No Weight Loss



  • armyangel88
    I suggest clicking on TOOLS then BMR.

    Add your info, figure out your BMR, and eat that many calories.
    That says 1,754 cals/day
    Wouldn't that be just increasing weight though?

    you would want to eat slightly less than that to create a deficit
    So basically eating anywhere between 1200 (MFP diary suggestion thing) and 1754 (BMR) cals?

    Also...on the days or times I don't feel hungry, I know I should eat but I don't. Anyone have any suggestions on what I could eat or how I should deal with that?
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    No, it means that you aren't eating enough food in a day. You need to eat more, your body thinks it is starving itself. It is in survival mode.
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    ^ as all of above

    + can I suggest a blood check up / general medical? Never a bad idea - I for one found out I have insanely low iron, which might have explained slow weight loss and tiredness. Just a thought.
  • Rainforst
    Rainforst Posts: 40 Member
    Hi you would be surprise how much you are eating of the good stuff. Check and see what a serving size is. Get a good set of scales and measuring cup. I thought I only eat good stuff also and after being on MFP I found out that I was eating way to much of the good stuff.
    Good luck and keep measuring the pounds will come off. I have lose 41 Lbs. just from measuring my food.
  • armyangel88
    No one seemed to be answering one of my major questions:

    This is a huge concern for me because I've been like this as long as I can remember:
    When I'm not hungry I don't eat. I know it's not good but any suggestions on what I could eat just to make sure my body gets the calories it needs?

    Also, thanks everyone for the advice so far!
  • chelsey202
    chelsey202 Posts: 24 Member
    I think that's one big problem I have. If I'm not hungry I don't eat. What would you suggest eating in that scenario? There's a lot of days I find myself not really eating due to stress or what have you (bad habit I know)

    Well here's an issue in itself. If you're stressed and it's causing you loss of appetite, you're going too have to manage the stress before you can think about upping your calories (for example, if I try to eat when stressed I end up with terrible stomach cramps). On the bright side, a great way to deal with stress is exercise.
  • armyangel88
    I think that's one big problem I have. If I'm not hungry I don't eat. What would you suggest eating in that scenario? There's a lot of days I find myself not really eating due to stress or what have you (bad habit I know)

    Well here's an issue in itself. If you're stressed and it's causing you loss of appetite, you're going too have to manage the stress before you can think about upping your calories (for example, if I try to eat when stressed I end up with terrible stomach cramps). On the bright side, a great way to deal with stress is exercise.
    Even when I'm not stressed there are a lot of times I find myself not hungry.
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Please read this:

    If you are serious about eating healthy and making a lifestyle change, these will help you alot.
  • MrsLong1980
    MrsLong1980 Posts: 181 Member
    No one seemed to be answering one of my major questions:

    This is a huge concern for me because I've been like this as long as I can remember:
    When I'm not hungry I don't eat. I know it's not good but any suggestions on what I could eat just to make sure my body gets the calories it needs?

    Also, thanks everyone for the advice so far!

    Sounds like you need to schedule meals and MAKE yourself eat - 500 / 600 cals a day is not good, and your walking IS exercise. You need to have high protein, low fat meats (turkey, chicken) and up good fats like nuts and seeds, omega 3 fish oils. If you're on a 1200 calorie on MFP you've probably logged to lose 2lbs a week since that's the max and the min the web site allows you to eat is 1200. You should follow this, that's how this will work for you.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    you want to eat more than your bmr but less than your tdee each day. just eating at your b m r will give you enough calories to sustain life for the day. your bmr is how many calories you burn while doing nothing. not walking, not jumping, as if you were in a Coma.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member

    No one seemed to be answering one of my major questions:

    This is a huge concern for me because I've been like this as long as I can remember:
    When I'm not hungry I don't eat. I know it's not good but any suggestions on what I could eat just to make sure my body gets the calories it needs?

