So, anyone else in here not have a gallbladder?



  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    I had mine removed on friday the 13th January 2006 and have not had any problems since
  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member
    I had mine out about 15 years ago. Fortunately, I only had one bad night of pain. Drove myself to the emergency room, and they took it out the next day. The doctors couldn't believe it hadn't been bothering me for quite awhile.

    You know, I never realized until reading this thread that having my gall bladder out and my need to be close to a bathroom after eating out at some restaurants were related. I just thought I had a weird stomach. Fascinating.

    Yep. For me it's a must to be near a decent restroom if we are eating out. Usually I'm cool... especially with my newfound health kick. But there are certain restaurants that my husband will want to go to, and for me it's like "ah, great...."...

    But yes, I just have to watch the fats & fried foods... which I should veer away from ANYWAY...

    My dr. said that the bathroom thing should go away... some people never get it, some it goes away after a few months, others a few years... they have medicine for it; but the stuff is so awefull - I'd rather deal with the bathroom issue.
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    I had mine out in 2006. I had gravel, not stones...LOL That's the way they explained it to me. Anyway, it wasn't working, so they took it out.

    I've never had a problem eating anything that I know of. I do have IBS, and that acts up sometimes. Can't trace it to any specific food intake, though.
  • scottishprincess66
    i had mine out about 25 years ago the main thing i can say don't eat greasy food it will kill you ....i have to say Maalox was my friend for a long time ...I'm much better now tho
  • AmandaM15
    AmandaM15 Posts: 28 Member
    I had mine removed in September of 2011. I haven't had too many problems BUT... I don't eat meat, I'm lactose intolerant and allergic to wheat. So I guess I'm not eating very many fatty foods to test it out. The times I have eaten french fries or chips I mostly just have major bloating, nausea and will be needing to stay near a bathroom. :P I'm toally ok with this though because it helps keep me in line. ;)
  • tinyrah
    tinyrah Posts: 32 Member
    Had mine out a couple of years ago- no problems with any foods
  • hisgirl86
    hisgirl86 Posts: 142 Member

    for a while i had to really watch the fatty foods, or be close to a bathroom >.> but now i can eat what i want.

    ^ this right here, for the first few years after having it out, I had TERRIBLE stomach cramps and URGENT needs for a bathroom if I ate the wrong thing. These days ( 8 years later) I can eat anything, and only have trouble out of a few things, but not consistently.
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    had mine removed 6mths after having my son in 2003 - i can't eat really fatty/greasy foods without being near a bathroom but other then that most foods dont bother me too much
  • hellotina
    hellotina Posts: 147 Member
    I had mine out in 2001. The crazy thing is that since then i have stedialy gained weight. I have talked to others that have had theirs out also and most have had the same problem. My dr says he doesnt think it would cause weight gain but I beg to differ. The purpose of a gall bladder is to store bile to break down fatty foods. Well if we dont have them broke down then what happens? I am sure a large part is getting older and more sedintary but i still think it plays a roll.
    I have had a few episodes that feel like a gall bladder attack but im not sure what it was. I was in horrible horrible pain a few different times and it finally subsided and havent had anything lately but who knows!

    i am with you, i totally think it can cause weight gain. i went to the ER last mother's day & had to have mine removed. from then until i started MFP in november 2011 i gained 17lbs rapidly, i was in shock & horrified- that was also my push to change my lifestyle.

    as far as diet goes, for 6 months after i had mine removed i had horrible stomach issues no matter what i ate it seemed like. lets just say i use to be one of those people who would only go to the bathroom (#2) at my own house.. well i was forced to get over that fear. lol i even had a colonoscopy/upper gi scope because i was so freaked out with how my stomach/bowels were. it was horrible. now its almost been a year since it was removed & its better, but i still have those completely random stomach issue days. i'm just learning to live with it i guess.
  • DottieNewton
    DottieNewton Posts: 112 Member
    I had mine removed 3 yrs ago. I only have the occasional problem. When I eat McDonalds is is of those times. I rarely eat there anyway. I have noticed I don't tolerate fried foods very well. Guess, that is a good thing. So thankful that the pain is gone.You CAN still form stones without a gallbladder. So, for some of you who are continuing to has severe problems perhaps you need to have it checked out.