Finding it challenging

PLV27 Posts: 22 Member
Hello everyone out there!

Well I am new to MFP but am hoping to find my lost inspiration by joining. I have been working on losing weight since January and have successfully lost 24lbs. Only 63lbs to go!

So far I have found it challenging to maintain a calorie deficit (aka not overindulging in the not so healthy foods available...)and eating nutritious food while limiting the not so good for me foods. I have discovered I love to run but get frustrated by my physical limitations. The mind is willing but the body isnt ready yet!

What have you found most challenging in your journey?
What is your favorite healthy snack?


  • I have 100lbs to lose and I am also having trouble not indulging in my favorite afternoon snack ... the Snickers bar from the candy machine in our office!

    The most challenging thing I have run across is the amount my wife and I eat out. The number of hidden calories in restaurant food is horrific, and we are slowly changing our lifestyles to plan better meals out and cook more at home.

    I have not really found a favorite healthy snack yet - although I have always been fond of raw carrots and broccoli with hummus or salsa. I also enjoy apples and bananas almost any time! :)
  • PLV27
    PLV27 Posts: 22 Member
    I can see how tempting the snickers bar would be! Chocolate is a weakness of mine too. Its great that you have your wife's support :)
  • Lavallouise
    Lavallouise Posts: 2 Member
    Hi PLV 27, that is great. I too decided this was the year to lose the extra pounds but I am struggling. My biggest challenge is that I travel for work, so I miss my workouts, and I eat horrible food on the road. It is not always easy to get healthy choices, especially when others are responsible for ordering your food. At home I also struggle with sweets, e.g today I had a bad day with twix and cake. I do however get my salads, which I try to have for lunch, and again at dinner. I also try to eat lots of veggies, but I have not yet achieved the weight loss I seek.

    Please share some menu ideas.
  • uyedej
    uyedej Posts: 18
    Hello!! I just joined MFP as well...trying to lose 25-30 pounds overall and really, just get fit...I get disheartened getting dressed in the morning and finding something else doesn't fit anymore...sigh

    One of the most challenging things for me is motivation...motivation to cook healthy meals for myself (I live alone so cooking for one, at least for me is hard); and also motivation to get active. So i'm starting slow and going for walks at lunch with a colleague who's also trying to lose weight.

    Oh man! I didn't even think about eating out!!! Yes, that will be a big challenge!!

    I am not a big fruit eater (never have been) and have discovered i don't really care for baby carrots either as a snack food. A friend just gave me a recipe for baked kale chips which is supposed to be quite good and a healthy alternative to potato chips so will give those a try!