Alright Whats the Secret!!??

I've lost 15 pound since i've gotten serious about loosing weight and i have about 15 more to go i guess. But now that im nearing the end i need to know what exactly i need to do to loose inches off my stomach. I've been doing cardio that's how i lost 15 lbs, and im also eating healthier... When im in the gym, i do side bends... anyone have good tips for my stomach?? Seriously if your someone who's seen great results from doing 1000 crunches a days for example, tell me, I have 10 weeks to get rid of this!!!


  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    It will come off...I have mine still. I still have some weight & fat that has to go. The abs don't look so good with fat over them. eat right...and do P90X or 30 day shred
  • Metsfn4life
    Metsfn4life Posts: 125 Member
    The only thing that worked for me was circuit training. I used to use all those machines at the gym and never saw definition until I started doing Jillian Michaels (ripped in 30) and Insanity. What I do is cardio 4 to 5 times a week, and circuit training 3 times per week. I finally have muscles and definition in my tummy.
  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    With the stomach you really need to to work the whole core, this include abdominals, obliques, and even the lower back muscles and glutes. The abdominals support the back in all movements and setting up the whole core is setting yourself up to become durable not vulnerable! :)

    Also abs are made in the kitchen, eat healthy :)
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    As far as I know, the only way is to keep on losing. Thats what Im doing. Its the last place the fat leaves on me :(
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    Try getting a medicine ball and doing core workouts with it. The moves are as simple as standing holding the ball out and turning at the waist. It's low-tech but gets the job done. Simply google "medicine ball core workout" and there are plenty of good choices. Plus, if you buy one, you can do that part of your workout at home and get out of the gym for some of the time.
  • daisyduke523
    daisyduke523 Posts: 6 Member
    I just got the 30 day you think it really works? I've only done it for two days and I am already sooo sore! Did it really work for you though??
  • paignt
    paignt Posts: 15
    Spot reducing is a myth. It's best to just keep on eating healthy and working out. However, if you really want to do something about it, I'd suggest strength training. Strength training will help tone your muscles and give you a more defined look. Not a bodybuilder look, nothing close to it, but you will have a little definition.
    Hope this answers your question. :)
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    You really just have to lose the other 15 lbs. I think that the fat around our waist is the last to go, you need to work your abs but losing the fat is the answer and that is done with what you eat.
  • sonpari24
    sonpari24 Posts: 62 Member
    there are some very good ab exercises on the youtube ..i am currently following one of them n in just ten days i m noticing the difference