Question for the girls...

So, I weighed myself this morning to find I had gained back 5 lbs of what I've lost. I weigh myself once every two or three days, so i have a hard time believeing I've really gained that much back. I think it's about that time of the month. Any of you other girls gain that much water weight due to this or am I going crazy? Sorry if this seems like a silly question, lol! I honestly haven't weighed myself before I started this diet, so I don't really know what the difference is normally like every month.


  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    i would say it's most likely due to water fluctuations. i would suggest weighing yourself every 7 days instead. weighing every 2-3 days will make you crazy!
  • Honestly, if I don't weigh myself that much I have a really hard time staying on track. I'll probably wait until after aunt flow has left this week though. Those extra 5 lbs made me sad. Oh, what's it like to be a girl.
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    It is most likely water weight. I am on "Shark Week" right now to and it looks like a gain 3 pounds one day then the next I lost like 4! Just try to avoid the salt as much as possible. I find it helps with the bloating and fluctuation in weight :smile:

    Keep Calm and Carry On (but I hate this week :grumble:),
  • Just wondering this myself! I gained like 3 lbs and wanted to drown my sorrows in chocolate, lol. I think it's gotta be the fluctuations and what not. It's sooooooooo not fair!!!!!
  • laurabini
    laurabini Posts: 257 Member
    it's normal, I've got the same "problem"!! Weigh yourself when it's finished and you'll see results ;)
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    5-7 lbs, every month like clockwork. I try not to look at the scale that week :P
  • racheljones_2007
    racheljones_2007 Posts: 8 Member
    I weigh once a week, but when it is close to that time I always gain 5 lbs and lose 5lbs 3 days later
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    Weight can fluctuate all through the week and even in the same day. Just eating something will put weight on until it is processed through. I find even a glass of water will temporarily add half a pound on. I weigh myself through the week but only record what I am every Monday morning after going through the bathroom and before I eat or drink anything.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Sometimes I do, but not always.
  • kimi72
    kimi72 Posts: 17
    Thanks everyone! I am new to this whole dieting thing and I am about to have my monthly meeting so atleast now I know to stay away from my scale!!! :smooched:
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    the week before TOM i refuse to get on the scale cause i know it will make me depressed, I "start" on a sunday and change my weigh in day to friday on that week lol
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    yes! i gain a few pounds the day before "Aunt Flow" comes for a visit. It always haunts me and then goes away when that mean lady goes away! :) Don't fret. It's normal.
  • aelarek
    aelarek Posts: 83 Member
    5-7 lbs, every month like clockwork. I try not to look at the scale that week :P

    Me exactly.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    OH I easily gained 5 lbs or more with AF each month. It's totally normal, unfortunately. Just keep drinking water and doing things right. Try to space out your weigh-ins a bit more. As you get used to you'll reach a place where you can trust yourself more to stay on track without the scale for reassurance so much. Believe me, I understand. I started that way, too.

    Stay strong!
  • kao1114
    kao1114 Posts: 51
    Yep - absolutely normal; not fair but normal. Hide the scale until it's over! :)
  • tkr145
    tkr145 Posts: 1
    I weigh myself every morning when I get up...yes, sometimes its depressing when I've gained in a day, but it helps me keep it in perspective that its just a number!...and if you keep at it, even though there are up and down fluctuations in weight, its going to be a downward if I gain 3-5 pounds in a day, its oh well, i know what I did wrong yesterday! Usually not enough water or too many salty foods! If I only weighed once a week, and on those days the weight was high........too depressing!
  • samanthagreen3
    samanthagreen3 Posts: 39 Member
    ive been due on all this week and i weighed myself yesterday and had only lost 1lb! massive bummer! anyway after my lovely 'present' arrived this morning, i have been up and down the stairs for a wee about 10 times maybe. I've never noticed this before but maybe because im paying more attention to my body that im noticing it. i've got a feeling the scales might be reading something different tomo morning!!
  • jessmars
    jessmars Posts: 131
    same here, once a month i gain 3-5 but its usually goes bye bye when TOM leaves
  • So, I weighed myself this morning to find I had gained back 5 lbs of what I've lost. I weigh myself once every two or three days, so i have a hard time believeing I've really gained that much back. I think it's about that time of the month. Any of you other girls gain that much water weight due to this or am I going crazy? Sorry if this seems like a silly question, lol! I honestly haven't weighed myself before I started this diet, so I don't really know what the difference is normally like every month.

    Um yeah! I usually see around a 5 lb gain too. When it first started happening I would totally freak out and then my husband would have to reassure me that there is no way I could gain 5 lbs of actual fat in less than a weeks time.
  • Zepplipop
    Zepplipop Posts: 33
    I put on 3 lbs this week, because of AF I got all bummed out. But I checked just a little bit ago and it went back down again and then I ended up losing a bit more. So glad that it did I thought I was doing something wrong. Glad I'm not alone on this one and others have this issue too!