what should i do when im just so so hungry?



  • 30togomoveit
    30togomoveit Posts: 116 Member
    a pint is 16 oz.
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member
    I usually find that exercising helps control my hunger. After a good workout, I don't want to eat. And if I'm still hungry later, I have those extra calories that I can spend.
  • eat something good for you! go for a run... do something.... soup is good... low sodium and low cal....
  • betsygw
    betsygw Posts: 43 Member
    Make sure your net calories (after exercise) are at least 1200, this is the minimum amount of calories most people's bodies need to function properly. Lots of water, and make sure you are getting enough calories. I actually lose more quickly when I keep my net calories at a 1200 minimum, I tend to plateau when I let my net calories fall below 1200, and I am STARVING on those days:). Good luck
  • mskari77
    mskari77 Posts: 142
    If you're really hungry and not dehydrated or bored. DEFINITELY EAT! The way you can tell if you're hungry or just in the mood for something is..........******True hunger---you'll eat just about anything. Craving----You have something specific in mind:tongue******

    Make it a healthy food choice if you're hungry...don't worry about the extra calories! Yogurt, eggs, low fat cheese, apple etc....

    In response to the starred part.....what do you do if your stomach is growling, and you are not hungry for anything specific and literally nothing sounds or looks good to eat, but you KNOW you are starving!! LOL A scoop of PB has been my savior on these nights many many times.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Eat baby!!
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Australia > metric system. i dont know what oz are either
    its mls, ltrs, grams and kilos for me.

    Btw > im really glad i joinded mfp. thanks everyone for being so helpful its just great. + awesome motivation
  • loric3
    loric3 Posts: 3
    If you like pickles, they have 0 calories.
  • I have started to eat more vegetables and fruit when I get hungry. Instead of going through the drive thru and getting those hamburgers and fries.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    according to google 1 liter is 2 pints.

    EAT! Especially if you exercise - eat something healthy and don't stress so much - you can do this!
  • ladypinnix
    ladypinnix Posts: 4 Member
    Once you find the right balance for your own body, you won't feel hungry. I too was trying to stick to 1200 / day - I turned into a major B!*$& ! I increased to 1400-1500, ensuring most of my calories come from veggies, beans and lean meat like turkey. I workout and my net averages 1000-1200 / day. Thats the perfect balance for me. :-) I love nonfat cottage cheese, or nonfat greek yogurt as a snack. Also Jicama is a good alternative to a pear or an apple - more fiber and less sugar, but still sweet and juicy! :-)
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    You can eat more cause you are exercising. Therefore, you won't be hungry. Exercise calories are a wonderful thing, plus you will keep from losing muscle cause you're no longer starving yourself.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Once you find the right balance for your own body, you won't feel hungry. I too was trying to stick to 1200 / day - I turned into a major B!*$& ! I increased to 1400-1500, ensuring most of my calories come from veggies, beans and lean meat like turkey. I workout and my net averages 1000-1200 / day. Thats the perfect balance for me. :-) I love nonfat cottage cheese, or nonfat greek yogurt as a snack. Also Jicama is a good alternative to a pear or an apple - more fiber and less sugar, but still sweet and juicy! :-)

    Yeah i think i just need to get the hang of it and not forget everything i have learnt previously about nutrition just because im counting calories, somethings might have more calories but are actually less fattening because of the structure of the foods and how they are digested and broken down and all the rest, plus combinations of food, like bitterness stimulation receptors in the small intestine which produce bile to break down fats and lipids so out body can process them better...
    But i think your totally right... need to find a balnce.

    also i thought i had to stick to 1200, but lots of people are telling me that i shouldnt go under 1200 if im exercising.. so that confused me a bit.

    but im only a few days in so ill get he hang of everything.
  • mariacamera
    mariacamera Posts: 14 Member
    I think its fine for you to have a healthy snack. A suggestion would be to have a tangerine and some toasted almonds, and make a cup of tea. That is what I did yesterday when I was starving, and felt very satisfied after.
  • LuckBeWithU
    LuckBeWithU Posts: 173 Member
    Eat!!! Your body is telling you your hungry, so feed it.
    Just make good food choices...
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Ive only just started on mfp,
    and my diests never been a huge problem, i love to cook and sometimes probably indulged a little in the gourmet side of things but overall never to bad , lots of fresh food from the garden.

    but my exercise was really lacking.
    so im focusing mostly on that...
    but even 'healthy' foods seem to have lots of calories
    my first few days staying underthe 1200 calorie goal was easy

    but today im starving

    what should i do? is it ok to eat a little bit more if its healthy food and i do extra excersize to compensate?

    Why not eat more? You can lose weight by eating more and exercising. Why are you trying to stay UNDER 1200 calories? That won't accomplish anything .
  • Well first, please don't consume less than 1200 calories a day. Your body is not getting the nutrients it needs and you go into starvation mode. Assuming that you are within a healthy caloric consumption ratio and are looking to quell cravings hunger, try making an ice coffee made with sugar substitute and non-dairy creamer (mix that in before adding ice of course).

    Coffee is a mild appetite suppressant and the ice coffee can feel like a little treat. You can even add a dollop of lite whipped cream to give it a Starbucks feel.

    I made one at work this morning in one of those travel straw-lid tumblers and sipped on it all day and was surprise how little I was hungry during lunch and dinner. One side salad from Panera, half a panini, a croissant, and a bowl of cereal, and some edamame was all that I ate and I was happy and craving free. 8 )
  • rollyberry
    rollyberry Posts: 2 Member
    I just had a cheeseburger... this happens when I don't allow myself to have moderately filling snacks the cravings kick in and I give in sometimes and its a domino effect right after the burger I had a bean burrito because I felt bad about giving in to the burger... UGH! So frustrating but tomorrow is a new day and I can't lie they were SOOO GOOOD!
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    I ate carrot sticks the other day instead of a cadbury egg.

    You are VERY VERY STRONG WILLED. Don't know if I could have done that!

    I second this!! I haven't said NO to a cadbury egg YET. LOL Nice job with the will power!

    I can turn down a Cadbury egg--it's a Russel Stover Chocolate Marshmallow egg that's the problem. I stockpile them. Sometimes I have to run a lot of laps this time of year.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    well you shouldn't be UNDER 1200 calories and if you're exercising you need MORE than 1200 calories; hence the "starving."

    Not necessarily true. People under 5' can have a bmr less than 1200. MFP just doesn't want any one starving themselves so they put that boundry on.

    You should be shooting for 80% of your CURRENT BMR. That may be less than 1200....but also probably not.

    Just work out more and eat some more. Or have some gum, that always works for me. :)