Super Frustrated!!!

I don't know what to do anymore I've been working out everyday for a month straight and have been counting my calories, leaving myself a 500 calorie deficit a day so i can lose a lb a week, but I still weigh the same! Can somebody PLEASE tell me what I'm doing wrong? I don't understand, and I'm about to just give up because I feel like it's not worth the trouble if it's not getting me anywhere. Thanks guys!



  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    I don't know what to do anymore I've been working out everyday for a month straight and have been counting my calories, leaving myself a 500 calorie deficit a day so i can lose a lb a week, but I still weigh the same! Can somebody PLEASE tell me what I'm doing wrong? I don't understand, and I'm about to just give up because I feel like it's not worth the trouble if it's not getting me anywhere. Thanks guys!


    Your diary is locked, how do you suppose people can help you? Just guess?
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    do you mean that mfp says you have 500 calories left each day? or are you eating your base calories + exercise calories?
    it would be a lot easier to help of your diary was open
  • o_delaisse
    o_delaisse Posts: 193 Member
    Open up your diary, hon, or add me and I'll take a look :)
  • E1rlindsay
    E1rlindsay Posts: 32 Member
    When i fall into a weight loss slump, and start to think "what's the point???" i remember this idea...I'm eating healthier...exercising...and i'm NEVER going back to eating junk and vegging out, because I was only getting bigger and more unhappier...that's the point! :)
  • pgbhoy
    pgbhoy Posts: 1
    I know the feeling.........................i'm tracking well below my calorie intake for the day and exercising 3-4 times a week.....what am i doinf wrong????
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Do you have your calories set to maintenance and trying to have 500ish remaining at the end of the day (The Olivia Method)? If not you are suppose to zero out your calories. You probably aren't eating enough.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I know the feeling.........................i'm tracking well below my calorie intake for the day and exercising 3-4 times a week.....what am i doinf wrong????
    youre intaking less than you should be. you should eat all the calories allotted to you, mfp sets a deficit before if you wanted to, you could sit on the couch and lose weight as long as you didnt go over your calorie goal
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    If you are exercising, there's a chance that you are gaining muscle and losing fat, with a net result of zero pounds. Did you take measurements of your body? How about a before picture?

    Going by the scale only isn't the best plan ... especially if you are just starting out watching your calories and also starting out on an exercise plan.
  • loria508
    loria508 Posts: 41 Member
    Same for me, muscle weighs more than fat. Get out the tape measure! That's how I keep track, never weigh myself.:smile:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I know the feeling.........................i'm tracking well below my calorie intake for the day and exercising 3-4 times a week.....what am i doinf wrong????

    You are under eating probably. Start eating all your calories + 50-75% of your exercise calories.


    How much do you weigh and how much do you want to lose? There is always a chance you are over extending your weight loss goal. Also, do you eat back your exercise calories and make your diary public.
  • petkova
    petkova Posts: 72
    Do you have your calories set to maintenance and trying to have 500ish remaining at the end of the day (The Olivia Method)? If not you are suppose to zero out your calories. You probably aren't eating enough.

    Educate me :) What exactly is the Olivia method? I know about the effects of not eating all of your calories but never heard the name Olivia method? Sorry if it is a stupid question and THANKS :)
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    If you use the "search" function you'll get better details about the Olivia method, but the long and short is....

    1. Set your calories to "Maintain" your current weight instead of "Lose 0.5, 1, or 2 lbs a wk." (Maintenance calories are your TDEE- total daily energy expenditure-- the calories you'll burn just by your normal daily activity)
    2. Record all your exercises.
    3. Aim to have 500-1000 calories remaining at the end of the day. (Try not to have over 1000 left because that's more than 2lbs a week loss and is considered to be unhealthy)

    I use this method and LOVE it. But, I am a tax accountant so I know the whole number aspect attracted me lol. I like not having that "restiction" of Don't go over 1200 or 1500 or whatever your allotment is. I can see exactly how "fast" I'll be losing. If I have 500 left over every day for a week, I should lose a pound (500*7=3500 which is equal to one pound). I also know that as long as I don't go over my calories I won't gain. So if there is a day I just don't feel like working out and eating healthy, it's ok. It's just easier for me.

    Like I said, if you use the "search" function you can get all the beneficial info and how its calculated and all that jazz, but this is a quick abbreviation of it. :-)
  • Ok sorry its open now, I've never gotten on here and socialized so it was just on the default setting, at the end of the day i try to have a net calorie of -500 but i add in my BMR to my exercise which is about 1500 on average. when i work out i burn about 500 calories depending on the day
  • Also, I dont really pay attention to WHAT i eat but more of how much I eat, I just keep my calories under 1200 so maybe thats it? But I just figured you could eat what you wanted as long as you stayed under your daily caloric intake?
  • ChocolateisCrack
    ChocolateisCrack Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you so much, I am going to try this Oliva method, I think it will make all the difference! :D
  • ChristieStearns
    ChristieStearns Posts: 94 Member
    Your net is supposed to come out to your calorie goal. Your net should NEVER be in the negatives either... you aren't eating enough. I know it seems counter-intuitive, but, our bodies need food for fuel. If you don't eat enough to fuel your body - ESPECIALLY when you're working out - your body will not let you lose weight because it thinks it is starving. It thinks it needs to hold on to everything because it doesn't know how long you will starve for.
    For one week, try having your net be your calorie goal, like it is supposed to be, and see what happens. Good luck!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Ok sorry its open now, I've never gotten on here and socialized so it was just on the default setting, at the end of the day i try to have a net calorie of -500 but i add in my BMR to my exercise which is about 1500 on average. when i work out i burn about 500 calories depending on the day
    ok - when you tell mfp you want to lose a pound a week, it does the math for you and tells you to eat however much to lose a pound a week. it looks like for you, that means 1300.
    so when you eat 1300 and do 0 exericse youll lose a pound a week. if you exercise, you need to eat more so that the deficit doesnt get to big. if it gets to big and youre doing really intense workouts, youll end up burning more muscle than you know.
    if you eat below your goal for too long it can cause a stall as well as other issues, and its really not healthy. theres no need to figure your bmr into anything, all the math is already done for you.
    that said - if you are just using MFPs calorie burn numbers, you might not want to eat back all of your exercise calories. aim to net at least 1200 and you should be good.
    OR you can manually set your calorie goal as your BMR, and eat exercise calories. you probably wont lose weight as fast, but you wont lose as much muscle either, and it helped me feel tons better, energy-wise.
    eat more, hun :) your body needs it!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    McDonalds? Pizza Hut? Subway?

    Is there a reason why you're constantly eating take out food, or could you make some of your own meals?
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    yeh it is about WHAT you eat
  • Yes I know i eat out a lot I live on a university campus and have no kitchen and the cafeteria is closed by the time i get off work so I have to eat out, but I guess ill just try to eat more thanks everybody lets see how it goes!