Running To Lose Weight?



    DFWTT Posts: 374
    That looks like the Couch to 5K program or C25K. It is a great program and lots of them are on line. I did that in January 2011 and after that ran in 5 races It's really an awesome way to get yourself running and/or there is not a thing wrong with alternating walking/running, etc. whatever keeps your feet moving is really great. I did 6.1 miles this evening - not fast as I mostly walked or jogged but it was very nice

    Well thank you! I do feel very stupid going up and down so often in speed at the gym... I know no one is paying attention, and if they are they're not there for the right reasons... but anyhow it's just weird pushing the speed up and down the entire time I'm there... BUT I know that I look better running half the time and repeatedly/frequently on and off than not running at all... or so I hope... but it does create that "I'm a twit" feeling... fo sho!

    Noone notices...except for people like me who use the people next to me for motivation...will they stay as long or not?? Really they don't.

    Use the interval button to change your speed if the mill has one. You set two speeds in the beginning and only have to push one button to go or slow. Not push push push push etc.
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    I might try this. Thank you. I don't enjoy running but I have dreams that I am a great runner.
  • d_89
    d_89 Posts: 30 Member
    Bump for later
  • virtuet
    virtuet Posts: 1
    I have always been taught that but some many people tell you so many different things - so... if you want to loose weight you need cardio and light weights to keep muscles toned/tightened?
    Do you think doing the weight circut would be enough to keep the muscles good? I am the biggest I have ever been and have started to focus again on my health.
    Also what cardio machine would you suggest to get rid of the fat around the mid tummy area ? (under the ribs area, to the love handles yukkkk).

    Make sure you lift some weights as well.
    When losing fat youll be losing lean mass along with it.
    Lifting weights 2 times a week will help slow that loss down.

    Otherwise youll extend your dieting time because youll probably need to add lean mass later!

    If you are O2 or O3 you have enough ATP in your muscles to actually build lean mass while in a deficit!
    So take advantage of it while you can!

    ... sadly this is foreign language to me. Can you break it down elementary? ;-) Thanks!

    People who are Obese 2 or Obese 3 have an unusual amount of ATP in their muscle tissue.
    ATP is expelled when you lift weights and is a form of energy for the body.
    Because O2 and O3 people have extra ATP, they are able to expend the proper amount of energy for muscle growth or Hypertrophy.
    So it isnt unusual for people who are in the 35-50+% body fat range to gain muscle while eating below TDEE.
    Those of us who are in the 10-30% BF range and want to gain muscle have to eat above TDEE and create an energy surplus.

    So while you have a great cardio routine, if you arent lifting weights you can actually lose lean mass as well as fat.

    If you have low lean mass to start with youll just be "shrinking" yourself and later youll have to zig zag the diet or eat at a surplus to make up the lost lean mass.

    Also if you are obese, you stand to injure yourself if you dont know how to run correctly.

    Walking after dinner for 20-30 mins is beneficial and you arent at risk of injury as much as hopping out on the trail and running all out.

    So mild cardio daily with 3 lifting sessions a week should set you right.
    Be sure to take 2 full days off for recovery.

    I'd be more than happy to run personal weight loss numbers for you.
    PM me for details.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    That's what I've started doing!! I walk on an incline at 3ish to 4ish then run at 5.8-6ish I feel silly too moving up and down but hey at least we are moving!!!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I have always been taught that but some many people tell you so many different things - so... if you want to loose weight you need cardio and light weights to keep muscles toned/tightened?
    Do you think doing the weight circut would be enough to keep the muscles good? I am the biggest I have ever been and have started to focus again on my health.
    Also what cardio machine would you suggest to get rid of the fat around the mid tummy area ? (under the ribs area, to the love handles yukkkk).

    Unfortunately you cannot target fat loss.
    Simply by eating right and having proper sleep you will lose weight.
    You dont even need cardio to lose it either!
    I just started a small mild cardio routine because i'm at the end of this cycle and am ready for my next cycle.

    Virtuet take a look at my profile and use the fat to fit radio link.
    Get your numbers set up according to their info.
    Set Protein and Fat to 30% and eat 90% whole foods and 10% junk.

    If you really want to take off and build up lean mass while losing weight, adopt a program like Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength and just walk on off days.

    Weight loss is simply eating below the daily energy output on a regular basis and getting proper sleep.
    Muscle retention while losing weight is simply picking heavy things up and putting them down.
    Strengthening the heart and lungs and accelerating fat loss* is all done with mild to moderate cardio**.

    *The human body can only lose so much fat in a day before hormones kick in and start using protein as fuel.
    **mild to moderate cardio is having the ability to talk while at an accelerated heart rate for no more than 45mins 3 times a week.

    I wont hijack this forum since its about cardio and losing weight.
    If you need any info regarding diet plans and how to maintain lean mass PM me.
    I have a group for that!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'm very close to my goal weight, but I'm doing C25K to increase endurance and help flatten my tummy. Tomorrow, I'll do the third day of week 6. I've been covering a total of 7 miles when I do the C25K workout. I walk as fast as I can after I finish running to try to build my stamina. It seems to help. So far, I haven't had a problem. I live in an area with rolling hills, so I do my C25K outside and don't worry about my speed yet. I enjoyed running while I was in my 30's and 40's. I think I can enjoy it again. I like walking, but running can be a nice change, especially if you want to finish your exercise a little quicker.