What keeps you motivated?

I mean every day...what do you do to make sure you eat right and do some form of exercise? I can do so well with eating but when it comes to exercise, I'm very inconsistent. I need to meet my 1st goal by April 28th (wedding dress fitting) and my 2nd goal by July 21st (wedding day). I need some pushing.


  • lp1991
    lp1991 Posts: 30
    making exercise date with my friends and family

    sunday and wednesday a go to the gym with my mum and brother
    tuesday go to the gym with my best friend
    monday wednesday thursday go to dancing with my friends

    :) make people your excuse to keep going

  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 228 Member
    I wish I had a group of people to go do things with.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    I refuse to be a statistic. I value myself too much to fall into being part of the 65% of Americans who are overweight/obese. And I definitely want to be the shining example for my daughter that with work, calorie control and right attitude, that there isn't any reason to be part of the 65% if there's no medical issue.
    When you truly value yourself like you should, then motivation isn't an issue.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • AandJsMommy
    AandJsMommy Posts: 314
    I look at my before pics, when I was at my heaviest 306.2 and I know that I never want to go back there, I have come to far to mess it all up now and I want to press on till I make it to my goal. I think of my kids and how I want to be around for them for a long, long, long time! I want to teach them to eat healthy and to love exercise so they don't ever know what it's like to be obese! I want to show those who say I will quit and won't make it to my goal that I will do it!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I pick something new and ridiculous to motivate me every day. I make sure my daily motivations are never health/heart/family- because thats supposed to be long term motivation. Each day my daily is wacky and totally not NOBLE.

    Today Im doing it because I have a date tomorrow, and I want to walk through midtown in a little black dress with confidence.

    Its also because my mood is really low- we had a surprise death in the family last night and I know, because I have learned well, that working out will lift my mood and I really really need to give this to myself today.

    Good luck ♣
  • I look at my before pics, when I was at my heaviest 306.2 and I know that I never want to go back there, I have come to far to mess it all up now and I want to press on till I make it to my goal. I think of my kids and how I want to be around for them for a long, long, long time! I want to teach them to eat healthy and to love exercise so they don't ever know what it's like to be obese! I want to show those who say I will quit and won't make it to my goal that I will do it!

    Now that is a motivating statement- clapping for you
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I think little things every day that I think about keep me going. I was playing basketball with my friends son and I am not agile at all like I use to be. I felt like a bumbling giant playing with him. Then one day I went to walk and the park was PACKED with people and I was so embarrased I was about to turn around and leave when I saw a man walking that had to be almost twice my size. I said to myself, don't be a lazy bum, if he can do it so can you. I felt so much better after I did it. The just the other day I went to walk and it was raining so there was hardly anyone else there. So I decided to try running. I haven't really ran since high school so after I felt so acomplished I wanted to do it again and again.

    For the long term I keep thinking about how eating crap food hasn't made me any healthier so maybe I should try eating the healthy stuff for a while and see how that goes. I'm still young enough that I can lose weight faster and easier then if I wait another 5 or 10 years. I've doubled the number in my pants size since high school and I felt tired and sluggish all the time. I don't want to feel embarrased to go back home and visit my friends and family because I've packed on lots of weight. And I think most of all I want to have my mom finally shut up about my size.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    Thinking about me at my goal weight and no joke, The Biggest Loser. I always watch that when I'm getting my exercise on.
  • AandJsMommy
    AandJsMommy Posts: 314
    I look at my before pics, when I was at my heaviest 306.2 and I know that I never want to go back there, I have come to far to mess it all up now and I want to press on till I make it to my goal. I think of my kids and how I want to be around for them for a long, long, long time! I want to teach them to eat healthy and to love exercise so they don't ever know what it's like to be obese! I want to show those who say I will quit and won't make it to my goal that I will do it!

