Cheat days???



  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I TRY not to, because I feel like it's a very slippery slope for me. But there are days (like this coming saturday for instance) where my food choices are going to be limited and they aren't going to be healthy. So...sometimes you just can't help it.
  • Radcliffe83
    I have them, I generally have them on a Sunday. By cheating though, I don't generally go over my 'maintain' calories. I am on a set deficit of 500 calories a day, so one day a week I may go over by 500 on my target.
  • Shawtee808
    Shawtee808 Posts: 60 Member
    i have a spike day every week:) i eat whatever i want, its usually 3000-4000calories. sometimes ill eat healthy and eat lots of almonds/nuts to get my calorie intake up or sometimes ill eat unhealthily and get pizza, chocolate or subway to get my calories up! lol just depends how im feeling really.

    you should just focus on doing what works best for you:) x

    EDIT: ive gone from 282 pounds to 168 doing this. i always have my spike day, noone will ever convince me to give it up, cant be that bad if ive lost 100+ pounds doing it lol

    ^^this is soo refreshing knowing this!! congratulations on your accomplishment! I will definitely implement a cheat day from now on!
  • groovyfirechick
    Usually Saturday night dinner I eat whatever I want. That's my "cheat meal" I guess. It's the one night hubby and I go out to eat. :)
  • fitnhealthykaren
    On the weekends I'll give myself two - three "cheat" meals, but I try to not exceed 2000 net calories for the day(s) that I "cheat" on, so that I'm at least not going over my BMR on those days. I'm trying to lose at least 1 lb a week, so this is the most of a cheat I'm willing to do right now. My favorite cheats are baked potatoes, cheese and adult beverages!
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 357 Member
    I have them, I generally have them on a Sunday. By cheating though, I don't generally go over my 'maintain' calories. I am on a set deficit of 500 calories a day, so one day a week I may go over by 500 on my target.

    I do this two. I have a spike day on a Sat where I eat less healthily usually have a Chinese and chocolate bar but try to not eat more than an extra 500 calories.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Cheat days are necessary to survive. I usually have one day of each weekend where I eat and rink what I want. Anything goes.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I have a cheat meal or 3 during the week. I generally budget for it. But I have found, I can't really consume more than 700 calories in a meal anymore so, unless that cheat meal is going to last for 4-6 hours, there isn't much to worry about.

    But on the weekend, I'll indulge in scones or waffles or croissants, cocktails and then go back to normal for the rest of the meals. My macros might be a little bit off that day, but calories are pretty close to usual.

    I have been having problems hitting my calorie goal lately, and eating my exercise calories back. By the weekend, I generally have at least 500 free calories to play with to stay in budget for the week (if not 1000).
  • cookiet83
    cookiet83 Posts: 30
    i have cheat days, if im being good all week then i have a blow out on either a sat or sunday just picking at biscuits or chocolate. these are the main things ive cut out eating so can now only have little bits without feeling sick. not too keen on fast food but love proper homemade chips!
  • gollyitsmolly
    I've found a whole day to be a little too much, it throws off the balance. Obviously it happens occasionally but I prefer the unscheduled "cheat" (bad mojo making it sound so tempting, haha) or "non-clean indulgent meal." I probably have 2 a week --dinners out where I really want something specific and it's totally worth it! Or brunch I really love brunch on the weekends and I always think it's a good idea because then you have the rest of the day to work off a heavier meal ;)
  • melisalyons
    melisalyons Posts: 24 Member
    I try and only do a cheat night I'll be good all day then eat what I want for dinner and drink some beer , I do this every Sat. Of course I have times when I do whole cheat weekend but not often
  • vickihuk
    vickihuk Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I am on Day 6 of my new routine that my trainer has set out and he has advised me to have 1 x 'refeed' per day where I double the normal calorie intake (which is 1200 cals per day spread over 4 meals all with protein). He said this will speed up my metabolism again so that my body does not get used to the low calorie intake. However, he did say don't waste the extra cals on junk, fast food, sugary foods etc and still include protein in each meal.... My 'refeed' is coming up this Saturday and I am already fantasising about what to have haha, but it is keeping me going! I am thinking pasta with salmon and a lovely glass of red wine!
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    I don't have regular cheat days, but I didn't worry about what I ate on my birthday or at my friend's dinner party. A little splurge once in a while doesn't hurt.