Who can't do jumping jacks (or sneeze) without . . .



  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    i had two kids and i NEVER had a problem even after they were born, but they were only 5 pounds and the other 6 pounds, and i do alot of kegals all the time...

    However with that being said, i am now 42 and it is still not a problem when i run or jumping jacks, but if i sneeze? yeah a little bit of a problem and it is getting worse i can tell lol..
    oh by the way the person in this pic is me with my oldest son who is now 23, he is my baby!! lol
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    at least you ladies have an excuse :p

    kidding. but I have to say there is nothing sexier than a women that has given so much just to be a good mommy ;)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I didn't have any issues until my second daughter was born. Neither of my kids were overly large. I've done kegels and well.. they've helped some, but they don't make it go away!

    I have to cross my legs when I sneeze too! I always wear a pad when I run because even if I pee before I start, a little will leak out. Blech.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I read an article by an exercise expert once talking about how kegels really are ineffective against strengthening the pelvic floor and may actually weaken it further. I know it flies in the face of all that we've been taught (and she acknowledged this, too, and said that her peers weren't very accepting of her findings), but it seemed to me that she had done her homework pretty well.
    In this article, she said that what could be helpful is having strong gluteal muscles. She gave the reasons why, but I can't remember. I have mommy brain.
    Now, normally I wouldn't bring this up without having more information to tell you or links...but...I've had six children and I don't have this problem (maybe why I only read the article with passing interest. :wink:) AND although I've never been good at remembering to do my kegels, I have worked my gluteal muscles for years and years. Coincidence? I dunno. But maybe something worth looking into!

    ETA--oh yeah, my mom peed herself everytime she sneezed, and she only had two children. Maybe there is more to it than genetics!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Kegels are your friend.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    This reminds me to do my kegels.
  • Kelynallen
    Let's be honest....it is only a few short years until all of us with kids have our bladders thrown in a hammock. My mom and sister in law did it just recently. Dang. That wasn't the place I was expecting to get lifted. ; )
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    i am in this group too

    i know every bathroom in town:bigsmile:
  • sarge634
    sarge634 Posts: 42
    Hmm now i feel out of the loop lol i have twin daughters and though they were c section i dont have a problem with leakage
  • sarge634
    sarge634 Posts: 42
    speaking of kegals does anyone ever get crampy down there while doing them cause i do sometimes,feels like muscle spasms
  • carlzjnr
    carlzjnr Posts: 6
    I've had two bubs, 8lb 12oz/3.91kg and 10lb 6oz/4.71kg. I had issues around two weeks after giving birth to my second bub. I've seen a specialist about it and apparently it is not so much the size of the baby but more about the length of time you were in labour where the baby was pushing on your pelvic floor muscles. My first labour was 27hrs and my second only 6hrs. The specialist said the damage was definitely done during my first labour and having the second bub just brought the issue to the fore. His recommendation was to see a physiotherapist who dealt with pelvic floor strengthening and if by the time my son was two years old and I was still not happy to return to see him to consider my options, i.e. surgery, which I am definitely not doing!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I had a problem starting immediately after I had my first baby - he was not huge, he was 7 lbs 13 oz, but I was in labor for over 30 hours and pushed for about 2.5 hours and had an epidural which necessitated a catheter, and they wouldn't take it out while I pushed so that was additional stress on top of everything else. I did kegels religiously throughout the pregnancy and afterward. It's manageable most of the time, but when I'm working out I have to use an adult bladder control pad b/c you never know when there's going to be a problem, and there pretty much is a problem every single time I workout. When I'm done having children I might check into the surgery to see exactly what kinds of options are out there. But I'm pretty sure it's not advised if you're planning to have more kids, and I am. So for now I'll just deal with it. There are definitely worse problems I could have. ;-)
  • sarge634
    sarge634 Posts: 42
    my labor with my twins from start to finish was 5 hours,i was very lucky
  • Luv2bagramma
    Luv2bagramma Posts: 24 Member
    Has anyone ever seen the commercial for Zicam (I think that's it). The lady is walking across a room (what looks to be a TV station) and she stops, does a partial squat (with her skirt on) and sneezes. EVERY time I see that commercial it makes me have to pee. If I sneezed like that it would be "insta puddle time".

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news ladies...but...it certainly doesn't get any better as you age. Sneezing, coughing, walking, getting up from a chair...squirt squirt....I'm getting pretty good at doing the "cat walk" walk... you know, how those models swing their legs in front of each other and kind of cross them (sashaying maybe). Well I need to do that walking to the bathroom sometimes - except my legs are crossing so hard it's funny I don't trip!

    I don't measure my trips in miles anymore. I measure them in places to pee along the route! :laugh: Took a 60 mile drive a few days ago. Must have peed 8 times before I left (at 11 am), and for sure immediately before exiting the house. Well, 30 miles down the road the urge started. Ten miles after that it was a pitstop at a gas station along the highway. As soon as I got to my destination...another pit stop. Which is bad enough, but I was meeting my 95 year old Grandma at her pre op doctor appt, and I had to go more than she did!

  • sarge634
    sarge634 Posts: 42
    oh i didnt mention my daughters were preemies they were a month early,one was 4'8 and the other was 5'1
  • Partyofpugs
    Partyofpugs Posts: 105
    I had a sling put in last year. Easy recovery. Solved my issue 99%. I rarely leak anymore. I can bend, sneeze, cough, etc and no longer worry. Talk to a urologist. If I have to have it done again later I would do it in a heartbeat!
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I go to a Mums and Bubs Bootcamp and the instructor warns us if there are going to be starjumps (jumping jacks) as there are a number of us who rush off to the loo before we start! :laugh: My babies were 10lb 3oz and 10lb 4oz, but the pelvic floor exercises really REALLY do help!!
  • shellie1206
    shellie1206 Posts: 80 Member
    Thank You Thank You soo very much for posting this cause 11 months ago I gave birth to my son and he also was a big boy 9.5 pds and it sucks that I cant sneeze jump run without a very wet panties. I hate it soo much my mom was telling me about kegels I guess need to start that and hopefully wont be as bad.
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    Sadly, this thread is making me laugh...I need to stop reading it or I'll have a problem right now!!
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    I go to a doctor's office that specializes in women's health issues. I had problems after my son was born and I went into biofeedback therapy. A Device is inserted into the vagina and registers when you are doing the kegels correctly. Once I was able to squeeze the right muscles, I was given exercises to do that varied in duration and amount. Now it has become habit for me to keep up the exercises and my problem is a thing of the past.