt. It's not your mom's yoga, for sure.
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    The yoga is tough! All those vinyasas at the beginning! I made it about 30 minutes in and then could no longer push myself out of plank. lol I was done!
  • cclamar8
    cclamar8 Posts: 8 Member
    I've been doing it for two months! I've lost 16.4 pounds so far! But I also drink shakeology, which boosts weight loss and gives you more energy! I am loving my results!
  • kinsellae
    kinsellae Posts: 167 Member
    Starting week 11 today. Last year I did 60 days before stopping (right about the time I got comfortable with the results). I've only lost about 5 lbs but about 4 inches in my waist. I don't follow the nutrition guide. I keep protein high, lately have been playing with carbs and try to stick to healthy fats. I also eat close to 1900 cals. I stalled when eating less.
  • EricDe90x
    EricDe90x Posts: 51
    How's the rockin' body? I just saw it online... $19... cheap. Read mixed reviews, but it may be a fun cardio... let me know what you think...
    It's fun. I'm only doing it to learn how to dance because I have exactly 0 swag. Haha.
  • RattieLove
    RattieLove Posts: 125
    Right here! :) I'm on day 10 of the lean program for multiple reasons. First, I tried the classic and it was a bit too much for me right now and my heaviest weights are only 6 lbs. Also, I love cardio so lean just seemed like a plan I could stick to for 90 days. Once im done with all 90 days, I might go out and get some heavier weights, maintain my results for a couple weeks, and then start classic :)
    Bring it!
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I'm in the middle of my first recovery week. I hate recovery weeks lol. I'm not seeing big scale losses, but I don't have much to lose so it's no big deal :). I'll be doing my thirty day measurements on Sunday, and I hope to see some inch loss at least. If not, ya I'll be disappointed, but I'm stronger now than I was before and that counts for lots too!

    Last year I did 60 days and saw awesome results, but I was doing c25k as well so I'm still trying to I corporate more cardio into the program. I like to do cardio everyday, so having only two days a week for cardio just seems like not enough (for me anyway).
  • slowpoke269
    slowpoke269 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm on week 4 day 2 of P90X. I'm not following the diet guide but I have cleaned up my eating. I really haven't seen any weight loss results yet. i have noticed more energy and strength. I've read a lot of people see the most results in the last 30 days. I'm gonna stick it out this time. I made it to day 39 last time.
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    theoneandonlybrookie Posts: 341 Member
    I did 3 rounds of P90X last year and it totally changed my body. I love it. I still use several of the videos in my current weekly mix.

    I did NOT follow the eating plan and still had tremendous results. I did use an HRM when I was doing it, and generally stayed under my MFP net goal. I didn't eat back all of my exercise calories, but that's a controversial personal choice. I had to increase my calories after a few weeks because I had dropped 8 lbs without even trying.

    I went into P90X at my goal weight, though. I did it to change some fat into muscle and boy did it do that.

    I personally don't think it's necessary to follow the exact eating plan recommended by P90X to have success - doing what has made you successful already on MFP should work just fine. I do think it's necessary, however, to follow the workout plan to a tee. This is what gave me great results and much better results than others who skipped workouts or changed them around.

    Best of luck! Stick with it and you'll love your new, completely changed body at the end!
  • UnderConstructionLuis
    I am in my 2nd month of P90X. I just started recovery week last night which means Core Synergistics X is on tap this evening. So far 11 lbs lost and incredible gains in strength. My increased effort during cardio days is through the roof. I love the program.
  • Fitness4Paul
    Fitness4Paul Posts: 166 Member
    P90X is an awesome workout. I'm not doing their program right now just mixing in workouts with the other weights and cardio I do. I love KenpoX. It I soak my shirt when I do it and it hurts the next day. Love it!
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm looking forward to the day where I can do a pullup. Yes, being able to do just one would be awesome! I can feel myself getting closer each time I do Legs & Back or Chest & Back. :)
  • Troutcruiser
    Troutcruiser Posts: 21 Member
    Hello Everyone-
    I love p90x. I started my first round back in August (2011) and finished it in November. I love it. I lost 18.5 lbs, and toned every inch of my body. I can do push ups and sit ups like I have never been able to.
    The best part is, I have changed my lifestyle to include the p90x workouts on a daily basis, good eating is normal now, and I love how I look and feel. I did not follow the meal plan to the T, but I did count calories and watch fat and used it as a guide. I also drank the protein shakes everyday and still do for breakfast with fresh fruit.
    I am back at the full series again doing 90 days. Loving every minute of it and this week I lost another 1lb!
    My goal is 25lbs so I am only 5.5 lbs from the finish line..... :)
    Good luck everyone!
    and as Tony says..... DO YOUR BEST AND FORGET THE REST!
  • Troutcruiser
    Troutcruiser Posts: 21 Member
    :wink: Yay! Great job!
  • EricDe90x
    EricDe90x Posts: 51
    I'm not even entering the exercise into MFP. I just eat what it says to gain 1lb a week. Sometimes I just eat more on cardio days though. I'm usually about 50 calories off either way.
  • EricDe90x
    EricDe90x Posts: 51
    What are people taking for supplements? I got a Vanilla Creme Body Fortress Whey Isolate yesterday and before that I was using their Chocolate Whey Protein.