Very embarassing question. . .

2012asv Posts: 702 Member
In this past month I've done more squats, lunges, push ups, etc than I've ever done in my life. All together so far I've lost about 8 pounds from my peak. The weight seems to be coming off in weird places first... face, wrist, shoulders, back... (anywhere but my stomach)

The past couple days I've noticed no matter WHAT I wear my butt looks bigger than before I started working out! Just to get this straight, I am not a chick who obsesses over my butt. It's just something I've noticed lately, and I'm so confused because I thought things were supposed to be getting "smaller". I don't eat processed foods and stuff and pretty much always only eat home made food, so I don't think it's that.... **freaking out**

I don't understand why? Is THIS wear my sodium is going!? Does the weight shift? Does it start from the top down? I'd love to hear from people who've already passed the beginning phases of weight loss.

Thanks in advance...


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    I'm going to need detailed before and after pics to give you an accurate answer.

    I'm here to help, after all.
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    I'm going to need detailed before and after pics to give you an accurate answer.

    I'm here to help, after all.

    This made me giggle.

    Anyway, that happens to me as well. You're probably raising your tushie from all the strength training, so it appears larger. I'd rather have a firm, raised tushie than one that is... floppy... I have no idea how to describe it.

    Have you tried cardio to burn off some fat?
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Your butt probably looks bigger because you are doing squats and lunges. Those two exercises build a lot of muscle in your glutes. My rear has gotten bigger since I started doing them all the time....along with spin class. I'm not complaining, because I needed it!

    I'm sure that eventually everything will even out. Maybe you should try some more full-body exercises in the meantime? Like burpees, jumping jacks, etc.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    You are building muscle in your butt, there for making it bigger. But I bet it looks better than you think it does. :)
  • hopingslim
    hopingslim Posts: 15 Member
    I have been doing lunges and squats too... but definitely cannot afford a bigger butt as that IS my problem area..should I stop squats and lunges if I need to lose fat from my butt and thighs ?
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    If you are doing squats and lunges, you are building the glutes and hamstrings which are what your butt is. You are building those muscles and they are reactivating since you haven't been active lately. Here's a good blog on what is going on:
    So, without shedding all of the fat on your butt and building muscle under said fat, for a bit it will appear as though you are getting BIGGER, but as the body starts to burn fat, it will diminish your butt and reveal muscle under the fat. Just keep doing the squats, etc and over time the muscle mass in your body will aid in burning calories.
    We cannot choose where our body takes fat reserves from, but at least as the fat reserves are depleated, you can be rest assured you'll have some nice muscles to reveal! Sucks that it takes time and patience!
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    I'm going to need detailed before and after pics to give you an accurate answer.

    I'm here to help, after all.

    He's right. We're professionals.
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    your doing leg exercises that work your glutes.. thus making them bigger.. main reason i stopped doing squats.. once i got really heavy... i almost can't even find pants that fit.. feelsbad

    edit.. also for your weight / fat loss.. this is just genetic really. it comes off as it pleases. can't spot reduce whatever you do.. sucks some times but w.e
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    Everyone loses weight first in different areas first. There is no rule of thumb as to where it should come off first. However, based on the information from these forums, I would say that where we want to lose it first, is the last place we lose it.

    Sodium just makes you retain more water, it doesn't actually cause weight gain.

    As far as your butt concerns, perhaps your workouts have lifted your butt up!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Your butt is probably getting rounder, and higher too. This is a good thing. Really.

    However, there is also proabbaly still some fat store there. As you lose, it'll get tighter and smaller too.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I doubt you are putting on muscle in your butt. Thats just silly.
    Even if you put on actual muscle (which as we know is hard for women) it wouldnt be in just one area.
    Mostlikely you had less fat there to begin with. My 'guess' is that you had more fat around your hips and thighs like a lot of women. You lost overall fat making the muscle more obvious. Just happens to be the booty in your case.
    My advice. Get yourself an assman and keep doing what you are doing. :)
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I'm going to need detailed before and after pics to give you an accurate answer.

    I'm here to help, after all.

    bahahahahhaha :laugh:
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    Please remember that fat serves several functions in the body. Fat serves as connective tissue between body organs, it serves as cushioning to protect organs as well. I your legs, buttocks and arms, you have fewer vital organs to protect,and you have been developing those muscles as well. It seems to me to be a function of your body and the workouts you are doing. If you are really concerned, a professional might be able to answer your concerns more thoroughly.
  • JenSmith1104
    If you are doing squats and lunges, you are building the glutes and hamstrings which are what your butt is. You are building those muscles and they are reactivating since you haven't been active lately.

  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Same thing happened to me. Give it a few weeks and things should start to "even out" :-) Don't stop the leg work though... the large muscles in your lower half give you the most bang for your buck re: strength training.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    squats and lunges are firming up your butt, giving it a lift, making it appear larger. Are you doing strength training, too?
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    butt lift......happening to me too with all the squats and lunges...totally noticeable...but, I like it..:))
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    I've noticed my butt is perkier too after lunges and squats. I appreciate this though. I'd rather have a perky round butt, than, a saggy, fat, pancake butt. Enjoy it. :happy:
  • DecemberNick
    DecemberNick Posts: 64 Member
    I love this forum. So classy.