    Also, thanks everyone for the advice so far
    when you are hungry try to eat foods which are more dense in calories. like peanuts or peanut butters, dense cheeses anything with high healthy fats will help you raise your calories
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Once you start eating a bit more you might be surprised, your metabolism is likely at a low level, eat a bit more, wait a few days, add a few more. Could be an apple, banana, a little hummus and carrots, there are tons of ways to add a few healthy calories that do not need refrigeration and you can throw in your pack for school, start slow and work up, you will be surprised how fast your body will get reprogrammed to expect food at a certain time and start telling you "Feed Me". Give it a try, don't try to go from 700 to 1200 in a day, you drifted down to that level so work back up to 1200, then maybe try to get it a bit higher a few days a week, closer ot your BMR.
  • micro1039
    micro1039 Posts: 3 Member
    Sometimes if you eat to little your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism will slow down. Use the calculator they have on FitnessPal to see how much you want to weigh and how much you need to eat. A good weight lose is 1-1 1/2 lbs a week. If you lose to fast you will gain it back and then some. Slow and steady wins the race. Where did I here that before?? :)
  • armyangel88
    Sometimes if you eat to little your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism will slow down. Use the calculator they have on FitnessPal to see how much you want to weigh and how much you need to eat. A good weight lose is 1-1 1/2 lbs a week. If you lose to fast you will gain it back and then some. Slow and steady wins the race. Where did I here that before?? :)
    Yeah according to my diary today, my body is in starvation mode because it only sees about 700 or so cals a day. Also, at certain times, my stomach will be growling but it's like I'm not hungry...probably just programmed that way. Going to start eating a banana or something throughout the day to get my calorie count upwards.
  • MrsLong1980
    MrsLong1980 Posts: 181 Member
    Sometimes if you eat to little your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism will slow down. Use the calculator they have on FitnessPal to see how much you want to weigh and how much you need to eat. A good weight lose is 1-1 1/2 lbs a week. If you lose to fast you will gain it back and then some. Slow and steady wins the race. Where did I here that before?? :)
    Yeah according to my diary today, my body is in starvation mode because it only sees about 700 or so cals a day. Also, at certain times, my stomach will be growling but it's like I'm not hungry...probably just programmed that way. Going to start eating a banana or something throughout the day to get my calorie count upwards.

    Think you should be having more than a banana if you want to do this properly and get over the 1000 calories mark in a day - a banana and peanut butter sandwich would be perfect, wholewheat bread and you're well on your way.
  • MrsLong1980
    MrsLong1980 Posts: 181 Member
    If you make your diary public we can help you with what to eat to increase your calories - losing weight doesn't mean eating less, it means eating more of the right foods :)
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Its not always what you eat but how much - portions and how often. Having a salad but adding dressings or full fat coleslaws can increase the calories to more than a big mac meal! Drinks can also add 'hiden' calories also. Either that or your not eating enough, you'll be able to use mfp to find the right balance.
    Usually I eat maybe once or twice a day. Lately my diet has been as follows:
    Breakfast (615am) - a small bowl of kellogs mini wheats - little bites - chocolate with no milk added. (thats usually about 95 cals or so)
    Lunch - none
    Dinner - usually a warm meal like a small bowl of pasta or something, or a sandwich.
    Snacks - usually none.

    And I usually have about 3 coffees a day (and I just add milk...which I know adds cals)

    You are eating way too low calories and I don't see fruits or vegetables!
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    Hi, an under active thyroid can sometimes do this. Make it easy for your body to gain and harder to lose weight. Can get that checked maybe. If you have been doing some fitness and losing lately, your body could have hit a 'plateau' maybe. They can stick with you for 6 weeks sometimes, so unless you do something completely different and surprise/shock your body into doing something else, new routine, new exercise it will help to get things started again. When you do start doing this, increase your intake of protein throughout the day. Have your 3 meals but in between and especially after exercises, have a protein shake or protein bar or natural proteins like eggs/meat etc. This will help get things kick started to burn up cals again. best of luck.
  • armyangel88
    Its not always what you eat but how much - portions and how often. Having a salad but adding dressings or full fat coleslaws can increase the calories to more than a big mac meal! Drinks can also add 'hiden' calories also. Either that or your not eating enough, you'll be able to use mfp to find the right balance.
    Usually I eat maybe once or twice a day. Lately my diet has been as follows:
    Breakfast (615am) - a small bowl of kellogs mini wheats - little bites - chocolate with no milk added. (thats usually about 95 cals or so)
    Lunch - none
    Dinner - usually a warm meal like a small bowl of pasta or something, or a sandwich.
    Snacks - usually none.

    And I usually have about 3 coffees a day (and I just add milk...which I know adds cals)

    You are eating way too low calories and I don't see fruits or vegetables!
    Haha yeah...i have to start eating more fruits and veggies (I know) Just ate breakfast...lots of calories there alone (yikes). But I'll make my diary unprivate so people can help out and give me ideas on what I should be eating.
    Also, I know peanuts and peanut butter are being suggested everywhere, but unfortunately I'm deathly allergic to hazelnuts so I don't even go near peanuts as a general rule.
    Any suggestions on substitutes? For now I gotta get ready for school
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    this may sound odd, but if you don't eat enough a day, it will mess with your metabolism. it really isn't a good idea to miss any meals. try to eat at least a light lunch if you aren't hungry...
    I think that's one big problem I have. If I'm not hungry I don't eat. What would you suggest eating in that scenario? There's a lot of days I find myself not really eating due to stress or what have you (bad habit I know)

    This is the problem I was having when trying to lose weight, I had a dietitian tell me I wasn't eating enough food, I always had a healthy breakfast but then I wouldn't eat until tea time also I wasn't having carbs at night which the dietitian said was a big no no so I was in permanent starvation mode and didn't lose weight in fact I was gaining ! It has taken me a couple of years to learn to eat more but I am finally losing weight and doing it slowly as that is the best way to do it