30 Day Shred vs. Ripped in 30

I am in the process of doing the 30 DS and love it. After I'm finished, was thinking that for a change up I would do Ripped in 30 - Anyone here ever do both and, if so, would you recommend Ripped in 30? I just don't want to do the same moves that the Shred had. If it's similar, I may get her kickboxing DVD. Thanks!


  • caddygarcia123
    caddygarcia123 Posts: 122 Member
    I personally like ripped in 30 but you'll see a lot of the 30 DS moves in the Ripped in 30. I would go for the kickboxing DVD because the ripped in 30 has alot of the same moves still a great workout DVD though!
  • sedelagarza
    sedelagarza Posts: 96 Member
    I just bought 30 day shred and I hoping it works. I need to lose 16 lbs and tone up, has it done anything for you? I was doing p90x but I'm having a hard time with it being an hour long for 6 days a week.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Day 5 of 30 DS level 1 I love the fact only 20 minutes long. I usually add 15 minutes on treadmill.
  • louisey112
    louisey112 Posts: 573 Member
    30 Day Shred is awesome .. I'm not even halfway through yet and I can already tell a HUGE difference in how I feel, my stamina and I can see a change in body as well. I think I might do the kickboxing one next and then go back to the shred. Thanks all for your input!
  • I have done both and personally I liked ripped in 30 better, not that 30DS isn't any good, I just liked the other better!
  • im_blessed
    im_blessed Posts: 74 Member
    I have done both and personally I liked ripped in 30 better, not that 30DS isn't any good, I just liked the other better!

    I'm with you. I liked Ripped in 30 better too.
  • alex6971
    alex6971 Posts: 51 Member
    What kind of exercise do you log for doing the 30 day shred I have just purchased it and will be doing level 1.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I always log it as circuit training.

    I really like them both. I think JM tries too hard to act really tough in RI30. It's fairly annoying for me. But it's a great workout. I found Level 3 of RI30 to be really diffcult. Level 4 is a little easier I think and I actually enjoy Level 4.

    I like that the strength training portions of RI30 are only 30 seconds each (3) vs 1 minute each (2) in 30DS.
  • sarajo16
    sarajo16 Posts: 142 Member
    I've done both and starting with the 30 DS is good cos you get used to her style. RI30 is the same idea but the exercises are more challenging. Jillian talks a lot of rubbish in it but I just zone her out. All the levels are hard and really push me. Try 6 pack 6 weeks if you want something different in between.
  • lpekny
    lpekny Posts: 63 Member
    I have done 30 Day Shred and I am a little over half way done with Ripped. I like them both. Ripped is a little more challenging than the Shred was in my opinion. I dread doing the workouts, but when I finish I feel great about it. And I am seeing results!!
  • louisey112
    louisey112 Posts: 573 Member
    I'll probably end up doing all her vidoes anyway .. I like her even though I think she talks over the top sometimes...lol. But the exercises themselves do work so I'll give her that! I'm still weighing between the RI 30 and kickboxing .... I'll give it a few more days before I decide, but I definitely don't want to stop. Thanks again for all your input - it's much appreciated!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i am 4 days away from finishing 30ds for the second time. I bought ripped in 30 to start after . I hope it's just as good but i hope the exercises are easier on my knees then some of them that were in 30ds... i had to modify some or replace them with other exercises..
  • What Kickboxing DVD is Jillian? Is it called Cardio Kickbox? I am looking for her Kickboxing DVD! I also want her new Body Revolution!

  • tina_fay
    tina_fay Posts: 29 Member
    I have not done both, but thought I'd share my success with you on JM's Ripped in 30. I finished 1 week and lost 4.5 pounds and lost 7 inches! I've struggled to lose a single pound in 4 months, but this workout kicked it and I'm sure contributed to my loss. Just started week 2 today...it was tough! I have been logging my workouts as circuit training and it said 326 per 30 minute workout, but today I logged it and it only gave me 318 for the same 30 minutes. I'm not sure why it changed...and if anything, the 2nd week workout is tougher, therefore I should be logging a higher calorie burned. Not sure really how to log it now, so I guess I will keep it at what it gives me.
  • ChinaLexie
    ChinaLexie Posts: 37 Member
    I'm a BIG fan of Ripped in 30. Generally faster paced and more rigorous. I thought I was in pretty good shape, but after level 1 of Ripped, I was tired and winded. Not to mention my BUTT and LEGS were SOOOOORE the next day. But, don't give up. Stick with it! Results are totally inevitable with this dvd. In fact, I really like her video "Yoga Meltdown". I often to 30 minutes of Ripped and then 30 of Yoga Meltdown. :) Just a thought. You'll succeed with whatever you do!
  • I did 30DS last year and was amazed by my results. Sadly I fell off the wagon not too long ago but am back on it. This time I decided to start with Ripped in 30 and will then move back to 30DS. In regards to TinaFay69- I always log it as circuit training as well but I always wear a heartrate monitor to get a more accurate number. I dont have a fancy one but it does the trick. I paid about $30 for it and it was a worthwhile purchase. Today I start Week 3 of Ripped in 30 and with my 1200 calorie diet, I am hoping to see results by the end of week 4. (Sidenote: I do not weigh myself b/c of the whole muscle gain thing so I go by measurements alone).
  • mchotiner
    mchotiner Posts: 13 Member
    Does anyone have thoughts / suggestions on estimating how many calories burned for 30 day shred level one - I weight 163. I've been estimating 250 but really have no clue if that is reasonable.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    I do 30 Day Shred and then I do Kickbox Fastfix. Combined, I think it's an amazing work out!!
  • mchall03
    mchall03 Posts: 8 Member
    I really like them both. I think JM tries too hard to act really tough in RI30. It's fairly annoying for me. But it's a great workout. I found Level 3 of RI30 to be really diffcult. Level 4 is a little easier I think and I actually enjoy Level 4.

    THIS. I did 30DS then RI30. Ripped in 30 is harder, although the moves are similar. I was happy doing it right after 30DS though because it was definitely more of a challenge. Jillian is way more annoying in it though-- have to be able to get past that.

    (Also, I totally agree about Level 3 being harder than Level 4. If I remember correctly, the duck walk was in Level 3 and that was KILLER.)
  • Thank you all so much for your feedback! I started Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and then I want to get Ripped in 30! And really want to get her kickboxing video! Just got my htm in the mail so I am excited to see my actual calorie burn! Thank you all again! :wink: