How dirty are you?



  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I don't do housework as I am a man.

    >ducks for cover<
    you guys do have it pretty easy ;)

    I know this is all in good fun, but us men cop such a bad wrap when it comes to household chores!

    Here's my list of what I personally do around the house (in addition to working full-time):

    Clean the bathrooms every week
    Vacuum, sweep and mop the floors
    Do the dishes almost every night
    Cook dinner a couple of times a week (and no this is not just eggs on toast :tongue: )
    Take out the garbage
    Mow the lawns and take care of all the yard work
    Put through 2-3 loads of washing a week
    Then there's tidying up after our two kids (4 & 2yo) which could be a full time job in itself.

    I'm not saying I'm perfect by any means, and our house often still looks like a tip, but I definitely do my fair share and there are a few of us out there. I think we're all married though... we get snapped up fast on the open market :laugh: :laugh: .
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    I have a cleaning service.

    Yea, I'm smug about it.

    IM jeaolus - we had one but they quit on us and havent hired one back

    my house isnt dirty but its chaotic and im OK with that - there is **** everywhere - but as long as the dishes are done (thank god for 11 year olds!) and the bathrooms clean Im OK -

    Used to work out super early every day so I could had time in evening to clean up - screw that I work out when I want now and the house will get cleaned.... eventually.....
  • tracferg
    tracferg Posts: 31 Member
    I let them slide and get yelled at by the wife.

    I let them slide and yell at my hubby lol
  • sarge634
    sarge634 Posts: 42
    I cant deal with dirty dishes but sweep and mop weekly as well as doing the bathrooms,did i mention i hate dusting?
  • nursegnet
    nursegnet Posts: 155 Member
    It all comes down to time management. You might find this article interesting:

    Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. And have your family members help out with chores. :)

    I wish I could delegate! My poor husband has turned into my houseband. He's been doing the chores for a while.
  • thelassiemickyjames
    definitely NOT a neat freak. Will avoid cleaning my room ( I rent a room in a house) with dishes and clothes everywhere, all the while hitting up the gym for over an hour every night, until I can't stand it or we're having a party or company of some sort. Fitness is definitely my priority, I can tolerate my own filth, just not anybody elses. haha
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Dishes are washed whilst I'm preparing food

    I can't stand mess anywhere, I hate how my boyfriend leaves crap everywhere, he opens something and leaves the top off. Takes his clothes off and makes no attempt to put them away


    i think they all do this....we have a hamper 3 feet from the bed but his clothes never make it there. men will be men ;) cereal bowls in the basement, protein shakers in the garage, wrappings everywhere.

    No. We don't all do this.
  • barbergirl28
    barbergirl28 Posts: 54 Member
    I guess I really don't have a schedule... I clean when I want because frankly with a 2 year old... my house will never be clean. I also have a 7 year old who adds to the mess and a 9 year old that hides from chores. My husband works 2 jobs so he isn't available to help at all. This means it is all left on my shoulders. However, it will always be there tomorrow.

    So... I guess if I have to make a choice - as long as where I workout is clean and free of toys that I can get hurt on... I will always choose my workout. But mind you - my house isn't trashed... if I wanted it acceptable for company it would take less than an hour to have it looking good! :)
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I do everything on my days off. On my work days i leave it to hubby as he works from home on the days i work and only works mornings on my days off. My house isn't clean enough for the queen to visit but th dishes are clean, laundry is clan and folded, floors are vacuumed and swept and the bathrooms are clean. It's by no means spotless but it's not a disaster either.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I've become a better housekeeper since I decided to get fit. The mindset of 'always move, always do something'. If I'm on the computer I get up and move around frequently, picking up as I's just easier to clean up little messes before they become huge. My house isn't spotless, but if I close the doors to the kids' room and block the view of the laundry I'm not afraid to have guests over. :)

    I have declared the boys' rooms a "No Mother" zone. It's their responsibility to keep their room clean (well clean for teenagers) and to do their own laundry. Saturday is deep-clean day inside-one room each week, and Sunday is yard-work...I can't wait to pull out my reel mower so I can do yard-work and exercise at the same time.
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    I have a cleaning service.

    Yea, I'm smug about it.

    I gave up my cleaning lady to be able to afford a personal trainer. :ohwell: My mother would be appalled at the state of my house right now. At least I managed to mop the kitchen floor this week.

    Seriously though I agree with the poster who said she will not be thinking on her deathbed "Oh I wish I had kept my kitchen cleaner." Pretty sure I won't either.
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 172 Member
    Ok, Ladies. Now don't get mad at me, but I don't do much around the house. I work full-time and my husband is currently unemployed. He does all the cooking (not the stereotypical "guy" cooking...he cooks everything from scratch since I eat completely clean -- bread, pasta, bbq sauce, broth, etc.), he keeps the house picked up, he does all the dishes, he takes care of the yard and the dogs, and he does "projects" day I came home and an entire wall was missing in our spare is now my workout/music/nail room. I am a lucy girl!! :heart:
  • nicholettebell
    I invite people over for dinner as an excuse to clean my house in preparation.

    Me too!
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    On days when I have school all day and workouts, I don't do any housework, because by the time I get home, I'm exhausted, and don't care. Off days, I exercise, but I'll clean up the house as well. At the moment, the house is a mess, because today was a school day. And I don't care at all.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I have 3 dogs, I have to vacuum and sweep and mop everyday. Dishes get done usually twice a day. I do my bathroom about 3 or 4 times a week cause living with boys is icky. I usually do a few loads of laundry a day. I do my baseboards and walls at least once a week. I shampoo carpets once a week. Windows whenever I see my damn dogs nose print on them. I dust around every 2 or 3 days. I don't touch my yard. That's one of my sons chores. I still work out between all that and cooking and taking care of 3 kids.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I clean every day, but not deep clean. Dishes at least twice a day, straightening up living room twice a day, play room three times a week, laundry on wednesday and floors on friday.
    I hate clutter. It messes with control issues and triggers panic attacks if it gets out of hand.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    I always do a quick cleaning when after i workout before i hop in shower in the evening. i get home at 5 and i hurry and get in hour worth of exercise or 30 minute if i work later.. then i start cleaning an cooking dinner and as dinner is cooking depending on what it is i go take a fast shower, then on the weekends i have one day i do a more thourow cleaning in all the rooms..
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I'm unemployed and on disability so I have basically all the time in the world. Usually once I've worked out, unless I've exhausted myself or made my chest burn (asthma) then I have enough adrenaline to get any cleaning or chores done. There are times when even if I'm exhausted and it's bed time, I'll be up cleaning or sorting or whatever simply because it's on my mind and I know tomorrow I'll procrastinate.

    Even when I had school and walked the 3 blocks to the gym I used to attend then after school, when I came home I still cleaned the dishes and the litterbox and took out trash on trash days and often times ended up cooking myself dinner and having to clean dishes again if my mom was working late. And those were the years I lived on 4 hours of sleep.

    Probably helps that I have mild OCD.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I was going to say super dirty...but that is another story...hahahhaa

    I usually do my workout in the morning or afternoon....I will then do dishes late at nighty when everyone goes to to clear my mind as I scrub the daily dinner off the dishes.
  • sarahjaynestewart
    I work part time shift work so I clean everyday, like dishes, bathroom (I have to males living with me) and general tidying..and I will do my workout whenever I can day or night...

    But on a Sunday morning I'm up at 6-7am and everything gets done including the door frames, skirting boards and inside/on top of Kitchen cupboards and so on.

    But I have only just started to do something about my weight and I have only just joined M.F.P so I guess the housework will slide sometimes and I suppose I will have to re-arrange a few chores in order to get my workout done....but no big deal it will be worth it in the end.

    My 10 year old likes pocket money, Xbox and going out after school, he earns all this by picking 1 chore to do every other day, like dishes, polishing, taking out the bins or hovering his bedroom etc. Mwhahaha!