    Now that is a motivating statement- clapping for you

  • dawnoreo
    dawnoreo Posts: 5 Member
    Right now I totally use mini-rewards to help push me along...for example I'm in the middle of this series of books, and I made the "deal" with myself that I can't buy the next book until I lose 10 lbs. (Works really well if it's a super addicting book series). I have another one as well: I'd like to buy a new bike this summer which is around $600, so I'm earning it by "giving" myself $10 towards it everytime I put in 30 minutes of exersize. I know the biggest reward will obviously be better health, but it doesn't hurt to get a few mini-rewards in the process.
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    I told myself I was doing it and I am not quitting until I do.
  • Wanting to be thin again . and it doesnt hurt that Im in a bet with 9 other women and the winner takes 900 that motivates me lol
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I make a plan for the week and try to stick to it as closely as possible. Once I commit to the week, it's a done deal.

    I also like to take inventory of myself in the morning (before gravity, bloating and god knows what else happens to me) to see my progress. I think about my workouts and remind myself of the progress or results I've gotten from them and how happy it makes me. That is usually enough to get me to go if I'm feeling questionable.

    Oh, and I post pictures of the "goal" me or pictures of fit people I want to resemble all over the place and that's a good reminder to put down that extra bagel/cookie/whatever. :)
  • trysha1231
    trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
    My kids. I want to be a good example for them. Heart disease and obesity run in my family, and I don't want them to be a statistic. I want to help them learn how to eat right and be fit.
    Trust me, it has been hard though. I started trying to make a permanent change for myself about 6 weeks ago. I lost 4 pounds initially and then stalled after that first initial week.
    Luckily, I found MFP and the message boards about eating and BMR/TDEE etc. It helped me to see what I was doing wrong and to correct it.The scale has stopped jumping up and down between the same three pounds, I am now, finally, slowly starting to take the weight off.
    Plus, reading everyone's success and struggles and encouragement on MFP has helped too!
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    Sometimes, it's hard. I can play mind games with myself and convince myself that I don't need to work out and all that business. However, when it comes down to it, after I workout I feel SO much more settled with myself. I'm not thinking about how I should work out and how I didn't, I don't feel as stringent with my calories for the day, and I just feel like I made a healthy choice that day.

    My boyfriend is kind of an exercise freak and works out 6 days a week. We kind of keep each other motivated. Try to find someone who can keep you accountable--even if it's on mfp!
  • My success is my motivation. I have been frustrated along the way (I lose weight evenly from everywhere) in not losing size as fast as I wanted, or things I still couldn't do, but knowing that it's a commitment and investment keep me going. I've lost more than 40 lbs. and am about halfway; I have a particular event in August when I would like to be at goal, but every day I feel better and revel in wearing smaller sizes.

    But I'm also following the Jillian Michaels program so my workouts are set, and both difficult and enjoyable. I do what she says and I lose weight. When I don't, I don't.
  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member
    I have a 4 year old Border Collie named Dudley that has Addison's Disease.

    He's put on weight since diagnosed, because he has to maintain a daily dose of prednisone, as well as monthly Percorten-V shots.

    Once he put on the weight - my husband and I notice he was having trouble getting in and out of his dog door.

    So, 22 days ago we started walking every morning... just me and him... and George Michael on my ipod.

    I've lost about 10 lbs in 22 days - and he's SLIDING THRU THE DOG DOOR LIKE BUTTER.

    I love him. He's worth getting up at 4:45am.

  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I struggled a bit with exercise consistency at first, too. But once I started realizing how much better I feel when I do it, I became hooked. I vary what I do a LOT and never do the same thing more than once a week so that helps keep it fun and challenging.

    So, I guess my tip is, find something that you enjoy so exercise is something fun that you look forward to.
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    Short term, I stay motivated because if I don't exercise in the morning, the rest of my day drags. And I hate that.

    Long term, I want to be healthy for my kids. They are 2.5 and 7 months and even the baby is really active. I want to be able to enjoy playing with them. Also, my dog had a rough year. I was pregnant over the summer and husband works crazy shifts. Then husband deployed. So the dog has also put on some weight as it has been hard to walk him since last June/July. So I am motivated to get my doggy back in shape. It bothers me that it's my fault he put on some pounds.

    I also want my kids to be healthy. It's working. My son will come home from school and ask for carrots or broccoli for a snack and it makes me happy that we're already positively impacting his eating habits.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    Thinking about me at my goal weight and no joke, The Biggest Loser. I always watch that when I'm getting my exercise on.

    Me tooo!! I have netflix on my phone so I always watch it at the gym!!