Old story, different person

Ok, I have been gone since Jan. Lost 30 lbs, but now I've gained 5 back. I have a LONG way to go before I hit goal. When I told a friend of mine I was starting over, his response was "Why, you failed the first time." That statement made me so angry, and re motivated me!! I didn't fail...I just got off track for a bit. Anyway, I'm writing this post to ask for help. I need some extra encouragement.....can you send some positive vibes my way? I know if my head stays in the right place, I will succeed. Thank you so much all!! Much love to MFP!


  • flet216
    flet216 Posts: 5
    Don't listen to that person. Focus on your final goal. Imagine how great you will feel. Also, when you do get to that goal, think about how great it will feel to show that person you did it. You can do it.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    you didn't fail! 5 lbs?! probably not even "weight" but some excess water from carbs, etc. But you can think of everyday as starting over, slow and steady wins the race:) keep it manageable, you are succeeding!
  • Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Some days we walk slowly up hill, some days we slide down. If we keep on putting one foot in front of the other we WILL make our goals. You show 'em!
  • mumster63
    mumster63 Posts: 29 Member
    If you did it once, you can certainly do it again.
    it's easy to 'fall off track'.
    I don't have time for negative people and try to eliminate them from my life.
    good luck.
  • KechiaG
    KechiaG Posts: 55
    Hang in there! You can do it! The fact that you were able to maintain the 25 lb loss is FANTASTIC!! :happy: All I can say is "look out" to your friend! Based on the sound of your post....... IT'S ON!!!! :huh:
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Um.... How exactly does this Bozo think you "failed"? You lost 25 pounds and kept it off! That is fantastic! Taking a little break may help you in the long run. Look, you took a break and only gained back 5 pounds. You weren't actively tracking what you eat. Imagine if you kept a moderate eye on what you eat. When you reach your goal, you are going to rock at maintaining!
  • bhersh24
    bhersh24 Posts: 49
    25 pounds is something to be VERY proud of - even if you're not yet at your goal! We all fall off the wagon from time to time. The key is picking yourself back up, brushing yourself off and continuing forward. Maybe you simply needed a break to refuel. Keep at it and you'll get there! We're all in the same boat - if losing weight were an easy task, none of us would be here! You're doing great - keep it up!
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    a 5lb gain since january is SOOO not that bad!
    and you have still lost 25lb, which is amazing!
    i've come to find out that this process has its ups and downs, the important part is that you are back up. also there isn't a time limit, to put it simply, it takes what it takes :smile:
  • AlGalMom
    AlGalMom Posts: 4
    plus you're nearly 1/3 of the way to reaching your goal! That's significant!
  • tmoyer1209
    tmoyer1209 Posts: 213 Member
    What a complete jerk! He has no right to judge you! And 5 lbs isn't anything to be that upset about, you will do awesome and show him! I dislike meany doubters!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    So what if the first time didn't work? As an artist I can go through dozens of sketches of the same idea that fail before finding the right one, doesn't mean I should've quit when the first sketch didn't turn out as I wanted it. Sometimes it takes a screw up to really gear you towards success and make you that much more determined to reach your goal. Because, you know, everyone's human. We screw up, make mistakes, do stupid things but it shouldn't stop us from trying again or fixing the problem.

    Long story short, make that person eat their words.
  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    Sometimes Its not how far you go, but how far you've come.

    This isnt easy I mean yes anyone can do it but it takes dedication, sacrifice, hard work, making only the strong focused determined ones succeed.
    Rid all negativity including clowns like that person & keep doing what you're doing, Whatever it is that motivates you,..let it.
    Whatever it takes do it.
    You got this girl!!!!!

    Add me if youd like
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    I don't see it as failing either...but you know what, even if it was (and I still say it isn't), you can't fail unless you try! Great job on what you have accomplished, great job on the effort, and great job on what ever you accomplish from this point forward!
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Well, I'd hate to be married to your friend, he'd try something once, "fail" at it and just give up. That's no way I want to live. I want to try lots of things and fail, again and again, so I can pick myself back up and learn something new.

    Keep it up. You're doing fine. Setbacks are part of the process. You learn and grow from these moments.


    p.s. Oh, and tell your friend to shove it next time.
  • Lup120
    Lup120 Posts: 31
    You in no way failed, you took a short break. You had a small gain and now you're back on track. You still have a loss of 25 lbs to be proud of and now you're ready to begin again with extra motivation. Good Luck!
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    When I told a friend of mine I was starting over, his response was "Why, you failed the first time." That statement made me so angry,

    I use my anger to work out harder, and eat healthier. I know it may not be healthy, but it is working for me right now, but you know what YOU can do this. It's not about how many times you've fallen off, it's about how many times you get a little stronger when you pass up an unhealthy snack, when you eat healthier, that is what matters. I believe in YOU!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I smell a sabotager! Ignore the person. You are in a good emotional place. Good luck!
  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
    Don't let people cloud your mind with crap. You are not a failure, you are a success and will keep being a success as long as you dont give up <3
  • judypriv
    judypriv Posts: 206 Member
    eww! not a nice friend! i have o-worked who told me i would go back to smoking and half the reason I don't smoke is to SPITE her. You do it too.
  • malkb27
    malkb27 Posts: 40
    How rude!

    Losing 30 pounds is awesome! Only gaining back 5 is fantastic! You'll show him what "failing" looks like!
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    Wow! All of your responses I read motivated me even more! Thank you so very much!! Each encouraging comment made me so glad I'm back on the wagon...thank you my MFP family!
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    C'mon. You lost 30, u gained 5. That's an overall loss of 25lbs - clearly NOT a fail. Anytime u need extra motivation, just think of the day when u get to your goal, u wear a lovely dress and flaunt the new you... in his face.

    You know you can! :flowerforyou:
  • DogsK
    DogsK Posts: 94
    Ah just tell you friend you didn't get lost or fall off the wagon, you're just taking the scenic route to fitness and enjoying the scenery and people you are meeting. Then ask if he would like to join you :laugh:
  • fozzie500
    fozzie500 Posts: 177 Member
    i love it when someone tells me i've failed or i can't do something,you know what that is? that's a challenge,
    when i started to change my lifestyle two years ago,some one said i'd never get down to 12 stone 2 lb,
    that someone is about to be reminded of that statement real soon! lol nothing focuses my mind more than a challange.
    maybe you could try it. good luck.